UK Newswire Archive
((i)) Argentina: FIRST CACEROLAZOS!
19-12-2002 23:07
Live, thru internet radio, the "cacerolazos" of december 19thTHE SECRET WAR ON IRAQ
19-12-2002 23:04
From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.The 9-11 Investigation
19-12-2002 22:59

Fences and site levelling at Lancaster uni expansion
19-12-2002 19:50
Site levelling has started and fences have now been put up around the Lancaster University expansion area.Call for witnesses: Halloween demo
19-12-2002 19:04
Anti-war protesters arrested and charged: help neededSanta to be jailed in Iceland?
19-12-2002 18:38
State Police demand 3 year prison over protest against civil airlines flying NATO weapons and troops to IraqNestle sues Ethiopian starving
19-12-2002 16:44
Nestle demands money from Ethiopia, enough to feed one million for a monthAppeals for answers to what is christmas.Qu
19-12-2002 15:13
Appeal for answer to questions about Christmas.No answer to questions.Workers protest in Wroclaw / Poland
19-12-2002 14:47

Disrupt the Masters of War : nonviolent direct action at British military HQ
19-12-2002 14:08
northwood base is Britain's military HQ and its on the tube.Come and disrupt it, jan 18-19Cardiff Activists mark Human Rights Day, Dec 10th.
19-12-2002 13:51

First they came for the muslims (BBC News)
19-12-2002 13:15
500-700 muslims (largely iranian-americans) arrested in California after following an order to register themselvesChristmas presents to Iraq.
19-12-2002 12:38
To all the people of UK your governments present to the poor people of Iraq.Depleted uranium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What is this christmas thing?
19-12-2002 12:02
Can anyone please inform me of the relevance of this christmas thing?Monsanto - $1.75 billion loss & CEO resigns...
19-12-2002 11:54
...and apparently it's our fault.Call to Action – Human Shields Needed in Iraq
19-12-2002 11:34

If you are contact the Universal Kinship Society immediately and get yourself to London/Europe by January 18, 2003. Join us on our mission to stop the murder of innocent Iraqi’s and the possible launch into World War III.
FAO Zedhead RE:video footage needed
19-12-2002 10:27
I did try to post a response earlier in the week but it locked up the thread so i'll post the reply hereBackground to what happened in Argentina
19-12-2002 10:25
In two years, the holdings of Argentina's Central Bank dropped from $30 billion to $5 billion, prompting the government to freeze the accounts of Argentine civilians, thus liquidating their life savings. Argentina's unemployed now include lawyers, teachers and doctors.New Journalism - back to basics?
19-12-2002 09:58
The Failed Promise of new Journalism - Greg HughesPetition demanding Israel return funds deducted from Palestinians for unemployme
19-12-2002 09:48
Since 1967 the state of Israel deducted funds from Palestinian workers for unemployment insurance. To this day, no Palestinian worker has received unemployment payments. Please sign this petition demanding that Israel return these funds to Palestinian workers who have paid for these benefits. Conservative estimates put unemployment at over 55% in the occupied territories. These funds are badly needed by the tens of thousands of families of workers who had millions of dollars deducted from their salaries.