UK Newswire Archive
War on Iraq "would cost 230,000 British jobs
08-11-2002 21:56
and probably as many lives but they'll be brown folks so that's not part of the equationVideo of Manchester Oct 31 day of action against the war
08-11-2002 21:04
Video footage of day of action against the wardespite police, no sweat esf seminar a success
08-11-2002 20:35
The seminar organised by No Sweat and the Clean Clothes Campaign at the European Social Forum took place from 2:00 to 5:00 this afternoon and was a great success. This despite the British state's determined attempt to stop it by telling the Italian border police that one of the main speakers, No Sweat National Secretary Mick Duncan, was an "undesirable" and should not be allowed to enter the country! (See elsewhere on Indymedia and the No Sweat website). The ESF organisers tell us they have no report of anyone else being excluded from Italy.PROUDHON CENTURY XXI
08-11-2002 18:47
PROUDHON CENTURY XXISubjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in

Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years.
2 - PROUDHON: The WAR and the PEACE OR the LOGIC of the FORCE
World Peace Now "Not With Bush" Petition
08-11-2002 17:35
PetitionCalling for World Peace and responsing to George W. Bush's declaration; "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists."
Petition at;

A Scottish Anarchist Dayschool, 09 Nov 2002
08-11-2002 16:18
A dayschool for anarchists and for people interested in libertarian ideas.Discussion, debate, workshops, food
Anti-Refugee Law Passed in UK
08-11-2002 16:05
Last night the UK parliament passed a Bill which will lead to thousands of refugees being left homeless and destitute, with no access to financial support of any kind.US prepares to invade Zimbabwe to distribute GM maize
08-11-2002 14:59
The government-owned Herald newspaper of Zimbabwe and the country's Defense Forces Commander, General Vitalis Zvinavashe, say the U.S. government is plotting to use the southern African nation's mounting food crisis as a pretext for interfering and perhaps even invading Zimbabwe.quiz UK trade minister on globalisation!
08-11-2002 14:45
BBC Talking Point Forum with UK Trade Minister Baroness Symons; care to submit some questions? Link here:Tom Ridge, U.S. terrorist threat, in London.
08-11-2002 14:13
To celebrate the visit of Homeland Security boss Tom Ridge to London, the Home Office attempted to terrorise the British population with dire warnings of dirty bombs and poison gas, then retracted after an hour.RECLAIM REMEMBRANCE CRITICAL MASS!
08-11-2002 13:29
Reclaim remembrance day from the hypocrites!The European (anti-)Social Forum
08-11-2002 13:19
What is so different and new about a forum with an entrance fee advocating a philosophy of lifelessness?Understanding Sexual Desire
08-11-2002 12:45
Edinburgh University researcher Jamie Heckert is looking at the complexities of sexual desire in an ongoing research projects.Bali Micro Nuke - Lack of Radiation Confuses "Experts"
08-11-2002 12:31
The terrible truth about the Bali bombings.Found this horrifying yet unsurprising article somewhere obscure. This NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY EVERYONE!!!
Anti-Capitalist social night 19th November
08-11-2002 12:05
Anti-Capitalist social night in London on Tuesday 19th September...ESF FLORENCE: Disobedients occupy Caterpillar factory
08-11-2002 11:57
This morning in Florence the Disobedients have carried out an action against Caterpillar, the multinational that produce bulldozer used by the Israelis Force Army to commit war crimes.Nov.5 U.N. Iraq Draft Resolution = Chance of War
08-11-2002 05:18
It has many clauses which could be the justification for American attack on Iraq. No peace document this is.Ashamed to be an amerikan
08-11-2002 04:07
I'm from the US, and I am seriously considering renouncing my citizenship.Bali update
07-11-2002 23:56
So the Merovingian plot was overturned by the ploy of the brown-nosing butler. Another one to the Windsors.Meanwhile some more on micronukes and alternative theory