Bali update
dh | 07.11.2002 23:56
So the Merovingian plot was overturned by the ploy of the brown-nosing butler. Another one to the Windsors.
Meanwhile some more on micronukes and alternative theory
Meanwhile some more on micronukes and alternative theory

Bali Micro Nuke - Army Officer Reported Accurate Details
Then the Australian Government demanded that his report be removed!
Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 November 2002
" It was an absolute war zone, it was just out of control."
Captain Rodney Cox, Kuta Beach, 12 October 2002
Australian Army officer Rodney Cox was less than fifty meters from ground zero when the bomb exploded, but survived presumably because he was in the "null zone" below the rising diagonal blast vector from the buried weapon. Captain Cox was then put in command of operations to evacuate the injured. He tells a harrowing tale, with some of his most chilling and revealing statements including, "“Then the power cut... all the power went out. I didn’t think bomb, I didn’t think anything at that stage. And then, probably, I’d say two seconds later... not even two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just started ... it was like hell on earth.”
By stating that the power cut preceded the flash, Captain Cox unwittingly confirmed the critical nuclear identity of the weapon. We know that the small bomb in Paddy's bar ten seconds earlier caused only localized damage, and we now know that all of the electrical circuits in Kuta Beach were disrupted by the Source Region Electromagnetic Pulse [SREMP] emitted by the micro nuke at the point of criticality. The pulse travels through all mediums at the speed of light, and Cox noted the power cut immediately before witnessing the "huge flash" of the fireball as it burst up through the road surface. Captain Cox's recollections were printed on the front page of the Australian Army Newspaper, which in turn was placed on the Australian Army web site.
This did not please the Australian Government [for obvious reasons], and reliable sources state that the Army was ordered to remove the web page on ministerial orders, which it did. Then apparently less than 12 hours later a very senior officer countermanded the order, and insisted the page be restored. It was... Not being sure who will ultimately win this battle of the titans, I have reproduced this important story below, with correct credits and a link to the Army web site. If in the end the politicians win, there will always be a copy of the story here to fall back on.
Hell on Earth
‘It was an absolute war zone, it was just out of control’
One man’s story of how he and other soldiers in Bali leapt into the devastation
By Cpl Jonathan Garland
AN AUSTRALIAN soldier standing less than 50m from the bomb that exploded outside the Sari nightclub in Bali escaped unhurt.
Capt Rodney Cocks, a UNMO in East Timor, was enjoying his last night of leave before flying out of Indonesia the next morning.
He had just left his companions, a New Zealand, a Portuguese and a British national, also uniformed personnel serving in East Timor, inside nearby Paddy’s to walk to the Internet café a short distance away.
“I got about 30m down the street and then I heard one blast and I thought, ‘What was that?’,” he said.
[There was a ten-second separation between the explosion at Paddy's Bar and the micro-nuke, Ed]
“Then the power cut... all the power went out. I didn’t think bomb, I didn’t think anything at that stage.
“And then, probably, I’d say two seconds later... not even two seconds later, there was just the huge flash, and I was just covered in glass, put on the ground, and it just started ... it was like hell on earth.”
As he picked himself up and shook off the shards of glass that covered him, he saw flames from the blast and the devastated buildings climbing 50m into the air.
He recognised the second explosion as a bomb but was staggered at the amount of damage caused in the blast.
“I’ve done demolitions courses with the Army and it was bigger than anything I’ve ever blown up in my time, and I’ve done a bit.
“I was very lucky. I think I got a few cuts on my feet but nothing major. I was wearing shorts, T-shirt and thongs at the time. I consider myself one of the luckiest people alive, I really do.”
Prompted by his military training, his first reaction was to find the friends he had left in the bar and evacuate them and as many others as possible.
“By the time I picked myself up there were already people moving out away from the scene.
“I picked one girl up there - she had burns all over her body, so I grabbed her.
“I later heard she’d been assessed as having burns to 95 per cent of her body and that she hadn’t survived her injuries.
“We regrouped, got our people, helped the people we could, which, you know, was just bloody impossible, there were just so many people injured.”
“My main concern at this time was the girl I had in my arms, who was the one who had all the burns.”
The group took some of the injured back to their hotel and organised the hotel truck to take them to hospital, before going back to the scene of the explosion.
“I grabbed my phone, my head torch, my passport and my Army ID. The other guys did as well.
“From there... we started treating other people. At that stage I came across an Australian Army sergeant from 1RAR, he was on leave from Butterworth.
“He was pretty badly injured and we got him off to hospital and later evacced back to Townsville.”
Capt Cocks made contact with his family, telling them there had been an incident and that he was uninjured, before calling his headquarters.
They woke the force commander, who gave orders that Capt Cocks was to remain in Bali to render assistance where possible and to account for UN personnel.
“I was told to cancel my flight out the next morning and that I was the man on the ground.
“I had ambassadors calling my phone, all the UN crew, the Portuguese commanders, and I was just dealing things out from there.”
Capt Cocks said there were about 12 hospitals treating blast victims and he visited all of them several times searching for personnel.
“Initially no-one really knew how many people were here, so I had to go to all the hospitals trying to find out did we have any people there, how many injured we had - ADF, PKF, UN police, the whole lot.
“That was just an absolute nightmare. There’s just bodies everywhere, blood everywhere, just death and destruction everywhere and just so many Australians ...”
He was taken to the morgue at Denpasar General Hospital, where he searched the dead to locate missing soldiers.
“The bodies were just... the floor was littered with burnt corpses. It was just awful... some of these bodies you couldn’t tell, you know, whether they were male or female, young, old, Indonesian, Australian...”
He returned to the scene of the blast the next morning, trying to locate missing personnel, and was shocked at the devastation he saw.
“It was an absolute war zone, it was just out of control. I was outside the Sari club, where the blast was ... I reckon this hole would have been about probably a metre and a half deep and three metres wide.
“You need a lot of bang to get through and make that sort of hole. That second bomb was huge.
“By that stage they’d already started pulling the bodies out and... there were nearly as many bodies as I saw that night in the morgue... probably even more, sitting on the footpath outside the Sari club.”
Capt Cocks then went back to the hospital searching for the missing personnel among those being evacuated to Australia by Hercules.
Capt Cocks said he couldn’t believe how lucky he had been to escape injury in the explosion.
“The other thing that’ll stick with me is the tragedy of the people I saw that... I could well have been in their place.
“The dead and the injured at the hospital... they were just guys like me. They’re young Australians having a good time out.
“My card didn’t get drawn, which my family and I are so thankful for, but a lot did.”
Then of course we're waiting for some account of radiation sickness amongst the survivors, An alternative explanation is of the scalar technology, as implicated in the demolition of the WTC, with a similar amount of vaporisation. An alternative may be Tesla technology

The Tesla Howitzer
by T. E. Bearden
Before the turn of the century, Nikola Tesla had discovered and was utilizing a new type of electric wave. Tesla repeatedly stated his waves were non-Hertzian, and his wireless transmissions did not fall off as the square of the distance. His discovery was apparently so fundamental (and his intent to provide free energy to all humankind was so clear) that it was responsible for the withdrawal of his financial backing, his deliberate isolation, and the gradual removal of his name from the history books.
By 1914 or so, Tesla had been successfully isolated and was already nearly a "nonperson." Thereafter Tesla lived in nearly total seclusion, occasionally surfacing (at his annual birthday party for members of the press) to announce the discovery of an enormous new source of free energy, the perfection of wireless transmission of energy without losses, fireball weapons to destroy whole armies and thousands of airplanes at hundreds of miles distance, and a weapon (the "Tesla Shield," I've dubbed it) that could provide an impenetrable defense and thus render war obsolete.
In my pursuit of Tesla's secret, it gradually became apparent to me that present orthodox electromagnetic theory is seriously flawed in some fundamental respects. One of these is in the definition and use of THETA, the scalar electrostatic potential. It is this error which has hidden the long- sought Unified Field Theory from the theorists.
In the theory of the scalar electrostatic potential (SEP), the idea is introduced of work accomplished on a charge brought in from a distance against the scalar field. The SEP is not a vector field, but is a scalar field. Indeed, scalar potential cannot of itself perform work on a charged mass due to the extremely high SEP of the vacuum itself. Only a differential of SEP between two spatial points can produce force or accomplish work. (Rigorously, a differential of scalar potential between two spatial points constitutes a vector. Only a vector can produce force and do work.)
Also, work can only be done on a mass. Further, it takes TIME to move an electron or other charged mass between two spatial points, and so the work performed by a spatial differential of the THETA-FIELD requires TIME. Rigorously, the delta SEP is voltage, not SEP per se, and is directly related to the voltage or "E" field. The entire voltage concept depends on the work performed in moving a mass, after that mass has moved. The idea of "voltage" always implies the existence of a steady differential of THETA between two spatial points for a finite length of time, and it also involves the assumption of a flow of actual mass having occurred. SEP, on the one hand, is always a single-point function; on the other hand, difference in potential (i.e., V) is always a two point function, as is any vector.
Yet many graduate level physics and electromagnetics papers and texts erroneously confuse THETA and V in the static case! Such an interpretation is of course quite incorrect.
Another common assumption in present EM theory -- that the electrostatic potential (0,O) of the normal vacuum is zero --has no legitimate basis. In fact, we know (0,O) is nonzero because the vacuum is filled with enormous amounts of fluctuating virtual state activity, including incredible charge fluctuations. And by virtue of its point definition, (0,O) must be the "instantaneous stress" on spacetime itself, and a measure of the intensity of the virtual state flux through a 4- dimensional spacetime point.
Potential theory was largely developed in the 1800's before the theory of relativity. Time flowrate was then regarded as immutable. Accordingly, electrostatic "intensity" was chosen as "spatial intensity," with the connotation of "spatial flux density." This assumes a constant, immutable rate of flow of time, which need not be true at all if we believe relativity. Such a spatial "point" intensity is actually a "line" in 4- space, and not a 4- dimensional "point" at all. Thus the spatial potential -- 0, 3 -- is a very special case of the real spacetime potential --0,4, or charge -- and electromagnetic theory today is accordingly a special case of the real 4-space electromagnetism that actually exists! Note also that charge is a 4- dimensional concept.
Now mass is a spatial, 3-dimensional concept. Rigorously, mass does not exist in time -- masstime exists in time. Mass and charge are thus of differing dimensionalities!
Also, according to quantum mechanics, the charge of a particle -- e.g., of an electron -- is due to the continual flux of virtual particles given off and absorbed by the observable particle of mass. Thus charge also is conceptually a measure of the virtual flux density, and directly related to THETA. Further, since the charge exists in time, it is the charge of a particle of spatial mass that gives it the property of masstime, or existing in time.
Here a great confusion and fundamental error has been thrown into the present EM theory by the equating of "charge" and "charged mass." As we have seen, the two things are really very different indeed.
