UK Newswire Archive
As London swelters and electricity prices go through the roof...
19-07-2006 13:49
As the 5th International Workshop on Oil and Gas Depletion taking place in Italy this week, Peter Gerling of the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Germant, presented his controversial outline of Coal being the prime energy of the future...."Theo-Poetry" against Religious Illiteracy
19-07-2006 12:51
The language of having replaces the language of being.. Our relation to the world is defined by the most important idols worshipped by our culture: money and violence. Many people fall into a strange helplessness toward everything that cannot be acquired, possessed and marketed - as if language only exists to transform everything into a deal.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Protest against atacks on Lebanon and Gaza
19-07-2006 12:26

last night against the continuing Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza,
at a candle-lit vigil called by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.
Chronicle of global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit!
19-07-2006 10:50
July 14, 2006 was a Global Day of Action against the G8. July 15, 2006 was an International Day of Action for Climate Justice, and against Climate Change and the G8. Below is a partial list of anti-G8 actions that happened on these days around the world, and on other days in St. Petersburg and elsewhere during the past week. A number of actions against climate change (including many Critical Mass bike rides) also occurred on July 14. We continue to receive information about additional actions -- stay tuned to and for updates! Contact
ASPO 5 report - The Oil Depletion Protocol
19-07-2006 09:44
The question of when global production of oil will reach it's maximum and start begin it's inevitable decline has not been the only question being asked at the 5th International Workshop on Oil and Gas Depletion which has been taking place is Italy this week. Amoung the doom and gloom inplicit the facts and conclusions being presented, there also appears to be scope for hope and optimism.Peaking at peak is Pisa - a report
19-07-2006 09:21
This is quick report on some of the views coming out of the ASPO 5 conference in Pisa this week...From Israel to Lebanon, with love... (by Latuff)
19-07-2006 05:34

Israel War Crimes.
19-07-2006 04:53

There's a bit less SPEW in Stoke-on-Trent
19-07-2006 00:26
The Socialist Party of England and Wales (SPEW), formerly the Militant Tendency, had two city councillors in the city of Stoke before the 2006 local elections.What Lead to the Closure and Sale of the Cottage of Content Community Centre?
19-07-2006 00:11

The boarded up buildings of what was a Community Youth Centre in Sparkbrook have been occupied by a group of activists who along with local people are putting it back into use as a Social Centre, called 'The Cottage Occupied Social Centre'.
They believe their occupation and outreach will compel the Council to return the property to community use. The buildings, however are scheduled to be auctioned off, by Bond and Wolfe today, Wednesday 19th July.
Rings around Tara
18-07-2006 23:33
International volunteers, support and Assistance are required for a protest camp that has been established at the Hill of Tara, Co. Meath, Ireland, to prevent the construction of the M3 motorway beside Tara. Additional Camps can be established, the more the better!!!EDO Corp Forbes Listed As Years Biggest 'Losers'
18-07-2006 23:24
Independent Stock Market NewsA Forbes website report has put the boot into troubled warmongers EDO Corp. as they are named NYSE official losers of the year due to a distasterous loss of high court case against anti-war protesters in Brighton. EDO wre once listed by Forbes as one of the fasted growing companys in America.
Not any more.
Of Knighthoods and Commanders
18-07-2006 20:58
about the decoration made to Bob Petterson, a famous Brazilian politician
18-07-2006 20:44
National Demonstration in London on Saturday 22nd JulyChossudovsky interview: "Al-Qaeda Is a U.S.-sponsored Intelligence Asset"
18-07-2006 20:32

Michel Chossudovsky, author of the international bestseller America's War on Terrorism, personally graced the jam-packed local launch of his latest book held at the Asian Center at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City last June 24. During the launch, he gave a lecture about the imminent danger of a U.S.-made nuclear catastrophe amid the Bush administration's preparations for war with Iran.
Joel Garduce of Center for Anti-Imperialist Studies (CAIS) caught up with the director of the Centre for Research in Globalization (CRG) during his short weekend stay in the Philippines and conducted the following interview.
UK sends more troops to southern Afghanistan as fighting escalates
18-07-2006 20:26
British Defence Secretary Des Browne has announced the deployment of almost 900 extra troops to southern Afghanistan.
The reinforcements—which will increase UK troop levels from the current 3,600 to around 4,500 by October—will be sent to the volatile Helmand province. It will include 320 engineers from 28 Regiment Royal Engineers in order to “accelerate the reconstruction effort,” the government said.
A company from 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines is to provide “force protection” for engineers and an extra infantry company, from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, will also provide more mobile forces.
Don't walk to work, when you can fly instead!
18-07-2006 20:22
Here's a BBC story you really should respond to:"Fed up with over-priced cities and overcrowded trains? The new breed of commuters are going to fly into work from their homes in Spain and eastern Europe, claims a trendspotting report.
When you think of the commuter belt around London you don't immediately think of Barcelona, Marrakech and Tallinn.
But a future-gazing report suggests that we could see a new type of commuting - where large numbers of people work in the UK but live overseas".
NEWCASTLE Lebanon/Gaza Emergency Demonstration this Saturday
18-07-2006 20:10
Just to let you know details of the Stop the War Coalition Demostration in Newcastle this Saturday at 1pm at Grey's Monument in the city centreKhoodeelaar! challenges UK Crossrail minsiter on railway claims
18-07-2006 19:06
Just as Tony Blair has been shown this past week to have suffered another dramatic reduction of his image, 'thanks' to his visible alliance of stuttering supplication to G W Bush, so is the domestic UK legislature caught in a morass of unimaginative 'law'-making, as the CrossRail Bill 'scrutiny' committee has been showing by its failure to allow bona fide objectors put the evidence before it. Next week's filing in the High Court of the formal challenge against the Secretary of State is set to create a record in the history of battles to make the UK Parliament representative of basic standards of democracy that it is often claimed to typify. The constitutional contribution of the Khoodeelaar! campaign towards democratising the UK parliament will be a fitting one, given that the East End of London has been chosen by the Select Committee to be denied its say in the so-called peoples’ parliament.Israel Readies for Iran Showdown by Attacking Lebanon
18-07-2006 18:35
What are Bliar's connections to Israel and its Lobby?