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Refugee Play at Printworks Social Centre, Glasgow

08-06-2004 12:59

Friday 18th June at 7:30pm

This is the final chance to see the play, Washing Line of Wishes, which is an original drama devised with volunteers from refugee communities in Glasgow. The play challenges racism, discrimination and shows the human reality behind the media frenzy.

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Cambridge IMC leaflets

08-06-2004 12:30

some leaflets from cambridge imc - they can go back to back.

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Camcorder Guerrillas film screening - Welcome - at GFT

08-06-2004 12:23

First screening of hard-hitting new film on the scandal of refugees in Glasgow being made homeless and destitute. Evicted by the council, with no right to housing, work or benefits, unable or too terrified to return to their homeland, refugees are abandonded by the state. This film aims to raise awareness of the growing crisis, and explores ways in which you can get involved in campaigning and practical solidarity.

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Mobile CCTV in Cambridge

08-06-2004 11:39

The attentive Cambridge residant might notice the new devices on Mill Road lamposts. They are a new generation of mobile CCTV cameras, that promise to solve all your problems. But you you know all the details behind the scheme?

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Bulgarian nurses sentenced to death in Libya

08-06-2004 10:37

In Libya, several Bulgarian nurses face the death penalty being accused of deliberately spreading the HIV virus in a hospital. I received this desperate email appeal from my Bulgarian friend in Cambridge.

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video clips of yesterday's Palestinian struggle against bulldozers

08-06-2004 08:15

Women and girls of Az Zawiya, West Bank, Palestine seen resisting land theft
here are 2 online video clips showing yesterday's heroic struggle of the Palestinian people of Az Zawiya village, West Bank, against the Israeli Occupation Forces and their bulldozers - please watch these videos

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OutRage! welcomes London Lesbian and Gay Museum

08-06-2004 07:42

OutRage! is delighted to hear that there is so much support for the museum. The lives and stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have been largely ignored and even written out of the ‘official’ history books. Much of history has been ‘sanitised’ of our queer lives and this project will be an invaluable resource in reclaiming much of it.

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Election Guide for June 10th

08-06-2004 02:52

An election guide aimed at Muslims but useful for all on the June 10th European Elections, includes detailed information on candidates.

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Neo-Nazi Propaganda distributed door to door in Cambridge.

07-06-2004 23:31

Front Cover...
Fascist Filth being delivered door to door.

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T&G joins protest against anti-union tactics at Raffles hotels in Cambodia

07-06-2004 23:26

Members of the T&G will be demonstrating at the Raffles owned Swissotel Howard Hotel near Covent Garden in London tomorrow in protest at the company's treatment of trade unions in Cambodia.

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'Wobblies' film screening

07-06-2004 23:03

London Socialist Film Co-op screening of: “WOBBLIES” a documentary on trade union activity in the USA between 1905 and 1918

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Norwich Bookfair details

07-06-2004 22:08

What's On

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Millions of Iraqis Enjoying their New-Found Freedom

07-06-2004 21:38

Baghdad, Iraq - Thousands of Iraqis have spent the last few days enjoying their freedom by standing in line to apply for the many new jobs being created around the country.

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Fire union votes on strike

07-06-2004 20:15

Firefighters in London are voting on whether to take industrial action in a row over answering medical calls.

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BBC London Boots Reverend Billy

07-06-2004 20:10

Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, an NYC street theater troup, are visiting London and will perform at Conway Hall on Wednesday evening. Today Vanessa Feltz and her producers booted them from her show for stating the true costs of Ronald Reagan's policies and Starbucks' anti-labor practices.

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The revolution will be screened

07-06-2004 19:31

Another film night at the Rampart, 7 Rampart Street, E1 2LA, off commercial road...

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Queeruption 6 against fascism

07-06-2004 19:27

Nearly 300 anti-facist protestors where arrested on Saturday in The Hauge. for "illegal protest" against a nazi parade. Amongst them was a contingent of around 70 international queer activists visiting for the Queeruption 6 gathering, which was taking place in Amsterdam. Here is part of the story.

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Syria and Iran very soon, saith the commander in chief

07-06-2004 19:06

Fundamentalist looneys (Brothers Bliar and Bush) take their orders from on high.

The bible tells them so, through the christian fundamentalist preachers.

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D DAY or Hiding from Reality

07-06-2004 18:46

Much ado about nothing?

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07-06-2004 18:38

Mordechai Vanunu & Ken O'Keefe

Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces ‘P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Launching September 11, 2004.
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