To speak of a spatial "amount" of charge erroneously limits the basic EM theory to a fixed time flowrate condition (which of course it was considered to be, prior to Einstein's development of relativity). Thus when the limited present theory encounters a "relativistic" case (where the time flowrate changes), all sorts of extraordinary corrections must be introduced. The real problem, of course, is with the fundamental definitions of electrostatic potential and charge. The spatial "amount" of charge (i.e., the coulomb), as we presently erroneously use the term, is actually the spatial amount of observable "charged mass." To correct the theory, one must introduce the true 4- space SEP and separate the definitions of charge and charged mass.
Only when a mass is moved does one have work -- and voltage or vector fields. (The reason one has voltage and E field connected to a normal electrostatically charged object in the laboratory is because an excess of charged-particle masses are assembled on the object, and these masses are in violent motion! A true static charge would have no E field at all.)
The THETA field need not involve observable mass accumulation, but only charge (virtual flowrate intensity) accumulation. Accumulated masses are like so many gallons of water; accumulated charge is like so much pressure on both the water (space) and the time in which the water is existing.
Now, if one varies the SEP solely as a point function, one would have a purely scalar complex longitudinal wave, and not a vector wave at all. This is the fundamentally new electrical wave that Tesla discovered in 1899.
Rigorously, all vector fields are two-point functions and thus decomposable into two scalar fields, as Whittaker showed in 1903. It follows that any vector wave can be decomposed into two scalar waves. By implication, therefore, a normal transverse EM vector wave, e.g., must simply be two coupled scalar (Tesla) waves -- and these scalars independently would be longitudinal if uncoupled. An ordinary transverse EM vector wave is thus two pair-coupled Tesla scalar longitudinal waves, and only a single special case of the much more fundamental electromagnetics discovered by Nikola Tesla.
A Tesla (scalar potential) wave -- i.e., a massless wave in pure 0,O, the stress of the spacetime medium -- would have very strange characteristics indeed. For one thing, since it moves in a complex 4-space, it has many more modes of movement than does a simple wave in 3-space. And for another thing, it need not be bound at all by the speed of (vector) light. In current theory, one 0,3-field does not directly interact or couple with other existing 0,3-fields except by simple superposition. Therefore presently the THETA- field is considered to have no drag limitation at all, hence infinite velocity. (E.g., as stated in Jackson's, (Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd edition, page 223.)
Actually, a 0,4-wave can and will interact with some of the other existing 0,4-waves in the medium transversed, and this interaction can involve pair-coupling into EM vector fields and waves, an interaction not presently in the electrodynamics theory. The result of scalar pair-coupling creates a finite amount of vector "drag" on the 0,4-wave, so it then has less than infinite velocity. However, is this drag is small due to limited pair coupling, the scalar wave's velocity through the slightly dragging medium still may be far greater than the speed of vector EM waves (light) in vacuum. On the other hand, if the pair-coupling is made severe, the THETA-wave may move at a speed considerably below the speed of vector light waves in vacuum. The velocity of the 0,4-wave is thus both variable and controllable or adjustable (e.g., simply by varying its initial amplitude which through a given medium changes the percentage of pair-coupling and hence the degree of drag on the scalar wave.) The Tesla scalar wave thus can have either subluminal or superluminal velocity, in contradiction to present theory.
Note that the scalar wave also violates one of Einstein's fundamental postulates -- for the speed of our "new kind of light" wave is not limited to c, and need not be the same to every observer. Thus Tesla scalar waves lead to a new "super- relativity" of which the present Einstein relativity is only a highly special case!
But let us now look for some subtle but real examples of scalar waves and scalar pair-coupling in nature. As is well known, a tectonic fault zone can provide anomalous lights, sounds, etc from stresses, piezoelectrical activity, and telluric currents in the earth and through the fault zone. In examining the fault zone phenomena, I finally realized that a fault zone was literally a scalar interferometer --i.e., if one can have scalar PHI-waves, they can interfere either constructively or destructively. Their interference, however, produces scalar pair-coupling into vector EM waves. This coupling may be at a distance from the interferometer itself, and thus the interferometer can produce energy directly at a distance, without vector transmission through the intervening space. Coupling of THETA waves with the paired scalars comprising ordinary EM vector waves can also occur. If this triplex coupling forms additional EM vector waves 180 degrees out of phase, the ordinary EM wave is diminished or extinguished. If the scalar triplex coupling occurs so as to create vector EM waves, the amplitude of the ordinary vector wave is increased.
Scalar potential waves can thus augment or diminish, or create or destroy, ordinary EM waves at a distance by pair-coupling interference under appropriate conditions, and this is in consonance with the implications of Whittaker's fundamental 1903 work.
An earthquake fault zone is such a scalar interferometer. Stresses and charge pileups exist in the plates on each side adjacent to the fault, with stress relief existing in the middle in the fault fracture itself. Since the rock is locally nonlinear, the mechanical stresses and electrical currents in it are also locally nonlinear. This results in the generation of multiple frequencies of THETA-4-waves from each side of the fault interferometer, yielding two complex Fourier expansion patterns of scalar potential waves. On occasion these two Fourier-transformed scalar wave patterns couple at a distance to produce stable ordinary electromagnetic fields in a 3- dimensional spatial pattern --e.g., a stress light such as the Vestigia light covered in Part I of The Excalibur Briefing. Driven by the erratic two scalar Fourier expansion patterns of the scalar interferometer (whose input stresses normally slowly change), an erratic, darting, hovering "spooklight" of the variety studied by Vestigia produced.
As the stresses change in each side of the interferometer, the distant scalar coupling zone is affected. Thus the stresslight moves and its form changes, but it may be relatively stable in form for seconds or minutes. Since the stresses in the rock may be intense, the stress light may involve an intense pair or THETA-patterns coupling into the sphere or ball of vector EM energy. The atoms and molecules of the air in the region of the coupled stresslight ball thus become highly excited, giving off radiant energy as the excited states decay.
Since much of the piezoelectric material in the stressed rocks is quartz, the features of quartz are of particular interest. Each little quartz is itself highly stressed, and has stress cracks. It is therefore a little scalar interferometer. Further, quartz is transparent to infrared and ultraviolet; and the random orientation of all the quartz scalar interferometers may also form a Prigogine system far from thermodynamic equilibrium. If so, this system can tap into highly energetic microscopic electromagnetic fluctuations to produce large-scale, ordered, relatively stable patterns of electromagnetic energy at a distance.
In short, all of this lends support to the formation of relatively stable but somewhat erratic patterns of electromagnetic energy at a distance from the fault itself. In the atmosphere, such scalar interferometers could form in clouds or even in the air or between clouds and earth. If so, such rare but occasional "weather" scalar interferometers could account for the rare phenomenon of ball lightening. The intense energy of the ball lightening, as compared to the lesser energy of an earth stress light, could well be due to the enormous electrical charges between clouds or between cloud and earth, available to fuel the scalar interferometer. Very probably it is this phenomenon which gave Tesla the clue to scalar wave interferometry.
Thus such phenomena as earth stress lights, ball lightening, and the Tesla system of wireless transmission of energy at a distance with negligible lasses and at speeds exceeding the speed of light may be explained. They are complex, however, and involve fundamental changes to present electromagnetic theory. These changes include utilizing 4-space scalar electrostatic potentials, scalar waves, pair coupling, ordinary 3-dimensional Fourier expansion, the Prigogine effect, and the properties of piezoelectric materials in rocks.
Since the scalar potential also stresses time, it can change the rate of flow of time itself. Thus it affects anything which exists in time -- including the mind, both of the individual and at various levels of unconsciousness. Therefore the same functions that result in earth stress lights also affect mind and thought, and are in turn affected by mind and thought. This is the missing ingredient in Persinger's theory that UFO's are correlated with, and a result of, fault zones and earth stresses. While Persinger seems to feel this is a "normal physics" explanation, it indeed involves a paranormal explanation.
The time-stressing ability of the true THETA scalar wave also explains the interaction of such earth stress lights with humans and human intent, as noted by other researchers. (E.g., the lights that repeatedly seemed to react to the observers, as detailed by Dr. Harley Rutledge in his epoch-making Project Identification, Prentice-Hall, 1981.)
These ideas in condensed form comprise the concepts required to violate the speed of light and produce an ordinary electromagnetic field at a distance, using scalar interferometry, without losses -- as Tesla had done in his wireless transmission system which he had tested prior to 1900 and had perfected by the 1930's. Scalar interferometry can give stable regions of EM or "light energy" at a distance without losses, particularly as detailed in the beautiful Vestigia experiments, and it is within our grasp to utilize the new effects. Indeed, any stress crack in a material can result in the scalar potential interferometer effect. Exophoton and exoelectron emission -- poorly understood but already known in fatiguing of materials -- must be at least partly due to the scalar interferometer effect.
However, one additional caution should be advanced. Normal movement of electrons allows so much "sideplay" movement of the electrons -- and there is so much such sideplay electron motion in the surrounding vicinity -- that pair coupling is almost instantaneous for small waves. Thus orbital electrons in atoms seem to absorb and emit vector EM photons. Actually they also emit some percentage of scalar waves as well. Since a scalar wave is comprised exclusively of disturbance in the virtual state, it need not obey the conservation of energy law. Further, a scalar wave of itself does not "push electrons" or other charges; hence it is nearly indetectable by present detectors. Ionization detectors such as a Geiger counter tube, e.g., are exceptions if the scalar wave encountered is fairly strong. In that case sufficient triplex coupling with the ionized gas occurs to produce additional ionization or charge, breaching the tube's cutoff threshold and producing a cascade discharge of electrons and voltage which is detected. But weak scalar waves are presently indetectable by ordinary instruments. However, these small scalar waves are detectable by sensitive interferometry techniques -- e.g., such as an electron interferometer. Since the use of such instruments is quite rare, then indeed we have been living immersed in a sea of scalar waves without knowing it.
Finally, the percentage of scalar waves produced by changes in charged mass pileups can be increased by utilizing charged mass streaming. Essentially the charged masses must be moved suddenly, as quickly as possible, at or near the complete breakdown of the medium. For this reason, Tesla utilized sparkgaps in his early transmission systems, but also found that he could induce ionized media to "breakdown" in such fashion by a slow growth process. One of his early patented atmospheric wireless transmission systems is based on this fact. However, it was necessary to use a very high voltage, insuring extreme stress on the medium and hence some spillover stress onto time itself. In other words, THETA-3 is always an approximation; at sufficiently high spatial stress, sufficient spillover THETA-4 exists to give Tesla scalar waves. For this reason, Tesla used very high voltages and extremely sharp discharges to give "streaming" of the charged masses and thus high percentages of THETA-4 waves. This suggests that the breakdown of dielectrics is a much richer phenomenon than is presently allowed for in the conventional theory.
To summarize, electrostatic potential -- THETA field --is stress on the spacetime medium at a four-dimensional point. I.e., it is a sort of pressure on the medium, but pressure on all four dimensions, not just on the three spatial dimensions. Thus in the new standard theory, THETA-4 may have complex values. In addition, a PHI-wave is to be interpreted as a scalar longitudinal wave in complex spacetime -- directly in THETA-0, the normal average 4-space stress itself. And charge and charged mass must be recognized as two separate concepts. This is the gist of what I finally recognized about Nikola Tesla's work and fundamental discovery.
This is exciting, for it means that Tesla stress waves can affect either space or time individually, or both space and time simultaneously, or even oscillate back and forth between primarily affecting time and primarily affecting space. Tesla's waves were actually these THETA-field scalar waves. As such, they were fundamentally different from ordinary electromagnetic waves, and had entirely different characteristics, just as Tesla often stated. E.g., a Tesla wave can either move spatially, with time flowing linearly; move temporally only (sitting at a point and waxing and waning in magnitude -- but changing the rate of flow of time itself in doing so, and affecting gravitational field, fundamental constants of nature, etc.), or move in a combination of the two modes. In the latter case, the Tesla wave moves in space with a very strange motion -- it oscillates between (1) spatially standing still and flexing time, and (2) moving smoothly in space while time flows smoothly and evenly. I.e., it stands at one point (or at one columnar region), flexing for a moment; then slowly picks up spatial velocity until it is moving smoothly through space; then slows down again to a "standing column," etc. This is Tesla's fabulous "standing columnar wave."
Another wild characteristic of the Tesla wave is that it can affect the rate of flow of time itself; hence it can affect or change every other field -- including the gravitational field -- that exists in time flow. It can also affect all universal constants, the mass of an object, the inertia of a body, and the mind and thoughts as well! All of these exist in the flow of time, and they are affected if the time stream in which they exist is affected. This was the awful secret that Tesla partially discovered by 1900, and which he came more and more to fully realize as he pursued it nature and its ramifications into the 1920's and 1930's.
Tesla also found he could set up standing THETA-field waves through the earth. He in fact intended to do so, for he had also discovered that all charges in the highly stressed earth regions in which such a standing wave existed produced THETA- fields which would feed (kindle) energy into the standing THETA- field wave by pair coupling. I.e., normal vector field energy would "assemble" onto the scalar matrix wave by means of pair- coupling. Thus by transmitting a scalar wave into the earth, he could easily tap the fiery scalar fields produced in the molten core of the planet itself, turning them into ordinary electromagnetic energy. In such case, a single generator would enable anyone to put up a simple antenna and extract all the free energy they desired.
When Tesla's alarmed financial backers discovered this was his real intent, they considered him a dangerous madman and found it necessary to ruthlessly stop his at all costs. And so his financial support was withdrawn, he was harassed in his more subtle patent efforts (and the patents themselves were adulterated), and his name gradually was removed from all the electrical textbooks. By 1914 Tesla, who had been the greatest inventor and scientist in the world, had become essentially a nonperson.
A few other persons in the early 1900's also were aware that potential and voltage are different. And some of them even learned to utilize Tesla's PHI-field, even though they only vaguely understood they were utilizing a fundamentally different kind of electromagnetic wave. For example, James Harris Rogers patented an undersea and underground communications system which Tesla later confirmed utilized Tesla waves. The U.S. secretly used the Rogers communications system in World War I to communicate with U. S. submarines underwater, and to communicate through the earth to the American Expeditionary Force Headquarters in Europe. The Rogers system was declassified after the War --and very shortly after that, it had mysteriously been scrubbed off the face of the earth. Again, potential stress waves -- Tesla waves -- were eliminated and "buried."
Probably the most brilliant inventor and researcher into Tesla's electromagnetics was T. Henry Moray of Salt Lake City, Utah. Dr. Moray actually succeeded in tapping the limitless zero-point energy of vacuum (spacetime) itself. By 1939, Dr. Moray`s amplifier contained 29 stages and its output stage produced 50 kilowatts of power from vacuum. Interestingly, another 50 kilowatts could be tapped off any other stage in the device -- which consequently could have produced almost 1.5 megawatts of electrical power! Dr. Moray`s epoch-making work was suppressed also. His device -- which represented over 20 years of heartbreaking accumulation of 29 working tubes from thousands made -- was destroyed by a Soviet agent in 1939, but not before the agent had obtained the drawing for building the tubes and the device itself. Today the Moray amplifier is a standard component of many of the Soviet secret superweapons and Tesla weapons.
In the 20`s and 30`s, Tesla announced the final perfection of his wireless transmission of energy without losses -- even to interplanetary distances. In several articles (e.g., H. Winfield Secor, "Tesla Maps Our Electrical Future," Science and Invention, Vol. XVII, No. 12, pp. 1077, 1124-1126), Tesla even revealed he used longitudinal stress waves in his wireless power transmission. Quoting from the article, "Tesla upholds the startling theory formulated by him long ago, that the radio transmitters as now used, do not emit Hertz waves, as commonly believed, but waves of sound." "He says that a Hertz wave would only be possible in a solid either, but he has demonstrated already in 1897 that the either is a gas, which can only transmit waves of sound; that is such as are propagated by alternate compressions and rarefactions of the medium in which transverse waves are absolutely impossible." The wily Tesla did not reveal, of course, that such scalar waves nearly always immediately pair-coupled into vector waves when produced by normal means. Tesla himself was working with longitudinal scalar waves.
In the 1930`s Tesla announced other bizarre and terrible weapons: a death ray, a weapon to destroy hundreds or even thousands of aircraft at hundreds of miles range, and his ultimate weapon to end all war -- the Tesla shield, which nothing could penetrate. However, by this time no one any longer paid any real attention to the forgotten great genius. Tesla died in 1943 without ever revealing the secret of these great weapons.
Unfortunately, today in 1981 the Soviet Union has long since discovered and weaponized the Tesla scalar wave effects. Here we only have time to detail the most powerful of these frightening Tesla weapons -- which Brezhnev undoubtedly was referring to in 1975 when the Soviet side at the SALT talks suddenly suggested limiting the development of new weapons "more frightening than the mind of man had imagined." One of these weapons is the Tesla howitzer recently completed at the Saryshagan missile range and presently considered to be either a high energy laser or a particle beam weapon. (See Aviation Week & Space Technology, July 28, 1980, p. 48 for an artist's conception.)
The Saryshagan howitzer actually is a huge Tesla scalar interferometer with four modes of operation. One continuous mode is the Tesla shield, which places a thin, impenetrable hemispherical shell of energy over a large defended area. The 3- dimensional shell is created by intefereing two Fourier- expansion, 3-dimensional scalar hemispherical patterns in space so they pair-couple into a dome-like shell of intense, ordinary electromagnetic energy. The air molecules and atoms in the shell are totally ionized and thus highly excited, giving off intense, glowing light. Anything physical which hits the shell receives an enormous discharge of electrical energy and is instantly vaporized -- it goes pfft! like a bug hitting one of the electrical bug killers now so much in vogue.
If several of these hemispherical shells are concentrically stacked, even the gamma radiation and EMP from a high altitude nuclear explosion above the stack cannot penetrate all the shells due to repetitive absorption and re-radiation, and scattering in the layered plasmas.
In the continuous shield mode, the Tesla interferometer is fed by a bank of Moray free energy generators, so that enormous energy is available in the shield. A diagram of the Saryshagan- type Tesla howitzer can be seen in drawing TESLA-1. TESLA-2 shows the Tesla shield produced by the howitzer.
In the pulse mode, a single intense 3-dimensional scalar Theta- field pulse form is fired, using two truncated Fourier transforms, each involving several frequencies, to provide the proper 3-dimensional shape (TESLA-3). This is why two scalar antennas separated by a baseline are required. After a time delay calculated for the particular target, a second and faster pulse form of the same shape is fired from the interferometer antennas. The second pulse overtakes the first, catching it over the target zone and pair-coupling with it to instantly form a violent EMP of ordinary vector (Hertzian) electromagnetic energy. There is thus no vector transmission loss between the howitzer and the burst. Further, the coupling time is extremely short, and the energy will appear sharply in an "electromagnetic pulse (EMP)" striking similar to the 2-pulsed EMP of a nuclear weapon. This type is what actually caused the mysterious flashes off the southwest coast of Africa, picked up in 1979 and 1980 by Vela satellites. The second flash, e.g., was in the infrared only, with no visible spectrum. Nuclear flashes do not do that, and neither does super-lightening, meteorite strikes, meteors, etc. In addition, one of the scientists at the Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory observed a gravitational wave disturbance -- signature of the truncated Fourier pattern and the time-squeezing effect of the Tesla potential wave -- traveling toward the vicinity of the explosion.
The pulse mode may be fed from either Moray generators or -- if the Moray generators have suffered their anomalous "all fail" malfunction -- ordinary explosive generators. Thus the Tesla howitzer can always function in the pulse mode, but it will be limited in power if the Moray generators fail.
In the continuous mode, two continuous scalar waves are emitted - - one faster than the other -- and they pair-couple into vector energy at the region where they approach an in-phase condition. In this mode, the energy in the distant "ball" or geometric region would appear continuously and be sustained -- and this is Tesla's secret of wireless transmission of energy at a distance without losses. It is also the secret of a "continuous fireball" weapon capable of destroying hundreds of aircraft or missiles at a distance.
The volume of the Tesla fireball can be vastly expanded to yield a globe which will not vaporize physical vehicles but will deliver and EMP to them to dud their electronics. A test of this mode has already been witnessed, See Gwyne Roberts, "Witness to a Super Weapon?, the London Sunday Times, 17 August 1980 for several tests of this mode at Saryshagan, seen from Afghanistan by British TV cameraman and former War Correspondent Nick Downie.
If the Moray generators fail anomalously, then a continuous mode limited in power and range could conceivably be sustained by powering the interferometer from more conventional power sources such as advanced magneto-hydrodynamic generators.
Typical strategic ABM uses of Tesla weapons are shown in Tesla- 4. In addition, of course, smaller Tesla howitzer systems for anti-tactical ballistic missile defense of tactical troops and installations could be constituted of more conventional field missile systems using paired or triplet radars, of conventional external appearance, in a scalar interferometer mode.
With Moray generators as power sources and multiply deployed reentry vehicles with scalar antennas and transmitters, ICBM reentry systems now can become long range "blasters" of the target areas, from thousands of kilometers distance (TESLA-5). Literally, "Star Wars" is liberated by the Tesla technology. And in air attack, jammers and ECM aircraft now become "Tesla blasters." With the Tesla technology, emitters become primary fighting components of stunning power.
The potential peaceful implications of Tesla waves are also enormous. By utilizing the "time squeeze" effect, one can get antigravity, materialization and dematerialization, transmutation, and mind boggling medical benefits. One can also get subluminal and superluminal communication, see through the earth and through the ocean, etc. The new view of Theta-field also provides a unified field theory, higher orders of reality, and a new super-relativity, but detailing these possibilities must wait for another book.
With two cerebral brain halves, the human being also has a Tesla scalar interferometer between his ears. And since the brain and nervous system processes avalanche discharges, it can produce (and detect) scalar Tesla waves to at least a limited degree. Thus a human can sometimes produce anomalous spatio-temporal effects at a distance and through time. This provides an exact mechanism for psychokinesis, levitation, psychic healing, telepathy, precognition, postcognition, remote viewing, etc. It also provides a reason why an individual can detect a "stick" on a radionics or Hieronymus machine (which processes scalar waves), when ordinary detectors detect nothing. Unfortunately there is not room to develop the implications of this human Tesla interferometry in detail, for that must wait for yet another book, presently in its initial stages, that Hal Crawford and I are writing.
At the July 1981 U.S. Psychotronics Association's Annual Conference in Dayton, Ohio, I presented the first rough paper on the Tesla secret and scalar interferometry. A videotape of the presentation was made and will shortly be available. I am also scheduled to make a special presentation at the Alternate Energy Conference in Toronto, Canada in latter October, 1981. A professional, videotaped two-hour presentation on this subject is also being prepared. Wide distribution of the material through the international underground physics and technology network has already been made. This time, God willing, Tesla's secret will not be suppresses for another 80 years!
And perhaps it is not yet too late. The material has cost me (now) some 16 years of agonizing labor and nearly $100,000 of my own personal funds. No orthodox university, scientific group, foundation, or governmental agency would support such an effort, either financially or otherwise. Indeed, most ordinary journals will not even accept material on such matters. Nonetheless, the area is of overwhelming importance -- and I truly believe Tesla's lost secret will shortly affect the lives of every human being on earth.
Perhaps with the free and open release of Tesla`s secret, the scientific and governmental bureaucracies will be shocked awake from their slumber, and we can develop defense before Armageddon occurs. Perhaps there is hope after all -- for even Brezhnev, in his strange July, 1975 proposal to the SALT talks, seemed to reveal a perception that a turning point in wear and weaponry may have been reached, and that human imagination is incapable of dealing with the ability to totally engineer reality itself. Having tested the weapons, the Soviets must be aware that the ill-provoked oscillation of time flow affects the minds and thoughts -- and the very life streams and even the collective species unconsciousness -- of all life forms on earth. They must know that these weapons are two-edged swords, and that the backlash from their use can be far more terrible to the user than was the original effect to his victim.
If we can avoid the Apocalypse, the fantastic secret of Nikola Tesla can be employed to cure and elevate man, not kill him. Tesla's discovery can eventually remove every conceivable external human limitation. If we humans ourselves can elevate our consciousness to properly utilize the Tesla electromagnetics, then Nikola Tesla -- who gave us the electrical twentieth century in the first place -- may yet give us a fantastic new future more shining and glorious than all the great scientists and sages have imagined.
For references, refer to files
Part II
Reference Articles for Solutions to Tesla's Secrets
The Electrical Engineer - London Dec. 24, 1909, p. 893
Mr. Nikola Tesla has announced that as the result of experiments conducted at Shoreham, Long Island, he has perfected a new system of wireless telegraphy and telephony in which the principles of transmission are the direct opposite of Hertzian wave transmission. In the latter, he says, the transmission is effected by rays akin to light, which pass through the air and cannot be transmitted through the ground, while in the former the Hertz waves are practically suppressed and the entire energy of the current is transmitted through the ground exactly as though a big wire. Mr. Tesla adds that in his experiments in Colorado it was shown that a very powerful current developed by the transmitter traversed the entire globe and returned to its origin in an interval of 84 one-thousandths of a second, this journey of 24,000 miles being effected almost without loss of energy.
NEW YORK TIMES Dec. 8, 1915, p. 8, col. 3
He Seeks to Patent Wireless Engine for Destroying Navies by Pulling a Lever.
To Shatter Armies Also.
"Impractical," He says of Westerner's Plan to Circle Country with Electric Fire.
Nikola Tesla, the inventor, winner of the 1915 Nobel Physics Prize, has filed patent applications on the essential parts of a machine the possibilities of which test a layman's imagination and promise a parallel of Thor's shouting thunderbolts from the sky to punish those who angered the gods. Dr. Tesla insists there is nothing sensational about it, that it is but the fruition of many years of work and study. He is not yet ready to give the details of the engine which he says will render fruitless any military expedition against a country which possesses it. Suffice to say that the destructive invention will go through space with a speed of 300 miles a second, and manless airship without propelling engine or wings, sent by electricity to any desired point on the globe on its errand of destruction, if destruction its manipulator wishes to effect.
Ten miles or a thousand miles, it will be all the same to the machine, the inventor says. Straight to the point, on land or on sea, it will be able to go with precision, delivering a blow that will paralyze of kill, as is desired. A man in a tower on Long Island could shield New York against ships or army by working a lever, if the inventor's anticipations become realizations.
"It is not the time," said Dr. Tesla yesterday, "to go into the details of this thing. It is founded on a principle that means great things in peace, it can be used for great things in war. But I repeat, this is no time to talk of such things.
"It is perfectly practicable to transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless transmitter which makes this possible, and have described it in my technical publications, among which I may refer to my patent 1,119,732 recently granted. With transmitters of this kind we are enabled to project electrical energy in any amount to any distance and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in peace and war. Through the universal adoption of this system, ideal conditions for the maintenance of law and order will be realized, for then the energy necessary to the enforcement of right and justice will be normally productive, yet potential, and in any moment available, for attack and defense. The power transmitted need not be necessarily destructive, for, if existence is made to depend upon it, its withdrawal or supply will bring about the same results as those now accomplished by force of arms.
Dr. Tesla then said that it would be possible with his wireless mechanism to direct an ordinary aeroplane, manless, to any point over a ship or an army, and to discharge explosives of great strength from the base of operations.
Asked to express an opinion upon the announcement last Sunday of Charles H. Harris, and electrical engineer of Los Angeles, that he would be able to surround this country with an electrical wall of fire in time of war, Dr. Tesla gave it as his opinion that Mr. Harris was not practical.
"It is hard to stamp as impossible such results as those described in the press dispatches to which you refer. Granted, however, that the project is feasible, it would take more than all the motive power obtainable in the United States to throw a wall of fire around the country. In fact, even the passage of small currents at considerable distances through air consumes a great deal of energy on account of the immense pressure required. So, for instance, in lightening discharges, energy may be delivered at the rated of billions of horsepower, though the currents are of smaller volume than those developed by electrical generators in our power houses."
is this science in general everyday use:

By David Guyatt
When it comes to Aum Shinrikyo - the sinister Japanese cult said to be responsible for the Tokyo subway Sarin attack in 1995 - almost anything is possible. But some serious journalists and independent scientists who have investigated the shadowy background of Aum, are unravelling sinuous connections that leap-frog the Aum story into another league altogether.[i]
These focus on claims that Aum were intimately involved in the research and development of futuristic doomsday weapons that make today’s nuclear missiles look like children’s toys. These weapons, they believe, are so advanced that they don’t “officially” exist in the armouries of the major powers. These involve the use of Tesla Electromagnetic pulse, earthquake inducing and Plasma weapons being covertly tested in remote regions of the world.
Laying at the centre of these allegations are a series of powerful earthquakes, strange fireballs and aerial lights manifesting above Western Australia. They also revolve around the major January 1995 quake which laid waste to the Japanese City of Kobe. The latter resulted in the crash of the Tokyo stock exchange - itself directly leading to the collapse of England’s spook-infested Barings bank. Suggestions that the Kobe event may have been caused by a laser-powered seismic weapon continue to circulate.
Extraordinarily, Aum’s charismatic guru, Shoko Asahara, predicted the Kobe quake nine days before the event. In an 8 January 1995 radio broadcast, Asahara stated “Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995. The most likely place is Kobe.” Hideo Murai, the late Science and Technology minister for Aum Shinrikyo also adhered to this view. Murai - said to have been the most intelligent Japanese who ever lived - was murdered in a Yakuza orchestrated assassination shortly after speaking on the record to foreign news correspondents.[ii]
Murai presented his allegation in an April 7 1995 news conference at the Foreign Correspondent Club in Japan. In answer to questions about the Kobe quake, Murai said “There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody may have used a device that applied force inside the Earth.” The Aum leadership believed the Kobe quake an act of war: “The City of Kobe was hit by a surprise attack…” they claimed, adding the City was an “…appropriate guinea pig.”[iii]
Aum’s singular interest in weapons of mass destruction - including sophisticated earthquake, weather and plasma weapons - were considered serious enough to launch a special investigation by the US Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Chaired by Senator Sam Nunn, the committee spent five months conducting hundreds of interviews of “both government and private individuals.”[iv] These included classified briefings from numerous US intelligence agencies. Their findings were published in an October 1995, 100 page report on the Aum cult.
The Nunn report, in addition to outlining Aum’s large international membership and massive finances of US$1 billion plus, also revealed the cult’s fascination for Tesla weapons. The Senate report describes Aum’s visits to the New York based International Tesla Society (ITS), where they sought to obtain a number of his books, patents and papers. A representative of the ITS told Senate investigators that Aum’s interest focused on Tesla’s experiments with “resonating frequencies,” adding that “Tesla had experimented in creating earthquakes.” Significantly, the report also states that Tesla claimed “…with his technology he could ‘split the world’ in two.” This astonishing assertion closely parallels remarks made by Soviet Premier Krushchev to the Presidium in 1960, where he referred to “…the advent of a new class of Soviet Superweapon, so powerful it could wipe out all life on earth if unrestrainedly used.”[v]
Not least, the Senate report mentions Tesla’s development of a “ray gun in the 1930’s, which was actually a particle beam accelerator,” and which was said to be able to “shoot down an airplane at 200 miles.[vi]” Following Tesla’s death in 1943, the US government seized his papers and research notes, placing them under national security lock and key. An undoubted genius during his life, Tesla’s papers curiously remain highly classified today - 53 years later.
In addition to visiting New York’s ITS, Aum personnel also travelled to the Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Their studies here included researching the so called “Tesla Coil” - a device used for alternating currents. Additionally, they also uncovered Tesla’s work on “high energy voltage transmission and on wave amplification, which Tesla asserted could be used to create seismological disturbances.”[vii]
As intriguing and informative as they are, this is not the place to provide a detailed background of Aum Shinrikyo’s ideology. However, it is important to note that the cult shared one common thread with their arch rivals, the militaristic Soka Gakkai. The latter is a truly enormous and powerful Japanese religious cult with 15 million members and massive finances. The cult have thoroughly infiltrated every aspect of Japanese life and, according to veteran reporter Jack Amano, have “covert cells” operating throughout all government departments. Every major Japanese business corporation is riddled with members, Amano states.[viii] Moreover, SG have enormous influence over current Japanese foreign policy.
Both cults adhere to the cataclysmic teaching of the 18th century prophet monk, Nichiren. This doctrine states that an apocalyptic “final war” (saishu senso”) is to be fought against the “Christian west and the Islamic world.” Also known as the “100 hundred year war” it pre-dates WW11 and continues to be fought in the shadows, even as we speak.[ix]
By the early nineties, Asahara and his fellow Aum leaders had made giant inroads into the former Soviet Union. Operating at the highest levels, agreements were reached for the Russians to provide advanced weaponry to Aum. Unsurprisingly, as soon as pen was put to paper - between the Russian government and official representatives of the Japanese government - to ratify the agreements hammered out by Aum - the leadership of Soka Gakkai again felt free to re-commence hostilities against their rival. This resulted, Amano says, in the now infamous Tokyo gas attack. Vilified throughout the world - for an act of sabotage they did not engineer - Aum Shinrikyo’s growing reach and power was effectively crushed, leaving Soka Gakkai in the driving seat once more.
