UK Newswire Archive
New book by Chomsky on 9-11
19-10-2001 17:55

International online-meeting about the coming EU-wide student- and pupilprotests
19-10-2001 16:56

Guardian: PFLP's assassination is linked to Israeli killings
19-10-2001 15:26
There is a clear relationship between the Israeli assassination policy thathas killed without trial over 50 Palestinians, including the PFLP leader,
Abu Ali Mustafa, and that of his faction's response. Who is arresting those
who carry out Israel's assassination policy? All assassinations must stop.
countering the influence of the SWP & GR
19-10-2001 14:58
Surely its time that independent socialists and democratic leftists can make a stand against the onslaught of the SWP & GRAgainst the meeting of the world-war-elite!
19-10-2001 14:07
We appeal to you to take part in and support the protests against the NATO-conference - let them not remain as undisturbed as in the last years!Dublin Cyclist court appearance
19-10-2001 13:12
Dublin Cyclist appears in court this morning charged with public order offencesSamuel Pepys lives on ...
19-10-2001 12:43
17th century London diarist talks about a much unknown popular insurrection which rocked the political establishment in the east Lodnon borough of HackneySpeech of swedish prime-minister Göran Persson disturbed
19-10-2001 11:09
On Thursday October the 18th there was an action on the Berlin HU university during a speech of Göran Perrson. The activists demanded the release of all prisoners.excellent article from friday's Guardian on anti-war movement
19-10-2001 10:54
brilliant article highlighting the growing grass roots anti-war movement in UKBuilding the anti war movement
19-10-2001 10:44
Useful ideas on building the anti war movementAmerica's UN Ambassador and White House Nominee for State Dept Post Could...
19-10-2001 09:33
Larry Burns is executive director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs based in Washington, D.C. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about the Bush administration's choice of Negroponte and Reich for high government posts and how this may adversely affect U.S. credibility in the fight against terrorism.Bin Ladin Video wanted
19-10-2001 09:28
The "Holy Alliance" (West) has taken the recent Bin Ladin Video out of its Media. Is it still somewhere out there in the net? Why does Indymedia not make it accessible?NEW!!! McDonald's American Flavor
19-10-2001 06:45

cia+drugs=US economy
19-10-2001 03:50
this is a repost of a posting yesterday, its an interview with Mike Ruppert, the owner of the 'From The Wilderness' newsletter - support him!
On Aryan Nation attempts to get Bubonic Plague, et al.
18-10-2001 21:52
On Aryan Nation attempts to get Bubonic Plague, et al.Of biowar and generic patenting.
18-10-2001 21:47
Now the US wants to relax patent laws to make more Anthrax antibiotics. Will they change their stance on other countries (ie. SA) Aids and other generic drugs?propaganda machine
18-10-2001 20:28
Some more instances of the propaganda model.