UK Newswire Archive
IT security for activists
30-11-2002 00:20
Computer & Internet Security, Privacy, Anonymity and more. Handy site with tutorials, news and essential knowledge. If you haven't visited yet, do it now.demonising mugabe to protect white farmers
29-11-2002 23:54
a communist perspectiveReport of 29 November 2002 Central London Critical Mass:
29-11-2002 23:44
Report of Central London CM....News from Colombia, no surrender to Fascist dogs
29-11-2002 23:40
Stuff from the Beeb.AUC-Colombia Libre (main paramilitary org) trying to talk peace/surrender.
4 US activists who died trying to help Uwa indigenous people-rebel (FARC) killers arrested
29-11-2002 18:44
Investigation into massive executive airport development at FarnboroughDanii Minogue speaks out
29-11-2002 18:26
Australian celebrity actress Dannii Minogue has backed the stance taken by the BNP on the issues of crime and asylum seekers!BVEJ newsletter #0031 December 2002
29-11-2002 16:32
Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line.New Labour minister admits: we believe in elitism
29-11-2002 15:16
Speech by Education Minister Charles Clarke, re-posted from DfES website:Tesco Spider Horror
29-11-2002 14:43
This week has seen the shocking, yet underreported news that fruit suppliers to major capitalist TESCO have been putting SPIDERS in grapes deliberatelySocialist Equality Party public meetings in Britain opposing war vs. Iraq
29-11-2002 13:41
without any serious public examination of the motives behind the drive to war, the Blair government has signed up unconditionally to US-inspired aggression. Disregarding the catastrophic consequences of such action, Blair insists that it is in the “national interest”. This is the same argument used by the government to justify destroying the living conditions of millions of working people within Britain itself. At home and abroad, the Blair government displays the same reckless arrogance and ruthlessness as its Washington counterpartitalian activist speaks from jail
29-11-2002 12:50
Francesco Caruso one of the activists arrested after the sucess of the ESF has written this letter to the movement, please forward as widely as possiblebritish governments agenda for zimbabwe
29-11-2002 09:06
brits not innocent in zimbabweU.S. Press Confirms it--Osama Bin Laden and Kola Boof Affair in Morrocco
29-11-2002 08:14

mugabe has his admirers
29-11-2002 07:57
mugabe applauded, powell booed at eaqrth summitSowing occupation, croping terrorism (by Latuff)
29-11-2002 04:56

Report from Basra: Iraq's oil belt prepares for war
29-11-2002 01:27
IraqJournal provides a forum for the distribution of independent information and views from IraqSpread Some Sanity!
29-11-2002 01:23
Spread Some Sanity: Attack Global Warming Not Iraq!Ghost of Vietnam Cannot Dissapear
29-11-2002 01:03
Sharon Kissinger Poindexter. What do they have in common?How to Stop the War - Statement by The Marxist Party
29-11-2002 00:26
Never until now therefore has the Stop the War Coalition been presented with such a clear challenge and such a real chance of realising its purpose. A year ago when America and Britain attacked Afghanistan ‘Stop the War’ was a protest. Today it can and it must transcend that stage