countering the influence of the SWP & GR
vince eremos | 19.10.2001 14:58
Surely its time that independent socialists and democratic leftists can make a stand against the onslaught of the SWP & GR
I know this matter has been raised before, but i havent really seen anything which either suggests a way to resolve the dilemma, or even an accurate analysis of what they're up to.
As i see it, GR is not an attempt by the SWP to 'bolshevize' the movement, as someone once suggested. Far from it, the motives seem to be, like so much of the SWP's stuff, an attempt to rehash Trotsky for the perpetuation of their own party FOR ITS OWN SAKE. If GR is an 'entrist' organization, it is only there for the SWP to refresh their leadership. Remember the SWp has a very old politburo now and it must be replaced soon. They're hardly going to want workers running the show, are they ? By playing the center-labourist card, the SWP has gained some access to the mainstream media, such as two comedians and a george mobiot impersonator. Bear in mind that so very much of what the SWP claim, is not based on Trotsky at all, but on the now deceased figure of Tony Cliff. Pedantic it may sound, but Cliff openly renounced Trotsky's last writings of about 1939 onwards. Dont be taken in by them.
As i see it, GR is not an attempt by the SWP to 'bolshevize' the movement, as someone once suggested. Far from it, the motives seem to be, like so much of the SWP's stuff, an attempt to rehash Trotsky for the perpetuation of their own party FOR ITS OWN SAKE. If GR is an 'entrist' organization, it is only there for the SWP to refresh their leadership. Remember the SWp has a very old politburo now and it must be replaced soon. They're hardly going to want workers running the show, are they ? By playing the center-labourist card, the SWP has gained some access to the mainstream media, such as two comedians and a george mobiot impersonator. Bear in mind that so very much of what the SWP claim, is not based on Trotsky at all, but on the now deceased figure of Tony Cliff. Pedantic it may sound, but Cliff openly renounced Trotsky's last writings of about 1939 onwards. Dont be taken in by them.
vince eremos
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GR carries the seeds of its own destruction
19.10.2001 15:37
GR has brought them into contact with a whole range of activists /movements whose politics have advantages over theirs (not least the ability to be able to think for oneself). They will have increasing difficulties keeping a lid on this, just as they did with Womens Voice, ANL mk 1 and the rank and file groups they shut down in the early 80s.
This is already evident from the posts to Indymedia, whether in the form of leaked internal documents or SWP members commenting.
All I can say is I wish this process well. It makes a change for there to be something come out fo the SWP apart from burnt-out activists.
The original thread seems to be from some sort of orthodox Trotskyist, setting out his stall for more of the same. Cliff's differences from the rest of the Leninists are pretty small, and hinge mainly on what you call the former soviet capitalist system (state - capitalist or deformed workers state) and at what point the revolution degenerated. THey all agree, though, that the Russian revolution degenerated long after Lenin had anything to wiht it (New Economic Policy, anyone?) and certainly not while Trotsky was militarising labour and executing revolutionaries as head of the Red Army.
joe lane
First Prize For Most Bizarre Anti-SWP Post!
19.10.2001 15:42
SWP needs to change, or it will exclude itsel
19.10.2001 15:42
The problem is that the leadership dismisses any criticism of its 'politics of conquest' as anarchist whingeing or jealousy. Even people like me who openly criticise the leadership from within the party are patronised and talked at until we give up arguing. The problem is that the ruling committees so powerful, that the attitude is that it's their party and if members of the grassroots disagree they can fuck off.
In continuing this arrogance, the leadership is excluding a lot of people - anarchists and others - who might otherwise put aside their ideological differences and work alongside the SWP. It is also making many ordinary SWP members feel like they are not in control of their own party. This is a big, big problem.
It's essential for the SWP to recognise and take onboard constructive criticism from other groups and stop the monopolisation of resistance. Also, it's importance to keep the SWP as an integral part of the anti-capitalist movement.
The party's national conference is coming up in November, and I really hope this is something that will be discussed and resolved by branch delegates. Perhaps it's time to talk about root and branch reform of the party as well as examining tactics.
Uno: What organisations?
19.10.2001 15:58
A couple of things
19.10.2001 16:01
Firstly, if lots of people inside and outside are getting more and more uneasy about the party's tactics and that tensions are mounting within the anti-capitalist and/or the anti-war movement, then there is a problem. This isn't an ideological problem - the SWP is being heavily criticised by groups within the Socialist Alliance as well. Unless this is resolved by changing the party's tactics, then the SWP will become increasingly divisive as a force.
