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Archway Redevelopment & Sustainable Communities

14-01-2006 14:21

Meeting Thursday 26th January at Hargrave Park School, N19 ( Holloway ) 7:30pm

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"Fool me - you can't get fooled again."

14-01-2006 05:02

Canada, are you going to let ‘JAlph LAYder’ be your girly-man ‘De-Terminator’?

If the Liberals were to embrace the NDP, such a move would be sure to spark amplified interest in the issues at stake, and defeat Stephen Harper’s Conservative parallel to George W. Bush’s Republicanism.

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Aufheben about the G8 in Scotland

14-01-2006 03:52

Editors` introduction
The prospect of the G8 summit taking place in Gleneagles, Scotland, in July 2005 promised perhaps the excitement of Genoa, Seattle and the other anti-capitalist mobilizations of recent years, on UK soil. But the movement seemed to lose momuntum after the last Iraq war, and some of us wondered wether the protests would resemble more the last few Mayday demonstrations – with protesters held for hours in a police cordon designed to bore people into submission – rather than the exhiliratation and energy of the 1999 Carnival against Capital. Moreover, most of the predicted crowds were mostly expected to gather around the call by Bob Geldof to protest peacefully to “send a message” to the politicans, rather than attempt to close down the Summit.

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US military build up in African oil quest

14-01-2006 02:51

Growing exploitation for oil in Africa is bringing with it an increased U.S. military presence in the region. Within a decade 25 percent of U.S. oil imports will come from West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea, according to projections by the US Department of Energy and the CIA.

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Cambridge Forum on Corporate Accountability (Tues 17th)

14-01-2006 02:12

Next Tuesday - Jan 17th - is the first Cambridge Forum meeting of 2006.

This meeting is being organised by Shilpa Shah, who has persuaded Craig Bennett, Senior Corporates Campaigner for Friends of the Earth, to come and talk to us. The Corporate Accountability Campaign is seeking to change the legal and political framework in which corporations operate, so that they work in the interests of people and the environment, not just private vested interests.

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Chavez threatens to cut off US oil supplies

14-01-2006 01:32

On top of disruption to oil supplies this week from Nigeria after sabotage and kidnapping, and on top of concerns over stability of supplies from Iran should the UN initiate sanctions, now the 5th largest oil producer in the world has asked the question 'what would happen if we were to stop exports to the US'?

Should this implied threat be taken seriously it could spell further increases in oil prices in an already jumpy market. It could also fuel speculation that the US will taken action to remove Chavez from power in the coming months....

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Indymedia Radio London news Wire Shows Nov 2005 until Jan 4th 2006

14-01-2006 00:07

Listen to 8 Indy Media London news wire Shows which were broadcast on Resonance FM 104.4
The Indy Media London News Wire show airs every wednesday between 1.00 and 2.00 PM on Resonance FM104.4 or is streamed at the same time on

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Audio Report from Cite Soley Haiti.

13-01-2006 23:43

Listen to audio recorded for Free Speech Radio of Aaron Lakoff reporting from Haiti as another UN massacre is feared.

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Stop UN's plan for a new massacre in Haiti

13-01-2006 23:40

Dear friends and allies,
I hope you are all well. I have been in the Dominican Republic the
few days, visiting Haitian migrant workers and human rights
working with migrants here. I will be returning to Haiti tomorrow
morning, and meanwhile, quite a storm seems to be brewing there.

Please have a look at this announcement. It is quite shocking, but I
think urgent action might be needed over the next few days:

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The age of the corporate State vs the informational and cognitive public domain

13-01-2006 23:25

This article analyses the concepts of the bourgeois State, the capitalistic corporations and the democratic public domain. The main thesis is that nowadays, inside the societies ruled by the capitalistic-imperialistic systems of production, the States are deeply fused to the corporations and both orders has transformed into one indivisible entity. Thus, it is analysed how along with the advent of this corporate State humankind arrives to one of its most dangerous stages, where if the alternative forces to capitalism-imperialism are not capable to force under the rule of law or dismantle its prime agent which is the corporation (capitalistic companies), then humankind is under peril to have its democratic order hollowed-out or destroyed completely by the corporate State. Particularly, throughout the paper there are evidences of how the corporate State has corroded already part of the public domain in the library sector by means of capitalistic commoditization and privatization of its services. Evidences expose the corporation's character of lacking of ethics, moral or markedly psychopathic. Finally, it is advocated for citizens to re-establish the public domain and to force corporations under the rule of law to be judged by the enforced legal accountability of responsibilities of each of its members on an individual basis as how actually happens to any common citizen of the public.

