UK Newswire Archive
Media Democracy Day (October 19th): International Day of Media Protest
22-07-2001 23:56
Tired of Mainstream Media Lies? Join cities like Toronto, San Francisco, Vancouver and others and join the Media Democracy Day MovementBig action in Solidarity for Genoa
22-07-2001 23:35
Mass NOISE demo at Italian Embassy on Saturday 29th July 2pm.Carlo deserved it: Murdoch's NY Post
22-07-2001 23:33
say hello to Rod Dreher of the New York Post, one of Rupert Murdoch's many mouthpieces in NYC. Dreher's nice lad, huh? why not say hello to him? email in main textMurder in Genoa, detention in London
22-07-2001 23:16
Detailed eye witness report from a lawyer held in the cordon and then searched by police at the demonstration outside the Italian Embassy in London on Sunday night. Also includes comment on the fact it seems police are automatically using this tactic when a demo includes anti-capitalists.3 vids re:school massacre.1 vid re:mafioso minister
22-07-2001 23:10
3 vids re:school massacre.1 vid re:mafioso ministerUN Official: Denmark Will Act Against ex-Israeli Shin Bet Director Carmi Gillon
22-07-2001 22:29
In the sharpest warning yet that ex-Shin Bet director Carmi Gillon may be Pinocheted, the ex-assistant director of The UN Committee Against Torture has stated that he believes Denmark should and will take action against Gillon, the new Israeli ambassador to Denmark. The UN Committee’s position that The UN Convention on Torture supercedes the diplomatic immunity provisions of The Vienna Convention, has been echoed by the director of The Danish Centre for Human Rights. Gillon was forced to resign as director of The Shin Bet due to the Shin Bet’s negligence in protecting asassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.Silvio Berlusconi smiles while blood drips from his hands
22-07-2001 22:05
Berlusconi eats golfballs for breakfast andfucks his family in the evening.
Berlusconi not welcomed.
Father of dead protester 'sorry' for policeman
22-07-2001 21:24
AS A second day of anti-globalisation protests erupted in violence in the Italian port of Genoa, the father of the protester killed by police said yesterday that he felt sorry for the man who shot his son.Genoa solidarity demo update
22-07-2001 19:41
Update on the demo currently being held outside theItalian Embassy in London.
pic. of solidemo in Amsterdam
22-07-2001 19:12
This afternoon, about 500 people showed up at an anti-G8 demonstration and to take a one minute silence at the Italian consulate to remember the young men who got shot.heavy policing at italian embassy in london
22-07-2001 19:04
around 100 protesters are being held inside a police cordon in front of the italian embassy in londonSection 60 at Solidarity demo in London
22-07-2001 18:48
7:45 - have just heard that around 200 people are being held under Section 60 at solidarity demo at Italian Embassy in London.Genoa solidarity demo in London (report/pic)
22-07-2001 18:46

Zapatista prisoners solidarity actions - July 25th
22-07-2001 18:30
La Voz de Cerro Hueco, the Zapatista prisoner organization formed in 1996, is asking EZLN supporters around the world to support their call for the release of the final 9 Zapatista prisoners held in Chiapas, Tabasco and QuerÈtaro on July 25th 2001.State terrorism in Genoa -- International action appeal
22-07-2001 18:28
22-07-2001 18:04
MONDAY 23RD AUGUST, 4.30pm to 6pmItalian Consulate: 33 Oakfield Rd, Clifton, BS8 2AT