UK Newswire Archive
Rally opposing Blair's rallying-cry for funding Colombian Death Squads
10-07-2003 00:07
Please come to a rally at 6pm today (Thursday) outside Downing Street opposing Blair's spearheading of extra funding for Colombian Death Squads. Blair is convening a meeting of EU states, the US, World Bank and IMF. The title of the meeting is "London Meeting on International Support for Colombia", but its actual purpose is to raise support for the government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez, which presides over the worst human rights abuses in the western hemisphere. Five-thousand Trade-Unionists has disappeared in the last year.DEEPCUT officer Leslie Skinner charged with male rape and sexual abuse of recrui
09-07-2003 22:09
Following the mysterious deaths and suicides of DEEPCUT army recruits spanning over a decade. 45yr old Leslie Skinner has been charged with male rape and the sexual abuse, assault and harrassment of DEEPCUT army recruits.Changing the words again
09-07-2003 22:01
Bush and rumsfeld both changing their wording of the Saddam 'threat'.AN OPEN LETTER IN SUPPORT OF THE PEOPLE OF IRAN FROM THE WEBLOGGING COMMUNITY
09-07-2003 20:20
Today is the fourth anniversary of the brutal repression of student protests by the mad mullahs of Iran. Many of the internal protests have apparently been called off after clear signs that the mullahs intended to create another Tiananmen-like massacre.LATIN AMERICA: WEEKLY NEWS FROM THE RESISTANCE
09-07-2003 20:03
This is an article about resistance in several neighborhoods of many latin american countries: the way they get active in the community and how they are evolving and making difference in their lives in a self-organized way.Hidden Cameras Spy on Your Kids!!!!
09-07-2003 19:48
School children get videotaped in their locker rooms. Parents protest that hidden cameras should be prohibited in locker rooms, showers, restrooms and other areas that could violate students' rightsVictory in Arundel!
09-07-2003 19:08
A famous victory has today been won by the campaign to halt the second Arundel bypass in West Sussex.International Call to Action: Stop Europe's biggest Arms Fair!
09-07-2003 18:42
SHUT DOWN DSEi! LONDON, UK – 6TH – 12TH SEPTEMBER 2003One of the world’s biggest ever trade fairs for guns, bombs, military planes, small arms, mines and tanks is taking place in London from 9th – 12th September 2003.
*** Also called as a European focus of disent against the WTO ***
The Extinction of the Federal Government
09-07-2003 18:23
In any revolution there is pain (and this is a revolution, whether there's shooting involved or not.) But soon the government parasites who subsist by inserting straws into their victims' throats will discover that their victims have simply walked away.No Sweat - Sheffield Meeting
09-07-2003 18:17
There is a Sheffield No Sweat meeting for those involved, or who would like to get involved, with anti-sweatshop campaiging, on Thursday July 10th, at 7:30pm, at St Matthews Hall on Carver Street (just off Division St).Piquetera Puppet Show Rolls into Leeds
09-07-2003 17:52

Russian Media: The Strange Death of TVS
09-07-2003 16:43
Russian media: the full story on the death of TVS, as heard on indymedia radio.Charges Dropped Against Alleged Coup Plotters
09-07-2003 15:37
Insufficient evidence exists to pursue charges against 16 military officers accused of inciting an uprising against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, reports South American media (Background Report).Sheffield social forum outreach meeting
09-07-2003 14:58
Sheffield SF org meeting for 'out reach' workChina News from Human Rights Watch
09-07-2003 14:25
China: Police Violence Against HIV-Positive Protestors EscalatesHenan Authorities Deepen AIDS Cover-up: Human Rights Watch Reports.
09-07-2003 13:41
09-07-2003 13:39
1.Peace Camp Against the Wall2.Report from Qalqiliya
3.Report from Qalqiliya Checkpoint