The Nunn report makes clear that Aum sought to selectively recruit Russian scientists into its fold. They targeted, in particular, physicists, chemists, biologists and others engaged in advanced military weapons research. The Senate report also states that Aum were in the process of purchasing a gas laser for plasma-weapons research from their Russian contacts, one of who was Oleg Lobov, Premier Yeltsin’s close confidante. Lobov was paid a significant sum of money for his assistance. The figure may have been as much as US$900 million. It is also clear that Aum received significant assistance from various Russian intelligence services, according to “Vitaly Savitsky, head of the Russian Duma’s religious affairs committee.”[x] Aum’s intelligence connections also extended to Toshio Yamaguchi, head of Japan’s foreign intelligence service - and allegedly a Soka Gakkai devotee.
But the real question is do powerful Tesla-type earthquake weapons really exist? According to conventional scientific wisdom, the answer is a categorical no. Yet, there are many who harbour simmering doubts, and still others who maintain that “conventional wisdom” inside the scientific community merely reflects a mind-set rusted closed by prolonged conservative values.
Despite this, electromagnetic pulse and plasma weapon R & D is rapidly occurring behind the misnomer of “Non Lethality,” and clearly parallel Tesla’s work. Major US defence contractors and leading government weapon research laboratories are intensely interested in “Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).” Research includes “Radio Frequency and Particle Beam Weapons,” “Air and Space Based Directed Energy Weapons,” and, among many others, “DEW Weapons Effects on Personnel.”[xi] Of interest too, is a paper written by Australian defence analyst, Carlo Kopp, which outlines in considerable detail an “Electromagnetic Bomb.” The “E-Bomb,” Kopp says, has the ability to inflict damage “… not unlike the experience through exposure to close proximity lightning strikes.”[xii] In a broadcast dated 27 February 1996, Beijing radio outlined advances in particle beam energy technology and alluded to a “weapon even more powerful than the ‘death ray.’” The broadcast likened the weapon to a “Thunderbolt,” adding that the moment it struck it’s target (vaporising it), a temperature of 8000 degrees Celsius would be produced.[xiii] Not least are the comments of Boris Belitsky, a leading Russian Science and Engineering correspondent, broadcast on Voice of Russia, 24 February 1997. Belitsky in replying to a question on Russian military applications of microwave generators, stated “they can be used to fire a plasmoid, that is, a blob of plasma…”[xiv]
Despite the uncanny similarity of these latter-day lightning and directed energy weapons to his own published research almost 100 years ago, the name Tesla remains unuttered. Tesla, clearly has become an Orwellian “non person” in the scientific and weapon research community. His classified research papers, however, may well have been dusted down and quietly re-cycled?
A brief foray into the literature of Tesla reveal an ingenious inventor years ahead of his time. Born in Serbo-Croatia in the former Yugoslavia, Nikola Tesla settled in the USA where he received citizenship. Today, his work - at least that part which is not hidden under national security wraps - is undergoing a marked, although unofficial revival. He is belatedly credited with the discovery of alternating AC/DC currents, fluorescent lighting, free energy and remote-controlled robots. However, his inquiring mind carried him into far wider realms.
During the late 1890’s, Tesla built a “lightning bolt machine” at Shoreham, Long Island, NY. Funding for the project, dubbed “Wydenclyffe” was provided by banker-entrepreneur, J. P. Morgan. The construction consisted of an enormous 187 foot high tower, capped by a 55 ton, 68 foot metal dome. Tesla was confident his machine would work as envisaged - following previous experiments in Colorado where he had accidentally destroyed the generating station at Colorado Spring’s Electric Company.
Former US Army Colonel and missile specialist, T. E. Bearden, credits Tesla with the invention of what he calls the “Tesla Howitzer.” This, Bearden maintains was able to transmit electric energy over vast distances wire-lessly. Tesla himself argued that this device could destroy entire armies and thousands of airplanes at a distance of hundreds of miles.[xv] It is this device, using Scalar waves, that lays at the heart of discussions of an earthquake weapon. Bearden’s work, however, is generally regarded as being theoretical rather than practical. Non-the-less, Tesla claimed his inventions were not only possible but fairly straight-forward. The fact that many of his more exotic weapons concepts arose at the turn of the last century is, of course, remarkable. Nor should we loose sight of the fact - which I have repeated because of its significance - that his work papers remain veiled behind US national security classification.
If such weapons do, indeed, exist, and covert testing is taking place - as cited by Archipelago journalists and others tracking this story- then we would expect solid evidence of unusual earthquakes and related events to surface. The Kobe earthquake, though interesting, must be viewed with caution. Aum guru Asahara’s prediction could just as easily be predicated on known geological forecasting. This rationale, however, does not appear to fit the facts regarding a large number of powerful quakes and other curious energy events that peppered Western Australia over the last few years.
In 1995, British born Geologist/Geophysicist, Harry Mason, stumbled across a strange, unaccountable earthquake which rumbled across the vast open spaces of Western Australia two years earlier. The event took place at 11.03 p.m., on 28 May 1993 with an epi-centre close to Banjawarn sheep station in the Leonora-Laverton area - North-west of Perth. The event registered 3.7 on the Richter scale and was assumed to have been the first ever recorded quake in that part of Australia. Mason, who was very familiar with the region and it’s geological composition, was intrigued. Initially believing the tremor was the result of a meteorite impact, he set about gathering detailed data.[xvi]
Eyewitnesses reported sighting a fireball trailing across the sky just minutes before the subsequent tremor. This was followed by a bright blue flash and shortly afterwards, by an earth tremor measuring 3.7 on the Richter scale. Shortly following this a “large hemisphere of orange light, lined with a silverish glow, rose above the apparent blast site.”[xvii] Extraordinarily, the dome of light remained in place for two hours, and then rapidly vanished like “someone turning off a switch.”[xviii]
Extensive interviews soon revealed to Mason, a number of major inconsistencies with his meteorite theory. For one thing the object was heard before it arrived overhead and clearly was moving at a sub-sonic speed. Aware that meteorites generally have entry speeds of around 25,000 mph, Mason was bemused. In addition the object gave of “no sparks or other drop off fragments, and appeared to arc up over the observers before seeming to plunge down to the North.”[xix] Moreover, the fireball emitted “a fiery spherical white-blue-yellow light…” and “…flew at relatively low altitude,” and “emitted a regular pulsed swooshing roar” similar to a Diesel freight train engine roar[xx] Some witnesses told Mason they thought they had observed a jumbo jet or plane crash. Subsequent flights over the estimated impact site revealed no crater or blast damage.
As his detailed investigation continued, Mason became increasingly convinced that the Banjawarn event was not a meteor.[xxi] In time, his thoughts increasingly turned towards the peculiar group that had purchased the Banjawarn sheep station in late April 1993. Representatives of Aum Shinrikyo had first arrived at the station in early April 1993 and commenced negotiations to buy the property five weeks before the powerful quake. By May 1993, four other Aum members, including a nuclear physicist arrived on site. By September 1993, Guru Shoko Asahara, arrived with his entourage and remained for a few weeks. Throughout, a series of unusual geological investigations by Aum scientists in, and around Banjawarn, were undertaken.
These involved the curious activities of Aum’s chief arms dealer, Kiyode Hayakawa. Visiting Banjawarn station, he set about conducting extensive electromagnetic tests with electronic probes. The data he accumulated was fed into a laptop computer. Hayakawa remains central to the story. He had extraordinarily good contacts in Russia, travelling there no less than 21 times and repeatedly meeting with the chief of Russia’s Security Council. It was Hayakawa who decided to purchase the sheep station, just days prior to the energy event and subsequent ground tremor.
In researching part in the Aum story, journalist Jack Amano, is convinced that Hayakawa’s sojourns to Russia reaped rewards: “Aum’s Russian scientists had provided detailed designs and the theoretical grounding to develop a technology more powerful even than the ultimate weapon predicted by Asahara.”[xxii] Not least in the Aum efforts, was the acquisition of related US weapons data obtained by hacking into “sensitive US databases.”[xxiii] This, with the aid of Japanese government funding, Russian technological know-how and advanced equipment provided by major Japanese transnational corporations, a terrifyingly powerful super-weapon was being constructed in secret.
Meanwhile, Geologist, Harry Mason, was gathering information that made him pause for thought. Intriguingly, just a few kilometres from Banjawarn, is a military facility located at Laverton. Mason says that press photo’s of this facility “are identical”[xxiv] to the Alaskan HAARP (High-frequency Active Aural Research Project) programme. HAARP has received intense media speculation in recent years, due to its Tesla-like research programme. In an early, detailed essay, Mason concludes “One is certainly left with the impression that someone has been utilising the Leonora-Laverton region as their own private testing ground.”[xxv] In a private telephone conversation with the US Senate Investigations Chief Council, Dan Gerber, Mason was told that Aum had “developed” nuclear bombs and were thought to be conducting a “crash” programme to build an “Earthquake Inducing Weapon.”[xxvi]
As he continued his research, Mason began to gather a significant amount of additional data relating to what he terms “beam events.” These are bright beams of light that hang suspended from the sky, often for prolonged periods. He states that these include “orange beams, small bright white lights and vivid blue-white energy discharges” in the more uninhabited regions of Australia. These also include observations of “diffuse orange energy ‘cylinders’ coming down and striking the ground, whilst clouds overhead light up with exotic colours.” These beams, some experts believe, are a clear “signature” of Scalar wave weapons. In addition there have been other unexplained “fireball” events - notably a 1st May 1995 explosion above Perth, estimated to have been in excess of 1 megaton of TNT energy equivalence.
Additional investigation by Mason centred on the South East Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia. An area unknown for earthquake activity until 1970, an amazing 173 tremors measuring between 3-0 on the Richter scale occurred between 1970-3, with the majority between March and early October 1970. The epi-centres of these events are spaced exactly 10 kilometres apart, along “8 lines each 50-70 km long. Several similar events have occurred subsequently. With the present figure standing at 246 (through 1995), Mason concludes they are “abnormally regular,” and believes Australia is being surreptitiously used as a testing ground for advanced “scalar E/M weapons exercises. Originally, Mason thought these tests may have been of Russian KGB - or more probably French origin.”[xxvii] However, recent data points to Scalar EM weapon tests conducted from the top secret US Navy Exmouth Peninsula Tx facility.[xxviii] The US Navy connection is intriguing.
It was the US Navy who were responsible for Project “Prime Argus” - a precursor programme to HAARP. Argus was responsible for exploding three atomic bombs in the Van Allen belts and, thereafter monitoring the resultant effects. Researchers who have recently investigated the son of Argus, project HAARP, maintain this is an advanced weapon system capable of acting as an impenetrable planetary-wide missile shield.”[xxix] Behind the construction of HAARP lay the scientific patents of Bernard J. Eastlund. Previously classified as Secret, Eastlund’s patents are now partly available for inspection. They are revealing for the sheer scope of what the HAARP project may be capable of, including “weather modification.” Eastlund had in fact used much of Tesla’s work to arrive at his concepts, a fact he openly acknowledged. Moreover, the original Prime Argus project was also concerned with looking “at ways to cause earthquakes.”[xxx]
Whether Tesla’s earthquake inducing devices, and other terrifying weapons of mass destruction are being secretly tested by the major powers is, so far, unproved. But the fact remains that serious military research demonstrates these are within grasp. Who knows, they may even have been grasped - considering the 100 year lead-time of Tesla’s inventions?. Those of us closeted outside the secret world of weapons research are left to squint and speculate.
Weapons that can mimic cataclysmic natural disasters open a Pandora’s box of deniability, and are, therefore, of great value in today’s “I didn’t do it” doctrine of political survival. The fact that Aum did acquire significant advanced weapons from Russia, and that Japan is presently re-militarising itself as part of the “China containment” strategy must be of concern - even disregarding the dark visions of the prophet Nichiren and his festering adherents inside Soka Gakkai and the Japanese military, industrial and intelligence complex.
Similarly, one cannot disregard the EM weapon advances of the US, nor forget the touted joint US-Soviet-Japanese missile shield, which might easily switch from defensive to offensive posture? If we are on the brink of a new class of weapons so terrifying in their destructive potential that they prompted Kruschev to sound his warning 36 years ago, should not the public at least be permitted knowledge of what is being done in their name and with their tax dollars? Apparently not. As ever, Joe and Jane citizen are to be left blinking in ignorance - a fact their masters regard as “blissful” - as they are Goose-stepped into a brave new world.
In one experiment in 1896, Tesla accidentally triggered an earthquake across a dozen New York city blocks. This, Tesla later said, was caused “by a little piece of apparatus you could slip in your pocket.” As local police stormed his lab, the wily inventor lifted a sledge-hammer and smashed the oscillator to pieces, bringing an end to the pandemonium.[xxxi]
That one simple act of common-sense wouldn’t go amiss today.
[i] I am indebted to Yoichi Clark Shimatsu for patiently guiding me through the subtleties of the Aum story. Yoichi - the former general editor of Japan Weekly Times - together with a small band of dedicated journalists have investigated the Aum Shinrikyo story in great detail. Those interested can find in-depth articles posted on their website “Archipelago (” I have to say that the Archipelago team are virtually alone among the Japanese media to courageously unravel the Aum story. This has resulted in the team members of Archipelago suffering genuine threats on their lives and necessitated being kitted-out in body armour and assigned unofficial police guards to protect them. Such dedication is rare and itself should not go unreported.
[ii] Refer Archipelago issue 1.2 article captioned “Starwars & the Final War.
[iii] Archipelago issue 1.2
[iv] Staff Statement - US Senate permanent Subcommittee of Investigations (minority Staff), Hearings on “Global Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Case Study of the Aum Shinrikyo.” Published 31 october 1995.
[v] Referred to in an unpublished paper authored by Lt. Colonel (retired) Thomas E. Bearden, MS, in this writer’s possession.
[vi] US Senate report page 90
[vii] Ibid page 90 (my italics)
[viii] Refer to Jack Amano’s article “Soka Gakkai & Aum: The Doctrine of Final War” - Archipelago - for additional citations on Aum’s relationship to SG and the 100 year war doctrine.
[ix] During WW11, right wing Japanese militarists loyal to Nichiren’s teachings, occupied China and established the puppet state “Manchukuo.” This was to be a staging ground for the larger cataclysmic global war. It was here that Lt. General Shiro Ishii of the notorious Unit 731, developed a leading edge in Biological Warfare. Using captured POW’s as test subjects, Ishii and his team were responsible for some of the most abhorrent human experiments ever recorded. A key figure during this period was Kanji Ishihara. A right wing military strategist, Ishihara predicted that the final war would be fought with future “weapons from the laboratory.” However, Allied victory in WW11 ensured that Japanese militarism ground to a halt, and potential developments of sophisticated weapons were outlawed. Nichiren’s cataclysmic doctrine, however, was not forgotten.
[x] Archipelago article entitled “Enter the red Dragon” by Jack Amano.
[xi] Top Secret conference on DEW weapons, hosted by The Association of Old Crows, June 1995.
[xii] “The Electromagnetic Bomb - A Weapon of Electrical Mass Destruction,” Carlo Kopp - available of the US Air Force website

[xiii] Transcript of the broadcast in the possession of this writer.
[xiv] Significantly, Belitzky ruled out the possibility that these weapons are mere bluff: “This is evident if only from the fact that a few years ago, at the Russian-American summit in Vancouver, the Russians proposed a joint experiment in testing such generators - or plasma weapons…” The proposal was called the “Vancouver to Vladivostok (V2) Initiative.” Similarly, an October 1996 government announcement stated that Russia would join with Japan in the creation of a joint ballistic missile system to balance Chinese regional power. This system would, eventually, be linked to the US HAARP programme in Alaska.
[xv] Published paper dated 5 November 1990 - “The Tesla Howitzer,” T.E. Bearden.
[xvi] My sincere thanks go to Harry Mason for sharing his research notes with me, and for consenting to permit me to publish details of his work. Harry’s dogged pursuit of these curious Australian events deserve wider recognition - hopefully in a forthcoming book.
[xvii] Refer Archipelago article titled “Victory for Shambala.”
[xviii] Ibid
[xix] Private correspondence between Harry Mason and this writer - summer 1996
[xx] Ibid
[xxi] Whilst I am no expert in these matters, Harry has provided me with numerous pages of research material and it is abundantly clear that his investigation is exhaustive and detailed.
[xxii] Archipelago article titled “Victory for Shambala.”
[xxiv] Private correspondence with this writer
[xxv] Ibid
[xxvi] Ibid
[xxvii] In recent correspondence, Mason says the KGB hypothesis was only a passing thought.
[xxviii] See Harry Mason’s recent well documented series of articles in Nexus Magazine (1997 issues) in which he details eyewitness accounts of the Exmouth site which point to the existence of Tower remarkably similar to Tesla’s “Wardenclyffe.”
[xxix] refer “Angels Don’t Play this HAARP” by Dr. Nick Begich and Jane Manning (Earthpulse Press 1995)
[xxx] Ibid
[xxxi] recounted in John O’Neill’s “Prodigal Genius,” (1944). Quote courtesy of Paul Sieveking.

Terrorist War Update!! (I first posted this almost three years ago to sound the alarm. Tragically, nobody listened. Now the stock market has crashed, people are losing their jobs, the World Trade Center has been hauled off for scrap and our nation is headed off to fight a Holy War in the Middle East. Suddenly, nobody is laughing anymore.)
Nice Guy?
or the Devil's Spawn?
He snorted cocaine ... He dodged the draft....His friends knew him as an alcoholic womanizer with a bad temper....a failure at business until his wealthy friends rescued him......then recently he was elected Governor of Texas.........he still couldn't think his way out of a burning phone booth without the advice of his staff .....and yet suddenly he's become our most celebrated presidential candidate, with the Republican nomination all but sewn up before a single ballot has been cast ....
....... How has He done it?
I submit that George Walker Bush is the
And finally I have accumulated more-than-enough proof!
How do you explain the phenomenal political success of one of this country's least experienced and least intelligent politicians? There are only a few possible explanations:
George Bush is a tool of greedy rich people. (Mammon = Satan)
George Bush has sold his soul to Satan in return for political success.
America has devolved to monarchy, and needed another dimwitted King George to crown.
Our democracy was hijacked by corporate fascists, who wanted another Hitler to conquer the world for them.
George Bush is the Antichrist.
All Of The Above
In view of all the facts, the last answer seems most plausible to me -- and perhaps after looking at the following evidence you too will agree:
The Evidence: Let's look at exhibit 1:
The Number of the Beast
The Bible shows us a way to prove whether or not a person is the Antichrist, through numerology. Rev 13:18 says: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That is, the number 666.
The way biblical scholars and numerologists convert the names of men into numbers is through a simple numerical code. Let's assign the 26 letters of the alphabet the numbers 1 through 26. It looks like this:
a 1 i 9 q 17 y 25
b 2 j 10 r 18 z 26
c 3 k 11 s 19
d 4 l 12 t 20
e 5 m 13 u 21
f 6 n 14 v 22
g 7 o 15 w 23
h 8 p 16 x 24
Now if you add up the numbers of his name, George Walker Bush, according to the table above you get 7+5+15+18+7+5 for George, +23+1+12+11+5+18 for Walker, and +2+21+19+8 for Bush, which all adds up to a total of 177 = 1+7+7 = 15 = 1+5 = 6. That's our first six..
Mr. Bush was born July 6, 1946. So if you add up all the digits in his date of birth you get 7+6+1+9+4+6 = 33 = 3+3 = 6. There - now we have our second six.
The antichrist's first step in his goal of attaining complete world domination for Satan, was achieved on that fateful day Bush was first elected governor of Texas - his first elected office - on November 8, 1994. Again, just by adding up the digits we get 1+1+8+1+9+9+4 = 33 = 3+3 = 6. The third six.
update !! : After losing the popular vote on November 7, 2000, the antichrist will take his next giant leap towards ruling the earth when he is inaugurated president of the United States on January 20, 2001. 1+2+0+2+0+0+1 = 6. Another six to replace the one he had as Governor!!
So there you have it folks - 666 - the number of the Beast - beyond any shadow of a doubt now.
(Note: Ever wonder why George Herbert Walker Bush Sr. left the 'Herbert' out when naming his son? Was it a crafty way of dedicating his firstborn son to Satan? George = six letters, Walker = six letters, and BushJr (or 'Busche', which was the original German spelling of their name) = six letters. = 666. Once again, the number of the beast!).
Why did Bush declare his candidacy for president on June 12, 1999? Because that's 6/(6+6)/1999. That's a right-side up 666 next to an upside down 666, separated by a 1 that stands for 1,000 years. This 1 signifies the millennium of peace which will come after Christ defeats the Antichrist (the right side up 666) and rules the world for 1,000 years in the name of the one true God. After that Satan is once again released from hell (the upside down 666) and is finally thrown into the lake of fire forever (Revelation 20:7-10). ( Bush said on this day "there is no turning back")
Still not convinced? I've estimated the chances of something like this ever happening randomly as conservatively at 1 in 100,000,000,000, or over 16 times the total human population. Still think it's just some fantastic coincidence? Well, there's an old saying "You know a man by the company he keeps......."
Exhibit 2: the Bush/Nero Connection
Who is the Real Anti-Christ? Over the last 2,000 years many have claimed to know. All of them have seemingly been wrong. So what makes me any different? Facts!
The term "antichrist' was first used in the most recent books of the Bible, ( 1 John 2:18) " many antichrists have made their appearance." For the early Christians, all those working against the spirit of Jesus Christ were considered antichrists. As Jesus said ( Mat 12:30) "He that is not with me is against me."
At the same time, the early church believed that there would be one individual, a single man whose evil deeds would far exceed all the others; and that this individual would make his appearance just before the second coming of Jesus. Jesus called him ( Mark 13:14) "the abomination of desolation" Paul referred to him as the ( 2 thess 2:3) "man of sin" and "son of perdition". John in his letter and in his Revelation to the church called him "the beast" or "antichrist."
