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The US Entertainment Industry and Cultural Imperialism

04-04-2004 15:00

A funky commentary on the Congress' recent decision to penalize internet file sharers.

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Video clips from last week's Manchester West Bank Wall Die-In

04-04-2004 14:48

A scene from the die-in
On 28th March 2004, the Manchester Palestinian movement, organised under the umbrella of Manchester Palestine Forum, organised a protest action against the West Bank Wall. The protest took the form of a die-in.

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Screening of THE LEECH AND THE EARTHWORM on Monday eve

04-04-2004 12:38

Monday, 5 April, 8.00 pm
Spitz Gallery, Spitalfields Market
109 Commercial Street, London E1 6BG

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stop the silence - START THE NOISE

04-04-2004 11:44

April 5th sees the anniversary of the shooting of ISMer Brian Avery in Jenin. Brian is one of many thousands of people who have been seriously injured by the Israeli Army during the 37 year illegal occupation of Palestine. Join in a noise demo outside the offices of the Israeli Arms Company - RAFAEL 3/5 Duke Street W1

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king's lynn 3in1 (protests) day

04-04-2004 10:37

three protests in one day in king's Lynn, Norfolk (lynn)
M&S, WIlkinsons, KFC

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No Orange. Video of demo in Bristol.

04-04-2004 10:26

People in Clifton in Bristol are campaigning against a new mast.

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Eyewitness Iraq and Palestine - Talk tonight at the Tuffnell Park Social Centre

04-04-2004 09:22

The Tuffnell Park Social Centre (Opposite Tuffnell Park Tube - Northern Line- in the old Grand Banks building), North London, hosts a talk by an eye-witness actvist who spent 6 months living in refugee camps in palestine and 8 months living in Iraq and accompanying and supporting families, Palestinian refugees, workers, trade unions, the Union of the Unemployed, womens organisations and human rights groups in Baghdad and Basra.

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Palestine Solidarity in Hackney

04-04-2004 08:24

Six pictures of the new Hackney Palestine Solidarity Campaign building support for tearing down the Israeli's Apartheid Wall, brilliantly supported by the Rhythms of Resistance samba band; Stoke Newington Church Street, Sat 3 Apr 04.

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Roots of the Neo-Con Junta

04-04-2004 08:20

Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz
Leo Strauss provided the Machiavellian thought, Albet Wohlstetter provided the strategic military concept. Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle as prime movers of neo-con policy have sought to change the world. And they have.

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Thoughts on the Fallujah Massacre

04-04-2004 07:14

Four US mercenaries massacred in Fallujah
The Massacre of four American Mercenaries this past week in Fallujah is an unfortunate consequence of 400 years of ethnic cleansing that is such a part of the American psyche.
How can we hope to transcend our own brutality if the language we use defines our enemies as sub-humans, or paints our often psychotic and homicidal past as a glorious Biblical epic?

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A Legacy of Struggle: The Importance of Knowledge

04-04-2004 05:50

The importance of a knowledge of history in understanding the present and to develop an appreciation for the sacrifices and accomplishments of the progressive people who preceded us.

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Dismembered Americans : Soldiers for Hire

04-04-2004 05:04

scores of former military commandos, police officers and civilians are prepared each month to join the lucrative but often deadly work of providing security....

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Bush Blocks 9/11 Panel From Seeing Clinton Papers + W)199-EYE-WF-213589

04-04-2004 04:17

2nd April 2004
Democracy Now!{} report that Bush is blocking release of Clinton era documents from 9/11 investigation.
Could this be because of a certain Clinton executive order.....

In much the same way that the President tied the hands of the FBI, shortly before 9-11, by reissuing Clinton's Executive Order (W)199-EYE-WF-213589.......ordering the FBI not to touch Arabs, any members of the Saudi Royal family or Iraqi Republican Guard, and further, to purge from FBI and airport computers all the names of any middle eastern types brought over here to be trained in in the US, at our military bases and at our own expense, and taught to fly airliners at our own flight schools, the media at large has been discouraged from publicly examining the data. (video) of 1st page of 199-I)
(above-FBI web page = info re: the definition of order encoding, such as #199-EYE)

Former Deputy Director of the FBI, John O'Neill [5], famed for his personal perseverance against terrorism, resigned his position at the FBI on account of the issuance of EO# 199-EYE, and at his and his department's own hands having been tied by it. He was offered a new job as head of security at the WTC (which alleged to pay $300, 000 more than his FBI salary), and barely two months after the execution of order # 199-EYE, he died on his first day of work at the WTC, on September 11, 2001.[6]

Coincidence? I can't even go there.....

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FBI Secrets..1991-WF-213589 or (W)199-EYE-WF-213589 or W199I-WF-213589

04-04-2004 03:58

Investigative journalist greg palast {} has reported on BBC2 Newsnight [] of this story but it is also well coverd by

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Wilkinson's Slave Labour Camps (IN THE UK!)

04-04-2004 02:29

Grass Roots Comes To Suburbia! In response to receiving this story i am organising a lock-down in a few local Wilkinson stores in north-west london. i personally will be chained to a checkout in Hayes and could do with some observers (legal knowledge and video artists would be helpful!). get in touch!

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Anti-occupation graffiti show

04-04-2004 01:08

Hope people will forgive me posting this twice - it dropped off the wire quite quickly.

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2002 Booker Prize winner Yann Martel wins bogus Booker prize in Germany

04-04-2004 00:03

Yann Martel the master writer cons his fans into thinking he won another Booker prize this time a "German booker".

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1st Lady / 1st Amendment #2

03-04-2004 22:14

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

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1st Lady / 1st Amendment

03-04-2004 22:02

Added: 2004-03-17 18:03:16.0 | link | comments: 1
Rev's thoughts the morning after:

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Danny Glover Voices Concern Over US Intervention in Haiti

03-04-2004 21:20

Danny Glover in support of the Global Women's Strike gave an emotional talk today in Camden, London. He talked for over two hours about what he saw as the bogus intervention by the US in the domestic affairs of Haiti.
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