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New Labour Pains 2006: help me document New Labour's corruption!

13-01-2006 21:43

I will compile a bulletin once per month called "New Labour Pains" which documents in meticulous detail the corruption, spin, lies, croneyism, nepotism, backhanders, backsliding, corporate interests, bullying, intimidation, celebrity obsession, vanity, false rhetoric and general venality of this thing called 'New Labour' but only if 25 like-minded citizens will send me as much information, both national and local, on the above, and on all the ways that our taxation is being wasted and our political life polluted and demeaned.

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Wildlife Area Handed Over To Oil Industry

13-01-2006 21:27

Bush is really scraping the barrel now. Having failed to convince the congress last month to hand over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to his buddies in the oil business, he has had to satisfy the countries growing thirst by sacrificing the Teshekpuk Lake Special Area instead. The move sweeps aside decades of environmental protection and is just one more sign of the desperation of a dying empire in the face of a global peak of oil production.

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Haiti's Deadly Class Divide: Class war takes on a new meaning in Cite Soley

13-01-2006 21:09

Port-au-Prince, January 10/06 - Driving into Cite Soley on January 8th,
the day Haitians were supposed to go to the polls in a presidential
election, there is no mistaking the fact that we are entering an
zone. The streets are almost deserted, the atmosphere tense, and UN
armored personnel carriers patrol the streets.

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Political Prisoners Rot in Haitian Jails While Canadian Politicians Lie

13-01-2006 21:04

--My meeting with So Anne Auguste by Aaron Lakoff

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This weeks SchNEWS - Hacked Off

13-01-2006 18:26

Happy Days
There’s a gold rush afoot in east London, and we’re not invited. Also left in the cold is Sicilian café-owner Tony Platia who, together with other locals in the borough of Hackney, has recently re-occupied Francesca’s Café, his business of 30 years, after being booted out last summer. It was one of many premises sold from under tenants’ feet as the Council scrambled to dispose of their property over the last few years.

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China and India form power block

13-01-2006 18:00

Today we consume around 4 times as much oil as we discover. Approximately half of all know oil reserves have already been recovered, and oil production will peak in the near future, or perhaps already has. Demand for oil by the world growing economies will soon outstrip supply.
Oil prices will continue to rise, as will the cost of transportation, industrial production, consumer goods, and food...

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Speech in London by Basra Oil Workers Union President

13-01-2006 17:48

Below is the transpcript of GUOE President Hassan Jumaa Awad al Assadi's speech at the UK Stop the War Coalition's international peace conference held in London, December 2005. Translation is by Lebanese Academic and Writer Gilbert Achcar:

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Sramble over oil sands begins?

13-01-2006 17:27

Most analysts agree that once we pass the half-way point in the world’s oil reserves, production will begin to drop off as the remaining reserves are more difficult to extract. Some believe that point will come in the next 12 months, others think we have 10 years or more left. But either way, we need to prepare now by reducing our dependency on this finite resource.Oil and gas supply 85% of the energy used in the UK. By comparison, nuclear supplies 4% and renewables 1%. Can nuclear be expanded by a factor of 20, or renewables by a factor of 85? Will coal fill the gap, and at what cost to global warming? Do we have enough coal left to expand its use 12 times over?

We rely on energy to produce, process and transport food. As energy becomes more expensive, will our food system revert to local production and organic methods? Can the world continue to feed 7 billion people at all without cheap energy? What steps should we be taking right now to avert future hunger?

Does the end of cheap oil herald the end of globalisation? Is the notion of continual economic growth consistent with a shrinking energy supply? Some observers predict a recession of 1930s proportions, but lasting much longer. Others believe the economic system could be reinvented along sustainable lines.

The article below is just one news story out of many that illustrate the scramble already taking place to secure the dwindling supplies of oil...

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Saving Iceland Gathering Sheffield

13-01-2006 17:09

Saving Iceland Gathering
Sheffield 21-22nd January 2006
Matilda Social Centre, Matilda Street Sheffield

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Peak Oil news - first instability and then the downslide

13-01-2006 17:01

Experts agree, we're either at or very close to peak oil productions which means we will soon be seeing supply fall below growing demand and see massive price rises for energy, transport, consumer goods and food. If you haven't clued yourself up on the implications of peak oil, it's time you did.

Meanwhile, it's business as usual... wind power getting slagged off, nuclear powers trying to maintain their monopoly on power and increasing conflict over dwindling oil reserves around the world.

Below you will find some of todays news stories which together help to reveal the state of our peaking civilization.
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