UK Newswire Archive
R.I.P. Andrea, my sister
12-04-2005 12:31
Andrea Dworkin died at the weekend, leaving the radical feminist community feeling a profound loss.ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS VOW TO FIGHT INJUNCTION
12-04-2005 11:50
EDO day of action in Brighton
12-04-2005 11:36
Come along tomorrow to EDO/MBM's premises to demonstrate against thier bomb-making factory and for the right to protest. EDO is seeking a High Court injuunction in its attempt to quash peaceful protest at its Brighton factory.Seven Australian Indigenous nations seek unity
12-04-2005 10:25
12-04-2005 09:58
Indigenous Elders from geographic Australia are lodging a writ of mandamus at High Court Registry in Melbourne at 10.00am tomorrow morning on the Wednesday 13 April 2005
Art Not Oil 2005; (not the National Petroleum Gallery!)
12-04-2005 09:37
Get involved in Nottingham IMC !
12-04-2005 09:28
Nottingham IMC meeting will be on the 18th of April at 7.30pm at the Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest Fields, Nottingham, NG7 6HX, 0845 458 9595.GREENWASH GUERRILLAS AND MET POLICE VS. BP AT OIL FESTIVAL HALL, 14.4.05
12-04-2005 09:24
"Hit The Road Jack Straw" - Craig Murray's campaign song
12-04-2005 08:20
Craig Murray's campaign song, recorded and produced by The Rub, is now online.Remember Iraq when voting, pleads conscientious objector
12-04-2005 08:16
A conscientious objector who refused to fight with theBritish Army in Iraq will this week urge voters in
Reading to remember the cost of the decision to go to
war when making their election choice.
Zapatista Doll With Hijinx At the Louvre
12-04-2005 04:15
12-04-2005 02:50
Tens of Thousands of Protesters poured into the streets of Iraq cities and shouted No!No! to America. Give our country back we do not want you and your recently installed selected imported puppets that are hiding in your Green Zone. Iraqis said for anybody who likes to hear that they want the American and their Death Squads out of the country. These new nonviolent strategy, if persistent, might be a far effective way to get rid of the invaders that the insurgency.Red Hand Commando Loose In Bradford
12-04-2005 00:37
As a result of the long term anti-racist and anti fascist activities of an individual living in the Little Horton area he has become a major threat to the ambitions of the BNP, the UDA and other fascist and racist organisations. So scared are they of a retired doctor that they have recruiteda Red Hand Commando to assassinate him.
R.I.P. Andrea
11-04-2005 22:43
Andrea Dworkin, a wonderful and inspirational feminist, died on April 9th. (long article)What about the Racism That We Face? (Racism within and by union)
11-04-2005 22:05
This Article was written by a member of a Canadian union and Originally published at http://www.ufcw.netRacism has an unquestionably destructive effect upon worker solidarity.
What strategies do unions have in place for combating racism within the union?
MG Rover: A Modest Proposal
11-04-2005 21:54
MG Rover's collapse exposes the ugly face ofcapitalism. Occupation to form a co-operative
is the only libertarian socialist solution
Photos needed urgently
11-04-2005 21:00
A friend has died recently and we are looking for photos of him from demos to send to his family, so they have some upto date photos of him. he died last month and was 17.Poll Tax riot 15th anniversary pix from that glorious day
11-04-2005 20:24
Sorry almose two weeks late with these, totally passed me by!Enjoy them!
Comments welcome!
The Poor Are Revolting
11-04-2005 20:12
The Observer reports that UK "cabinet minister Peter Hain launched a fierce attack on self-indulgent 'dinner party critics' among the liberal middle classes who are tempted to use the ballot box to punish Blair.