UK Newswire Archive
Iraqi Body Count Poem
20-07-2005 13:11
I've just seen the figures on this site for the war in Iraq and stats just do me head in ! Human beings are what we are talking about here, pure flesh and blood, no more , no less !Its heartbreaking and so wrong !
Refugees to face 5 years of doubt and insecurity
20-07-2005 12:53
posted from - 'coach and horses'For free subscriptions to these newsletters, please visit:
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"an unparalleled digest of asylum, immigration, anti-racism and human rights issues"
The government announced today that from 30 August 2005 people given refugee status will no longer qualify automatically for indefinite leave to remain but instead will be given leave for 5 years.
I Live In Hope !
20-07-2005 12:30
Just something that I live in hope of seeing as I'm sure a lot of others do s well !peace.
AMARC Calls for Solidarity with Community and Independent Radios in Nepal
20-07-2005 12:19
The World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (AMARC), called today for a global solidarity campaign in favour of freedom of expression and communication rights of the Community and independent Radio Stations of Nepal.IBC Report
20-07-2005 11:57
The publication of a report by Iraqi Body Count yesterday shows that 37% of Iraqi cvillian fatalities have been caused by US/UK coalition troops - the single biggest cause. 25,000 have died in the first 2 years of the conflict and casualty rates are increasing.Sth East Trains defends Ticket office reductions/staff redeploying.
20-07-2005 11:48
Letter received in reply to RMT (rail Union) campaign against proposed changes to station ticket office opening times/staff re-deployment.Does not our freedom suppose slavery for the others ?
20-07-2005 10:32
The Arms industry dominates EU Defence Policy
20-07-2005 09:29
Samba blockade on the A9
20-07-2005 09:26
This is a follow-up report on what happened to a group of blockading sambatistas on the A9 where the report finishesSinDicaTo y NeCeSidades RaDicaLes. EleCCiones y SaboTaje.
20-07-2005 08:23
“ Las elecciones de octubre podrían ser una verdadera hecatombe de legitimidad para el “Capital-Parlamentarismo”, que podría desembocar en una crisis constituyente aún más profunda que la del 2001. Un “NO” constituyente, una abstención revolucionaria activa, un boicot legal que destruya la forma más desarrollada de despotismo del capital sobre el trabajo: la democracia burguesa”.After London : IRAN THE NEXT STEP
20-07-2005 07:00 'results' anyone?
20-07-2005 06:26
The only response to G8 meetings I've read so far is from a Christian Aid site who say they are disappointed and that much of the money promised is recycled money previously promised and not delivered.Custody as the challenge to corrections
20-07-2005 06:11
Karl Rove: PARENTS ABANDONED HIM--George Bush Can't
20-07-2005 00:39
Reviewing Pre-1950 Iraqi History: Conclusion
19-07-2005 21:34
Conclusion of a short review of pre-1950 Iraqi History for US and UK anti-war movement activists.Big Brother De Mol teams up to do business with Bono
19-07-2005 21:04
Bone head teams up with dutch media magnate and big brother creator John De Mol fast bucks fizz all round and plenty of crap TV to keep the punters blissfully unaware of what is really going on.
The originator of the acts of terrorism in London was standing near Tony Blair
19-07-2005 21:04
And his name is Vladimir Putin.