Secondly, I agree, there are important things going on. Do you really think that anyone becomes politically active just to snipe at the SWP? Most activists' motivations are for change - sometimes revolutionary. The problem is that the SWP is trying to swamp everything to 'go for growth' and this is causing a lot of problems and headaches, particularly for those who genuinely want non-hierarchical organisation. So, yes, we need this debate and we need to resolve it. This needs to be done intelligently and constructively, not simply by launching into 'fuck the trot scum' diatribe.
19.10.2001 16:21
Thank goodness someone recognises the true role of IMC sites, mutual denunciation and Trot-baiting. And well done for standing strong in the face of the under-complicated types who say "stop moaning and do your own thing". Do they not realise that actually doing things is just playing the system's game?
a nonny mouse
voice of the anti-capitalist/war movement
19.10.2001 16:57
vince says WOW! grreat response
19.10.2001 17:15
anyway, here is what i suggest we should do about GR & SWP: when, occasionally, individuals or groups start behaving in a naughty way, one approach is to raise the matter with a competent body to act as an arbiter in good faith.
I suggest that any groups or individuals who feel GR or SWP have overstepped the mark, to MAKE A FORMAL COMPLAINT TO THE SOCIALIST ALLIANCE,which the SWP is a member of. The other members can call a panel to examine the complaints and give good consell to the SWP, which they might be advised to accept.
As for the SWP general tactic, it is perfectly permissable to appeal to the remainder-left Labour party if they so wish BUT it is wrong for the SWP to do the Labour partys gravedigging for them. Using sheer numbers to overwhelm any independent initiatives, especially when politically inexperienced, or from the proletariat, is inexcusable.
vince eremos
Monopolise Resistance
19.10.2001 19:08
"This isn't some stupid slagging match. As regular readers will know, SchNEWS is not in the habit of attacking other groups. We just think these things need saying.
The opportunity for winning mass support for anti-capitalist ideas has never been greater. Let's not blow it".
monopolise resistance
19.10.2001 21:50
dwight heet
Indymedia loosing it?
19.10.2001 23:19
This summer I felt as if we were a growing united movement with a lot of work to do. What I saw on these pages was organisation, solidarity and hope.
We are now a substantial movement, many many people around us oppose this horrible war and know exactly who is to blame for it. I would have expected to see this reflected on this site and others like it. What I have seen instead is an incredible amount of self indulgent sniping and sectarianism. I suspect that only 5-10 people are responsible for the majority of this, but it is truly pathetic.
We are going to be in serious trouble if we carry on like this -not that the people around us won't be radicalised -they will be, I see it on the tube, at college, at work every day. Those people will leave us behind.
What worries me most is the kind of elitism I have started to see here. Who is good enough to join our movement? Well, I say anyone who opposes the war and who wants to get involved is more than welcome. But it seems to be that half the tossers (not half the posts, just half the tossers) here hate the SWP for being middle class (and from what I've seen they certainly aren't) Whilst the other half believe that the entire working class are Nazi scum
Really y'all need to sort this out... and quickly. Sectarianism is a luxury we just can't afford.
some people don't listen
19.10.2001 23:25
The lowdown on anarchites
20.10.2001 14:57
The 'narchs engage in much pseuedo-militant posturing, but in fact this apparently "revolutionary" approach often amounts to mindless and pointless provocations, which have the effect of exposing the working class to unwarranted repression. It is no accident that such methods are often utilised by the agent provocateurs of the state as a pretext to launch savage attacks on protesters (Genoa!). And by the way, the murdered domonstratator at Genoa was NOT an anarchite, as the 'narchs opportunistically claimed, but a member of Rifondazione youth movement.
The 'narchs are contemptuous of the democratic process of the workers movement ("majoritarian tyranny"!?) just as the middle class itself jealously guards its own selfish, child-like, egotistical, "individualism". This in turn reflects a lack of basic (working) class consciousness and class solidarity. Instead, the 'narch's prefer to ignore the democratic decisions of the workers movement and launch into some stupid, posturing provocation--a sort political masturbation.
What history?
21.10.2001 01:37
I agree that it's essential to debate the role of the SWP. Rather than jump to the anti-Trot/anti-anarchist vitriol, we should all be prepared to take constructive criticism. Learning and evolving in relation to others is also an essential element of 'unity in diversity'. The SWP, like any group, should take criticism seriously and learn to adapt, or risk causing disunity.
However, hatred of other groups of people who otherwise have the same motivations for justice and liberty is simply sectarian. On Indymedia, we are seeing more of this sectarianism, mostly from those who are against the SWP, than we are of constructive criticism. I'd like to urge people to tone it down a bit and at least respect one another, even if you disagree.
Dan Brett
21.10.2001 01:48
Dan Brett