UK Newswire Archive
California Safe Schools Honors Sheinbaum & Farrell
01-08-2006 05:27
Students Dialogue With Legendary ActivistsPolice impede Critical Mass.
01-08-2006 05:22

It proclaims of the Commandant in Boss Fidel Castro to the town of Cuba.
01-08-2006 04:24
With reason of the enormous effort carried out to visit the Argentinean city of Córdoba, to participate in the Meeting of MERCOSUR, in the closing of the Summit of the Towns in the historical University of Córdoba....Lets call it what it really is: WAR CRIMES! (by Latuff)
01-08-2006 03:43

G8 Summit, St Petersburg, Russia - On the ground 3
01-08-2006 02:03
Saturday 15 July. My English contacts were nowhere to be found in the camp. After some searching and chasing I contacted them by phone only to find they were holed-up somewhere in the city, too fearful of a complete police lockdown of Kirov stadium, which would put a serious damper on any actions they were planning.bunker-busting bomb-maker UK places
31-07-2006 23:30
Re: The recent story about the US pushing ahead its order of bunker busting bombs to Israel, refuelling the transport planes at Prestwick airport in Scotland... the makers of those bombs are Raytheon and they have several offices and works in the UK, so I'm spreading the info around in the hope that people will pay them some attention. These bombs cause a vacuum, basically sucking the air out of people's lungs (as well as collapsing buildings, etc), and it looks to me that the attacks in lebanon are all against civilians - terror attacks, collective punishment, call it what you will, but designed to scare the living daylights out of the population. And we should resist the architects of what is going onWho's Arming Israel?
31-07-2006 21:24
Much has been made in the U.S. media of the Syrian- and Iranian-origin weaponry used by Hezbollah in the escalating violence in Israel and Lebanon. There has been no parallel discussion of the origin of Israel's weaponry, the vast bulk of which is from the United States.Talk Tank 29 July - Scan Dot Org 30 July mp3
31-07-2006 20:46

Talk Tank - Weekly News Commentary - 29 July 06
AUSTRALIA: NSW Talk Tank - length: 59 mins. mono 14 B Scan Dot Org - length: 30 mins. stereo 27.6 MB Talk Tank - Weekly News Commentary - 29 July 06
Hugo Chavez asks Condoleeza Rice out on a date!
31-07-2006 19:20
Chavez has offered to assuage Condi's sexual frustration by them going on a date and seeing what happens!All Sides Wanted Escalation
31-07-2006 18:05
The kidnapping crisis could have been solved very differently through a prisoner exchange. Since negotiations were impossible with either Hamas or Hezbollah, a military strike was presumbaly the only possible reaction.Irish Political Status Coalition Launched
31-07-2006 16:35
Support Irish Republican Prisoners fighting for their right to be treated as Political Prisoners for their Political Actions and the right of 6 Republican Prisoners to be Repatriated from English Jiails as is their right. "Support All Republican Prisoners"A Weekend of Actions
31-07-2006 16:27

Indonesian Workers Win Struggle Against British Multinational
31-07-2006 15:53

Declaration of the Greek solidarity mission to Lebanon
31-07-2006 15:11
Press releaseDeclaration of the Greek solidarity mission to Lebanon
Police station targetted in Bristol
31-07-2006 14:01

Medea Benjamin Disrupts Iraqi PM Speech
31-07-2006 12:24
Medea broke into a chant saying:"Iraqis want the troops to leave,
bring them home now!
Listen to the Iraqis!"
Mind the Gap... world energy crisis approaches, dire consequences for planet
31-07-2006 11:47
Last year, for the first time since 1992, the UK became a net importer of crude oil as a result of terminal decline of the North Sea oil and gas fields. The British government doesn't appear to worried yet and apparently thinks the country can simply buy the energy it needs so quite some time to come. "The government consider that the world's oil resources are sufficient to prevent global total oil production peaking before 2030," said energy minister Malcolm Wicks earlier this month. Wicks said that the Government are already putting in place policies that will "help ease the UK economy away from power supplied primarily through fossil fuels" - probably a reference to the recent energy review and the U turn on nuclear power.Phophorus used by Israeli's in the millertary action, doctor claims:
31-07-2006 11:42
Please see the video on the website:Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
SOCPA - magistrate censures police
31-07-2006 10:27
last friday, the magistrate in a socpa case recommended that although she was finding the defendant gulity, he should appeal, and should make a complaint to the independent police complaints commission.Directions to AntiG8 Camp, Germany
31-07-2006 10:12
The following information is for all those planning on going to Camp-Inski, the anti-G8 camp which starts in Germany this weekend.For more information, see: