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Hello Luxury Flats, Goodbye Peoples Centre

- - | 16.06.2004 13:05 | Liverpool

lipservice from the political establishment as more 'luxury' arrives in L1

7th June 2004 and beyond
Philip Hayes and Neil Robinson received redundancy notice on 7th June, 2004.
The Dry Bar Gigs for under 18's are continuing at other venues- see report
The Peoples Centre building- looks like TRB estates will purchase for around £3 million for luxury flats. According to Bob Braddock from the Peoples Centre, TRB are not interested in keeping the Picket in situ.
A separate Barnfield Construction Ltd bid for £3 million -but subject to planning permission could have retained the Picket on site. BC can't wait 6-9 months, the approx. period of time for planning permission to be granted.

The way forward for the Picket.

What We Will Need
* Continuation of present funding for 12 months, from Liverpool City Council and Arts Council of England.
* Secure and accessible storage space for equipment listed above.
* Assistance and finance for removal costs- physical and specialist work.
* An office, office equipment, telephone, admin.
* Accommodation for 3 staff - Philip Hayes, Neil Robinson, Karin Struijk- the Dry Bar.
Alternative Venues
* Identified 2-3 possibilities, will need finance to rent, lease or buy.
What We Have
* The Picket Ltd. a company limited by guarantee is registered at Companies house. Two directors at present.
* Equipment- 7K PA system and Lighting system. Backline- drums, amplifiers, keyboards, microphones, microphone stands, etc. Studio equipment. Archive material. Office furniture.
* Accommodation in Peoples Centre until end of June, possibly as tenants until end of August- time to remove fixed equipment, identify secure and accessible storage space.
* 3 Staff, 25 years experience.
* Dry Bar funding secured until 2005.
* Small amount of cash from private donations.
* Goodwill.
The support that we have received:
* FIVE Save the Picket gigs- local bands.
* MEDIA- the Guardian, the Echo, BBC TV and Radio.
* CELEBS- from the industry, financial donations.
* POLITICIANS- Louise Ellman MP raised the issue in the House of Commons debate on Liverpool Capital of Culture. Mike Storey on BBC Radio Merseyside. Department of Culture Media and Sport recognised the value of the Pickets work in statements to the general public.
* LIVERPOOL PEOPLE- Financial donations for the Ents licence, practical help.
* ARTS ORGANISATIONS- A wide variety of Arts and Music industry organisations have supported our campaign.

Please email today Cllr. Mike Storey- and ask him to confirm that
* The Council will continue to fund the Picket, beyond June 2004.
* The Council will help to find a new location for the Picket.
* The Council will provide, or assist with securing, office and storage space for the Picket.
* The Council will encourage other agencies and public bodies to support the continuation of the Picket.
It would also help if you could e-mail today Bob Braddock, the Co-ordinator of the People's Centre,, and ask him to help the Picket to continue after June 2004 by:
* Allocating some money from the sale of the Peoples Centre to the Picket Ltd.
* Allocating any surplus office equipment e.g. computers etc. to the Picket Ltd.
Your assistance has really helped to keep the issue alive, please stick with us at this crucial time.
This is my hometown, I am not going anywhere else whatever happens.
If you need further information, please contact me
Love and Best Wishes, Philip Hayes.

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