All reputable scholars today believe that the antichrist in the book of Revelation was Nero, emperor of Rome from 54 - 68 AD. Nero persecuted the church with a vengeance, blaming Christians for the burning of Rome, and torturing them to death in the Forum. They became the first Christian martyrs. After Nero was forced to commit suicide, it was widely believed that Nero was still alive in Parthia (the middle east), hiding out (much like Elvis), and that he would return to reclaim his throne. As late as the fifth century AD, Lactantius (240-320 A.D.), Jerome (340-420 A.D.) and St. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) all still believed that the Antichrist would turn out to be a resuscitated Nero. That is what is meant when ( Revelation 13:12) says "the beast, whose fatal (and suicidal) wound has been healed."
Were they wrong? Certainly Nero the man never returned from the dead, and the church eventually looked elsewhere for the antichrist - but that doesn't invalidate the prophecy. Nero has indeed returned, but not as Nero the Roman emporer, he's returned in spirit as George W Bush, the 43rd (P)resident of the United States.. Nero was only a foreshadowing of the last antichrist. This final and most powerful antichrist in history is prepared to finish the evil campaign that first began with Nero almost 2,000 years ago.
It was impossible that Nero the man would be healed and raised from the dead, because only God can heal and give life. As Jesus pointed out (Mat 24:26) "If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself; how then shall his kingdom stand?" When John says in Revelation that the antichrist's fatal wound is miraculously healed by the beast, it is his way of assuring his readers that when the final antichrist does appear, the entire Kingdom of Satan will quickly fall.
But it can only happen by the authority of God, and not because the devil has the miraculous power of healing dead emperors. As Paul writes in ( 2Thes 2:1) " You must be aware of the restraining hand which ensures that he shall be revealed only at the proper time." Revelation says the whole world will be astonished at this resurrected antichrist. But not because he has the power to heal, which is contrary to his nature (even our economy is going to pot - like everything else bush has ever touched), but because the destructive power and all the weapons at his disposal will be truly astonishing compared to the sort of weapons and power Nero once held. "Who can make war against him?" ( Revelation 13:4) asks .... and indeed who can make war against the United States of America today? Never before has one man had so much power, and over the entire world.
The only real question is: Is bush the final antichrist, the beast who will usher in the Apocalypse, or only one of the intermediary antichrists, in the same league as Hitler or Stalin?
The full weight of evidence I've outlined here points strongly to the former proposition.
The life and career of George W Bush parallels that of Nero in many ways. He looks a lot like Nero. They were both born into wealthy and politically powerful families . They have both led a very dissolute (#1 - lust, one of the seven deadly sins) and drunken life (#2 - gluttony, excessive consumption) . Both avoided military service. Both are extremely lazy, spending most of their time vacationing outside Rome/Washington DC (#3 - sloth). They both have bad tempers ( #4 - anger) and exhibit great cruelty, having many people executed. They are both arrogant and dictatorial (#5 - pride). Nero fiddled while Rome burned, Bush took the longest vacation in presidential history just before the 9-11 attack, and when he found out the World Trade Center was burning he fled to Nebraska to hide. They both portray themselves as "compassionate conservatives" - pretending to care for the poor in order to gain political favor, at the same time bankrupting the national treasury on behalf of themselves and their rich friends (#6 -greed). Nero liked to pretend he was a great artist, bush pretends he's a Texas country boy. They both came to power illegitimately, when their mother/brother helped them cheat the legitimate heir - Brittanicus /winner of the election - Gore, of their rightful office (#7 - envy, the last of the seven deadly sins).
Most importantly, they both have the number of the beast. The number of Nero's name in both Greek and Hebrew is 666. St. John gave us this number (666) rather than a name (Nero) so that we could identify his name today (George Bush). Because as I have already demonstrated in exhibit #1, Bush, like Nero, definitely has the mark of the beast.
The Beast and His Prophet: One of the mysteries of Revelation has been the identity and connection of a second beast who rescues the antichrist and serves as his false prophet. Rev 13:12 "He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast." Carl Rove rescued bush from political death after his defeat in a Congressional race, and since 1993 he has served as the brains and the cleverness of the antichrist. No mere presidential advisor has ever held so much power. He is often referred to as 'President Rove', and even other people within the bush regime worry about his growing influence and power. Every decision bush makes is calculated and spun by Rove for political effect, and with no regard for the truth. A true prophet divines the will of God in order to help lead a nation in the path of righteousness. But a false prophet like Rove can predict the moods and weaknesses of the people in order to manipulate public opinion to his own evil ends.
Now listen to what the most renowned prophet of the Christian era has to say in exhibit 3:
New Exhibit! Nostradamus
Michel Nostradamus (1503-1566) a French physician and astrologer who wrote over 900 predictions concerning the fate of the world. Written in four-lined rhyming quatrains, they were to be become famous for their astonishing accuracy. Note: A quatrain circulating around and attributed to Nostradamus: "The village idiot" etc. is a hoax, and it was not written by Nostradamus.
That being said, the devil does hide the truth behind a lie, and the Antichrist's most important identifying trait is his ability to deceive. What better deception than to play the idiot? Hitler was ridiculed and compared to Charlie Chaplain, but the world soon discovered he was anything but a joke. bush openly remarks that his greatest advantage lies in the fact that people tend to underestimate him, and indeed the devil's most powerful weapon lies in the fact that we often underestimate his great cunning. Understand, I'm not denying that bush as a man is basically a complete idiot - however the principalities and powers commanding and guiding his actions are not stupid. .
Nostradamus outlined three distinctly different and progressively worse Antichrist figures, the last one being the bloodiest of all. The first two Antichrists have already come and gone: Napoleon and Hitler. So we are really only waiting for the final Antichrist.
Using this information as background, we can now focus on details concerning the final Antichrist, according to the prophesies of Nostradamus:
century 6 quatrain 13
A doubtful man shall not come far from the reign
The greatest part will uphold him
A capital will not consent that he should reign
His great chair he shall not be able to maintain.
This one is pretty straightforward, and it concerns the man who tried to stop the AntiChrist's rise to power: "A doubtful man shall not come far from the reign" = Everyone doubted Gore had a chance, but he ended up nearly capturing the presidency. "The greatest part will uphold him." = He won the popular vote. "A capitol will not consent he should reign" = The right-wing US Supreme Court in Washington stopped the counting of votes in Florida to ensure Gore's defeat. "His great chair he shall not be able to maintain." = He's now also lost the office of Vice President.
century 2 quatrain 62
Ma-bus then will soon die, there will come
A horrible slaughter of people and animals:
At once vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred hands,
Thirst and hunger when the comet will run.
This gives us a clue to the last Antichrist's name, the sign of his coming, and the slaughter he will initiate before he is finally removed. His rise to power is associated with a comet, and in fact it was during the spectacular show of the recent Hale-Bop comet that bush's own political star rose like a comet - he assumed his first elected office in '95 when Hale-Bop was first sighted, and by the time the comet reached its brightest stage in '97, he was already being talked about as the next president. "will soon die" means after the comet dies and the antichrist assumes power (the presidency), "will come a horrible slaughter " referring to the coming apocalypse in the middle east. "vengeance is revealed coming from a hundred hands" refers to the western alliance formed to take revenge for the bombings of the WTC and the Pentagon. "Ma-bus" becomes AMerican-BUSh by inverting the first two letters and leaving out the last H. Perhaps also referring to the fact that the Bushes have long been part of the Massachusetts aristocracy = MAssachusetts- BUSh. Though Bush Jr. likes to play up his Texas connection, Bush Sr, was born while dad was attending Yale, and Bush Jr. went on to attend both Yale and Harvard. (Note: Nostradamus also misspelled Hitler's name, calling him "Hister")
century 2 quatrain 30
One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
Will cause to be reborn, terror of all mankind
Never more horror nor the newspapers tell of worse in the past,
Than will come to the Romans through Babel (Iraq).
The AntiChrist, aka Ma-bus aka 'MAssachusetts BUSh', is strongly associated with a reincarnated Hannibal. Hannibal was the black general who invaded Italy with his elephants to conquer Rome, but he failed to deliver the final crushing blow. Sound familiar? Colin Powel is a black general who marches with the elephants (Republicans), and he's also bush's top general and right-hand man. Like Hannibal, Powel successfully invaded a country (Iraq), but he failed to remove Saddam. This Quatrain also tells us that Hannibal aka Colin Powel will eventually return to the midddle east and screw-up again in Iraq - this time triggering such a bloodbath that the world has never seen before.
century 8 quatrain 70
He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing over Mesopotamia (Iraq). All friends made by the adulterous lady: the land dreaded and evil in aspect.
This indicates the antichrist (bush), not desiring peace, will bully and 'tyrannize' Iraq. The 'adulterous lady' is the statue of liberty, lady liberty, symbol of America, a country that has forsaken God to follow after the Antichrist, in order to satisfy their insatiable greed and thirst for power (and oil). America's 'friends' are any allies bullied into aiding American aggression in Iraq.
century 10 quatrain 66
The chief of London by the American reign, The isle will divide thee from Scotland by frost; They will have again as King one who is so false an Antichrist, That he will put them altogether in a conflict;
The 'chief of London' is Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Britain, and it indicates that America is telling him what to do. 'Divide thee from Scotland by frost' dates this prophecy by indicating how Scotland recently voted for home rule and convened their first Parliament since 1707. 'Have again as king...' indicates how bush, the American Antichrist, is making British foreign policy like a king - and the fact that his family is descended from British royalty. 'Put them altogether in a conflict.' says he will drag both Britain and America into war in the Middle East.
century 10 quatrain 72
The year 1999, seventh month,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror.
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
In June of 1999, bush formally declared his candidacy for president, and by a July he was already calling himself the president. It is important to understand it was not just a mistake. The AntiChrist receives his authority from Satan - not from God, and not from men. By "mistakenly" calling himself president before any election had been held, bush was announcing to the world for the first time in July of '99 that he was Satan's chosen ruler - the AntiChrist. Likewise the first AntiChrist, Napoleon, crowned himself emperor. And again the second AntiChrist aka Hitler never waited to receive a popular mandate before seizing power. Like Hister, Ma-bus aka 'AMerican- BUSh', used thugs to enforce his authority in Dade county. If bush had won the popular vote, and had not stolen the election in Florida, it would have been conclusive evidence that he was not the third AntiChrist.
Secondly, the quatrain refers to the fact that Antichrist will come into the world from the sky - the French can also be translated as 'heaven'. George Bush was born in 'New Haven' Connecticut. (Scripture says Jesus will return from heaven, and the antichrist is the counterfeit of Christ.)
Thirdly, it indicates that after the US gets bogged down and weakened by its war in the Middle East, it will be Communist China's good luck to be able to overrun what's left of the world in the style of Genghis Khan!
Still not convinced?
