UK Newswire Archive
Austin Indymedia on FBI Domestic Terrorist Watch List
17-03-2006 21:23
In a guest lecture at the University of Texas School of Law on Wednesday, FBI Supervisory Senior Resident Agent G. Charles Rasner listed Indymedia, Food Not Bombs, and the Communist Party of Texas as “Terrorist Watch” cause groups in Austin, US.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
University occupation, Paris.
17-03-2006 21:19

Captain Ahab and his Watery Death
17-03-2006 21:15
The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "The white whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."GF6 verdict: what did the judge say?
17-03-2006 19:53
This is a summary of the verdict in Preston Crown court earlier today: Guilty of disruption and obstruction £3600 costs to be paid, and conditional discharge for 18 months.See

Freedom On Trial
17-03-2006 19:25

Victory for Creative Commons License in first court trial
17-03-2006 18:37
A court case in Amsterdam has backup for the first time the validity of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike license used by many people as an alternative to traditional all rights reserved copyright.Creative Forum at The Square, Sunday 19th, 2pm+
17-03-2006 18:21
A forum for bringing together different groups and finding common ground.Southends (essex) first CRITICAL MASS
17-03-2006 18:12
~~~~~Friday 14th April at 6p.m.~~~~~~~Dalston Theatre - meeting tonight (friday19th) 7.30pm !Need support!
17-03-2006 18:10
Feedback and organising solidarity with the Dalston Theatre occupation to halt further Hackney selloffs.Cycle of Peace in 2006
17-03-2006 17:07
The Peace Cycle began as a completely new initiative in 2004, and the inaugural ride that year proved to be a great success, making national headlines in almost every country it passed through. Whilst numbers fluctuated across the whole route, some 25 cyclists from around the globe reached Jerusalem together, in solidarity with one another and with all those working for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.The group of cyclists included people whose ages ranged from 12 to 60, whose faiths included Muslim, Jewish, Christian and none, and whose nationalities included British, Irish, Swiss, German, American, Australian, Italian, Swedish, Greek, Palestinian and Israeli –
what united them all was their belief in a just peace.
One cyclist, Rebecca Tyrer (who has stayed on to work in the West Bank) proudly quoted, “There were so many times when I thought I wouldn’t make it, but we did it! More to the point people are still talking about us and everything we still represent. I think one of the most powerful aspects of The Peace Cycle for me was our reception in Palestine.”
Another cyclist, Khurram Yaqoob recalls The Peace Cycle 2004 as being, “… a great journey of adventure, self-realisation and tears. Be prepared for a fantastic challenge as you pass through a variety of countries on your bike! I mean, you are actually using your own energy and a metal contraption to travel to the other side of the globe!”This feature length film, narrated by acclaimed actress Julie Christie, follows their amazing physical and emotional journey - a journey which is to be repeated by more cyclists in 2006!
Full article | 1 addition | 16 comments
Pro-test meeting at Nottingham University, 20th March
17-03-2006 16:58
The leader of the pro-animal experimentation group "Pro-Test", whose recent small demo in Oxford captured Press attention, will be addressing a meeting at Nottingham University on the 20th March.Report of Public Meeting in Support of British Residents detained in Guantanamo
17-03-2006 15:58
Report on the launch of the London Guantanamo Campaign & the National Coalition Against Guantanamo at the 1st Public Meeting in support of British residents detained in Guantanamovenue: Gladstone Park Primary School, Sherrick Green Road
Dollis Hill, N.W. London - Thursday 16th March 2006
FACC – March 2006
17-03-2006 15:54
Farnborough Airport Consultation Committee met on Thursday 16 March 2006 at BAE Systems Airport alongside Farnborough Airport.Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
Indymedia needs YOU
17-03-2006 15:50
The global indymedia network is the work of hundreds of volunteers on many different levels, from the people who read the articles are speak to other people about what they read, the reporters who post their photos, video or first hand accounts, to the admins who check posts for breech of open posting guidelines, and the techies maintain the servers and develop the software....Seminar probe into Crossrail hole lies, 3.30 PM Sunday 19 March 2006
17-03-2006 15:24
The 'hybrid' Crossrail Bill [House of Commons, London] has been so discredited in the community in London's East End over the past months due to the uncontrolled lies told for it by the controlling clique on East London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council that a full scale examination of those lies as well as of the fundamental flaws of the Crossrail Bill is being undertaken at a Khoopdeelaar! Manifesto 2006 Seminar on Sunday.Join the call for the liberation of Ahmed Saadat!!!
17-03-2006 15:01
Who wants to join this call address the following email :
This Weeks SchNEWS - WATER TORTURE - Privatisation leaves us high and dry
17-03-2006 14:57

Pie Night at Clergy House Squat Bradford
17-03-2006 14:52
Vegan pie night benefit to raise cash for bradford and spanish squatters.George Fox 6 found guilty again!
17-03-2006 14:19
The George Fox found guilty again - appeal failed?!Contact Lancaster University if you can't make it to the demo at 3pm.
Support Daniel McGowan [March update]
17-03-2006 13:49