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Christmas presents to Iraq.

redkop | 19.12.2002 12:38

To all the people of UK your governments present to the poor people of Iraq.Depleted uranium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More deformed babies and enviromental damage to the long suffering people of Iraq.These are the christmas presents soon to be delivered courtesy of the UK and US people.For my own part i no longer wish to be part of this brainwashed and corrupt country and so will become part of the planned human defensive shield in Iraq.My earlier posting enquiring about the true nature of christmas recieved very little attention as i envisaged.I will not miss the selfish and greedy people of this country one bit, most people in their usual state of moronic stupidity are only interested in boring consumer driven activities.The world stands on the brink of world war 111 and no one appears at all preturbed, their only interest being to consume as much as possible , and not giving a dam about the poor and starving people which includes the vast majority of humankind.What is this christmas thing all abuot???????????????????