Exhibit 4: Bush's Secret Alliance With EVIL
You won't read about it in the New York Times, let alone hear about it on the FOX network, but the current occupant of the White House is not only a member of one of the most evil and Satanic cults in America, but his family got rich helping Hitler come to power and wage war against the world.
George W Bush was/is a member of the "skull and bones" society. No, this isn't just another harmless Greek fraternity, this is a secretive satanic cult peculiar to the jaded WASP elites at Yale University. Initiates undergo torture, lie nude in a coffin and pledge allegiance to Satan. They do not resign from the cult upon graduation - like Christians they consider themselves to be "born again" forever- only they're reborn in Satan, not the Holy Spirit. Like bush they maintain their cultic relationships their entire lives - mostly by helping each other make more money. Bush had the name "magog" in the cult because he had the most extensive sexual experience of all the initiates. "Magaog" is one of the names of Antichrist in Revelation.
Bush was also involved in torture at Delta Kappa Epsilon, when he was President of the fraternity. One pledge recalled how this "compassionate conservative" took great pleasure in personally branding him with a red hot iron, leaving him with scars which he carries to this day. When the hazing scandal broke in the campus newspaper in the late '60s, bush tried to defend the illegal torture as a "harmless prank", but the fraternity was fined and the branding practice halted. Little wonder that bush considered human torture a 'harmless prank': When he was a boy he used to sadistically insert firecrackers into frogs and blow them up for kicks.
Then there's the Bush family alliance with the greatest evil in history - Adolph Hitler. Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush, also a 'scull and bones' man, got rich first by helping the Nazis come to power, then helping Hitler build the war machine that would decimate the world, and then even benefiting from Nazi slave labor and the extermination of millions of Jews. Auschwitz was built near coal deposits so that slave labor could be used in one of Prescott Bush's holdings, the Silesian American Corporation. Even after the US declared war on Germany, Prescott Bush continued violating the Trading With the Enemy Act until the government finally shut him down late in 1942 - but not before making him rich.
More Biblical Prophecy
Exhibit 5a: An uncanny reading of current events through the eyes of the Old Testament Prophet Daniel.
Daniel 8:1-17 In the third year of King Belshazzar's reign, I Daniel, had a vision, after the one that had already appeared to me. In my vision I saw in the citadel of Susa in the province of Elam ( in Iraq just east of Babylon)...I looked up and there before me was a ram with two horns (Saddam Hussein), and the horns were long (he had the fourth most powerful army in the world). One of the horns was longer than the others but grew up later (his forces were divided into the regular armed forces and the Republican army, which was formed later and eventually grew into seven divisions). I watched the ram as he charged towards the west, the north and the south. (Saddam was causing a lot of trouble in the region - supporting terrorism and fighting with Israel in the west, then fighting the Kurds in the north and with Iran along their northern border, and finally invading and occupying Kuwait in the south.) No animal could stand up to him, and none could rescue from his power. He did as he pleased and became great. ( He had become the greatest military power in the region, and was on the verge of acquiring nuclear capability and overrunning Saudi Arabia and the rest of the oil states.)
As I was thinking about this, suddenly a goat with a prominent horn came from the west (United States military forces under President George HW Bush), crossing the whole earth without touching the ground (our forces were airlifted in from across the globe). He came towards the two-horned ram (Saddam's forces) they had seen standing by the canal (the straights of , a crucial oil-producing region shared by Iraq and Kuwait and crucial in the conflict) and charged at him in great rage. I saw him attack the ram furiously, striking the ram and shattering his two horns. (the air war shattered and demoralized the dug-in Iraqi forces.) The ram was powerless to stand against him, the goat knocked him to the ground and trampled on him, and none could rescue the ram from his power. (the ground invasion rolled right over Saddam's forces.) The goat became very great, but at the height of his power his large horn was broken off. (in spite of a skyrocketing job approval rate, George WH Bush lost the presidency a year later and was no longer commander-in-chief.) And in its place four prominent horns grew up towards the four winds of heaven. (Bush Sr had three sons and a daughter who died of leukemia.) Out of one of them came another horn, which started small but grew in power to the south and to the east and toward the Beautiful Land. (George W bush started out spending most of his adult life drinking and failing at business ventures. But then out of nowhere he started growing in power and was elected governor of the southern state of Texas, then he went east to Washington DC to assume the presidency, and now he's heading off to conquer the middle east (the 'beautiful land').) It grew until it reached the host of heaven and it threw some of the starry hosts down to earth and trampled on them. (There will be an air and bombing campaign followed by a ground war.) It set itself up as great as the Prince of the host; ('Operation Infinite Justice', pretending that his justice and power is equal to that of an infinite God) it took away the place of daily sacrifice from him, and the place of his sanctuary was brought low. (war will engulf the middle east in a holy war as supposed religious terrorists are tracked down and any Islamic state which offering them sanctuary is attacked). The heavenly host was delivered up (countless innocent civilians will be slaughtered), and the little horn (George bush Jr.) raised itself impiously against the regular offering and cast true religion to the ground; (he claims to be a religious man of peace fighting against evil, but just the opposite is the case. He is just a war monger looking for enough oil to satisfy his insatiable greed.) It succeeded in all he did, and truth was thrown to the ground (for a time he will be very successful in his 'war against terrorism', and fool a lot of people).
Then I heard a holy one speaking, and another holy one said to him, "How long will it take for the vision to be fullfilled? -....." He said to me, "It will take 2,300 evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be reconsecrated." (the holy war will last about six and a half years, causing an unbelievable amount death and destruction - then the antichrist will be removed by God and peace restored to the Middle East)....While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one one who looked like a man. (the son of God) And I heard a man's voice calling, "Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision." As he came near the place I was standing, I was terrified and fell prostrate. "Son of man," he said to me, "understand that the vision concerns the time of the end." (we are entering the last days - the Apocalypse.)
More Biblical Warnings
Exhibit 5b: Important scriptural clues concerning the identity of the AntiChrist from the book of Revelation and other parts of the New Testament::
Rev 9:1 I saw a star fall from heaven unto earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. When Satan was cast down from the heavens, he came down to earth like a fallen and solitary star. Texas is know as the 'lone star state', and the 'bottomless pit', of course, refers to what passes for hell on earth - the hopeless pit of poverty. Texas has one of the nation's highest rates of child poverty - 26.2%; the highest rate of citizens without any health insurance - 24.5%; and a recent Department of Agriculture study says that 5% of Texas households sometimes go without any food at all. Yet Texas has the most regressive tax structure and spends the least per capita on social services than any state in the union. As governor for the last five years, Mr. Bush has had the key in his hand that could have helped open the door out of poverty for millions of Texans, but instead he prided himself in building a record of cutting taxes for Texas' wealthiest citizens and campaign contributors.
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. This refers to Mr. Bush's roll as the bloodiest governor in the nation. Texas has the nations highest rate of incarceration, and executes far more prisoners than any other state, (Texas is also the first state to have more people die from gunshot wounds than automobile accidents, and the murder rate is above the national average - so much for deterrence). In Texas, an African-American convicted of killing a white is 6 times more likely to receive the death penalty than in the reverse case. When a sincere Christian named Karla Faye Tucker begged for mercy, so that she might continue her ministry in prison, Gov Bush is reported to have mocked and laughed at her anguished pleas. She became the first woman to be executed in Texas since the Civil War. While at the same time he spared the life of the infamous, self-confessed child molester and mass-murdering (200+) Satanist and serial killer Henry Lee Lukas - the only death-row inmate ever to earn clemency from Bush.
II Thes 2:4 who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God By naming his war in the Middle East, "Operation Infinite Justice", he is put himself and our entire country in the place of God. To claim in his state of the union address, that he has the power and authority to eliminate all the 'evildoers' in the world is a megalomaniac ambition, putting himself in the place of Jesus Christ. Only the infinite God is capable of showing infinite mercy and justice or eliminating evil in the world. Whatever justice we can mete out in this life is only a very sad imitation, always prone to great errors in judgment.
To pretend that we can bring "infinite justice" to the world with all our smart bombs and cruise missiles, tanks and bombers is the worst sort of blasphemy imaginable. To pretend that the murder of countless innocent civilians, as will inevitably be the case, is some sort of divine and "infinite justice", or a way of defeating evil, is something only the Antichrist, completely corrupted by its own power, could ever dream up.
Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation ...standing where it ought not...flee. The "abomination of desolation" refers to the obscene wave of gun violence now sweeping across our country. Bush has now even signed a law allowing gun owners to bring their guns into a church. In doing so, he's allowing a symbol of violence and death to be brought into a sacred house of worship - where it ought not to be. He's also signed legislation to prohibit Texas cities and counties from suing firearm or ammunition makers or sellers. And he refused to require background checks at gun shows -- despite repeated requests from the police chiefs of the seven largest cities in his state. He defends all his pro-gun actions by saying that, ""I support the Second Amendment.", even though the overwhelming majority of federal courts have ruled against the NRA's interpretation of the Second Amendment.
Rev 9:2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke from the pit. Because of Gov Bush's campaign to make air pollution regulations voluntary rather than mandatory, Texas now ranks first in the nation in toxic air emissions from industrial facilities, discharging over 100 million pounds of cancer causing pollutants and other contaminants into the air annually. Bush also helped overturn a viable auto-emissions testing program in favor of one that costs more, tests less accurately and is easier to evade. Houston has just become home to the dirtiest air in the nation, outranking Los Angeles. And the non-partisan League of Conservation Voters recently called him the "biggest threat to the environment of any leading major party presidential candidate."
2 Tim 4:3 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts will they heap unto themselves teachers, having itching ears."
IIThes 2:3 "..for that day shall not come, except there comes a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."
The writing of the Apostles indicates that many people who call themselves Christians will eventually follow another gospel, and it is these people who will usher in the last days. The Religious Right in America is a corrupt religious heresy where people calling themselves Christians have turned their back on the poor and gone on to savagely persecute the most persecuted (gays). Rather than honoring God, they've made money and status their god, they profess 'family values' rather than Christian values, and they practice a crude name it/claim it ideology as a way of increasing their sins and mocking God. They use their opposition to abortion as the proof of their righteousness - because it doesn't cost them anything. That is not to say there is not still a remnant of true Christians in the world - mostly abroad and among the poor. But America's arrogant, affluent rightwing cultists are a hateful abomination, and just as it was prophesied, these heretical hypocrites, first being deceived by their own greed and lust for power, have now helped to bring the final AntiChrist to power. In so doing, they have finally ushered in the Apocalypse, to their own eternal damnation.
Rev 13:5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; "There Ought to be Limits to Freedom!"
That's what the governor said after looking at another website parody, created by Zack Exley at Then he sicked his lawyers on the guy and tried to censor free speech on the internet. (The governor has also had Texas citizens forcibly removed and jailed for peacefully protesting on the public sidewalk in front of the Governor's Mansion. The protesters have since taken the governor to court to defend their First Amendment rights.)
Lastly, exhibit 666:
The Mother Of the Beast:
Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations....and I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints.
Note: This page first inspired by the award-winning site about David Hasselhoff
Note: Horns and music added for dramatic effect.
Evidence researched and compiled by:
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