UK Newswire Archive
Censorship? Former Iraqi Nuclear Scientist Counters Powel; Website Goes Down
10-02-2003 07:34
Imad Khadduri, former Iraqi nuclear scientist, published an article with countering Colin Powell's UN speech. The article appears below. was shut down thereafter. Some are questioning if case of outright censorship.Save the Hare Krishna food for all centre in Camden Town
10-02-2003 07:26
After a few unfounded complaints from local businesses Camden council are trying to close down a Hare Krishna centre in Camden Town which provides free food and activities for local homeless people. The complaints are totally unfounded and appear to be mere vindictivness because of hatred of local homeless people in Camden by local businesses."LET'S ROLL!" Editorial cartoon by Mike Flugennock
10-02-2003 06:42

or, You never know when you'll have to go off-road!
ExxonMobil's War for Oil (by Latuff)
10-02-2003 04:10

Prince Charles Against War On Iraq
10-02-2003 00:54

A SERIOUS rift has opened up between Prince Charles and the government because he is seen to be AGAINST a war on Iraq and AGAINST BUSH.
In depth analysis of Iraq war from India
09-02-2003 23:18
09-02-2003 22:42
Several nationaly syndicated columnists publish libelous statements about registered voters who form groups or have sympathy for humanity which was assaulted this weekend by the Bush propaganda machine.Send rice for peace to Blair
09-02-2003 21:34
Fast spreading idea for people to send half a cup of rice (uncooked!) to Blair and tell him to send it to Iraqi people and not attack themA NEW GRAPHIC SYMBOL EXTENDS IN THE WORLD
09-02-2003 19:18

Reminder to everyone going on the demo with laptops etc
09-02-2003 17:05
Reminder to everyone going on the demo with laptops etcWAR? THE REASONS WHY IT IS BEING FOUGHT. THE LIES AND TRUTHS.
09-02-2003 16:56

Breathing Space – Art in Public Space as Reflection (not Reaction)
09-02-2003 16:45
Peter Sellars, Arvo Part and Anish Kapoor have collaborated at the Tate Modern on an anti-war project which shows the power of art in protest, particularly, as this project has done, it refuses to be aligned with any one political agenda.Anti-war flyers and posters
09-02-2003 16:35

Herr Rumsfeld threathens with 'bilateral measures' .........
09-02-2003 16:32
Herr Rumsfeld threathens with 'bilateral measures' .........SPIEGEL ONLINE - 09. Februar 2003, 16:24

Rhetorische Aufrüstung
Rumsfeld droht mit "bilateralen Maßnahmen"
Der Konflikt zwischen Deutschland und den USA in der Irak-Frage eskaliert weiter: US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld droht mit Konsequenzen, und der sonst moderate Außenminister Colin Powell stellte der Bundesregierung gar ein 24-Stunden-Ultimatum zur Aufgabe ihrer Blockadehaltung in der Nato.
Cuts in Hampshire Library Services
09-02-2003 16:12
The Hampshire Chronicle 7th of February revealed over a million pounds cuts in its book budget. The whistleblowing Liberian urged readers to inform their councillors etc.A good suggestion I thought as they appeared to be ether uniformed or unaware of their own councils failings.
To late to save 1.6 million Eritreans from famine
09-02-2003 15:55