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countering the influence of the SWP & GR

vince eremos | 19.10.2001 14:58

Surely its time that independent socialists and democratic leftists can make a stand against the onslaught of the SWP & GR

I know this matter has been raised before, but i havent really seen anything which either suggests a way to resolve the dilemma, or even an accurate analysis of what they're up to.
As i see it, GR is not an attempt by the SWP to 'bolshevize' the movement, as someone once suggested. Far from it, the motives seem to be, like so much of the SWP's stuff, an attempt to rehash Trotsky for the perpetuation of their own party FOR ITS OWN SAKE. If GR is an 'entrist' organization, it is only there for the SWP to refresh their leadership. Remember the SWp has a very old politburo now and it must be replaced soon. They're hardly going to want workers running the show, are they ? By playing the center-labourist card, the SWP has gained some access to the mainstream media, such as two comedians and a george mobiot impersonator. Bear in mind that so very much of what the SWP claim, is not based on Trotsky at all, but on the now deceased figure of Tony Cliff. Pedantic it may sound, but Cliff openly renounced Trotsky's last writings of about 1939 onwards. Dont be taken in by them.

vince eremos
