UK Newswire Archive
Detainees held in 'filthy' conditions, Lindholme, nr Doncaster
16-06-2004 20:44
The Guardian reports on the disgusting conditions which asylum seekers are held in in Lindholme Detention Centre, near DoncasterJustice is Deaf
16-06-2004 17:56
Cover-up of the whistle-blower who wants to reveal the cover-up of sept 11The Olympics of Repression
16-06-2004 17:27
As the August Athens Olympics are drawing closer- and with London looking to be the host city for 2012- some information needs to finally come out about the full scale repression and exploitation that is the Olympic Games.Prison Tactics A Longtime Dilemma For Israel
16-06-2004 17:25
Prisoners were forced to stand for days at a time or were shackled in tightly contorted positions on low stools, in a procedure known as shabah. They were violently shaken, deprived of sleep, bombarded with loud, continuous music, exposed to extremes of cold and heat and forced to relieve themselves in their clothing. Their heads were often covered with canvas hoods that reeked of urine or vomit.Brave New World of Work: The Political Economy of Insecurity
16-06-2004 16:36
"The utopia of the free market has an unintentional upshot: the Brazilianization of the West.. What is most remarkable is the new similarity of the development profiles of paid labor in the so-called first and third world, the incursion of the precarious, intermittent, fluffy and unsanctioned in the western bulwarks of the full employment society.." Ulrich Beck is a professor of sociology in Munich and author of `TheRiskSocietyGood morning from Baghdad and beyond
16-06-2004 14:59
Good morning from Baghdad,All oil exports from Iraq have been stopped. The “official” death count of U.S. troops has gone up to 835. Main stream press reports now openly admit that the majority of Iraqis want the U.S. out now. Failure, as it turns out is not only an option, it is the only option for imperialism in Iraq.
But beware. Bush and the neocons are now turning their sights on Venezuela. There they will employ “all means” to destroy that nation’s democracy and steal it’s natural resources. If they succeed they may well sack the entire planet. No serious progressive person of any stripe can afford to stand by on this one. Be informed and be active on this critical issue. Neither John Kerry or the NYTimes will ever help us out here.
After the Iraq war report please read the excellent piece from zmag on the situation is Venezuela and it’s significance. And be the media. Please share this news as widely as possible. Peace. Jamie
Aslef president hit woman at garden party
16-06-2004 14:56
trouble at Aslef?New Occupied Social Centre - Brighton Bingo!! - Weekend Program of Events
16-06-2004 14:14
New Occupied Social Centre Open in Brighton this Thurs, Fri and Sat (17,18 & 19).Huge old bingo hall taken at 193 Portland Road Hove.
Three days of talks, films, vegan food, chill out, infos and more.
The president of the Committee Against Torture requests more guarantees from Madrid
16-06-2004 13:39

The new President of the U.N Committee against Torture, the Spanish professor Fernando Mariño Menéndez, declared that the Spanish State ought to accept the recommendations put together by the U.N Special Secretary for the eradication of the ill-treatment of detainees. Mariño, who was elected to the position on May 3rd, in comments to France Press, stated that Spanish Authorities ought to ‘limit' the holding of detainees incommunicado, interrogations should be recorded, medical checks should be rigorous, the detainee should be visited by a doctor of confidence and “humanitarian criteria should prevail” in prison policy.
Action on Climate Change
16-06-2004 13:26
Cambridge Forum: Action on Climate Change at CB1 Café featured four speakers on climate change yesterday, 15 June.Reclaim the Bombs out of Brighton Website
16-06-2004 13:24
The Bombs out of Brighton website was set up as a means of reporting and publicising local protests of all types against the company. Unfortunately the site is becoming more of a sounding board for pro-EDO types than anti-EDO and anti-arms trade.Hello Luxury Flats, Goodbye Peoples Centre
16-06-2004 13:05
lipservice from the political establishment as more 'luxury' arrives in L1Robb Johnson @Occupied Social Centre 17th June
16-06-2004 11:54
Robb Johnson @Occupied Social Centre 17th JuneTestimony by Basque tried in Argentina to be deported
16-06-2004 11:51
Josu Lariz Iriondo was tried in Argentina on 8th June in the Comodoro Py Court. The result will be made public on 17th June. This is his testimony in court – a clear example of what Spanish repression and ‘justice’ have been gor Basques in the latest years. There is a new government in Spain, and expectations for the Basque Country continue to be very poor:DoSummat: Dissent!
16-06-2004 11:45
DoSummat is the Manchester contact for the Dissent Network and we've had a busy few months.Akha Genocide
16-06-2004 09:33
Deportation Can't Hide Thailand's Treatment of the Akha Hill Tribe.Today! Urgent! Help stop racist evictions in Epping Forest!
16-06-2004 06:31
A young mother with triplets and an elderly couple, who have lived on their own land at Paynes Lane, Lower Nazeing, Essex, for l4 years, along with other families face eviction today. (Wednesday 16th June).This ethnic cleansing comes just days after the fascist BNP won three seats on Epping Forest District Council, with their neo-nazi pledge to drive out the local Gypsy people. Further info taken from
Every Day is July 9: Untill Victory!
16-06-2004 05:13

June 15, 2004
The National Interest
Nir Boms and Reza Bulorchi
16-06-2004 05:09
Negotiating Human Rights in Tehran?June 15, 2004
Intellectual Conservative
Nooredin Abedian
Alex Jones & Jeff Rense- Shame on you...
16-06-2004 02:00
blimey here it is...shameful bullshit
using several truths to hide misdirection using emotive string pulling...
rfid rfid NWO NWO global elite [truth]
border control - mexicans destroying sovereignty etc etc [bullshit]