UK Newswire Archive
Happy International Workers Day!
01-05-2015 17:35
Haymarket Memorial Inscription: The day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you are throttling today
Liverpool May Day Party and Protest - Solidarity on the Streets
30-04-2015 21:01
FOI Reports reveal that Minister opted not sanction coursing clubs despite clear
30-04-2015 18:10
World Bank and IMF Announce $1.1 Billion in Debt Relief for Chad
30-04-2015 16:14
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank announced $1.1 billion in debt relief for Chad. The money comes through the IMF and World Bank's two major debt relief programs: the Heavily Indebted Poor Country Initiative (HIPC) and the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI). Chad is the 36th country to receive HIPC relief and the first since 2012. Chad is the fourth-least developed country in the world. More than half its population lives in poverty.More and more planning application in Stokes croft
30-04-2015 13:01
seen that there is a new planning granted for a restraunt at the jamaica street artists buildingIndonesia - The time for being polite is over !
30-04-2015 04:44
Anarchist flags raised in Liverpool by LOVE
29-04-2015 17:41
Occupiers of Bank of England building turned homeless shelter make demands
29-04-2015 15:24
Chernobyl : The Reloading
29-04-2015 11:40
FCUM Bans Workfare
29-04-2015 08:19
EDL Divisions Switch To The National Front @edlnews @slatfascists @slatukip #edl
28-04-2015 23:24
Thanet EDL Joins National Front En Masse - @edlnews @misscheeky666 @slatfascists
28-04-2015 23:06
World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 2)
28-04-2015 22:19
World Lab Day comes to Cambridge (pt 1)
28-04-2015 21:52
Report & Pics: Anzac Day in Wales - Remembering a Pioneer for Peace
28-04-2015 19:28
On Saturday 25 April, over 50 people came together in Llangollen, Wales, on the centenary of the first Gallipoli landings to celebrate the very long life of Elisabeth (Lib) Rowlands-Hughes, born at the end of WWI into a family missing most of its young men.
Lib firmly believed that the lesson of WWI, a war which claimed the lives of four of her uncles, should be NEVER AGAIN. As an early member of the Peace Pledge Union, Lib made the following vow:
I renounce war, and am therefore determined not to support any kind of war. I am also determined to work for the removal of all causes of warand this is what she did for the rest of her life.
New Munich : a Dream of Chamerlain and Daladier comes true
28-04-2015 09:00
Aftershocks Pummel Highly Indebted Nepal: Poor Country Spends 217 Million Annual
27-04-2015 16:08
As Nepal experiences aftershocks from Saturday's earthquake, it may find relief in the IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, a fund that cancels the debt of poor countries in crisis.Philippine Women's Group Gabriela blast President Aquino
27-04-2015 13:33
The BBC, Ricky Dearman And Mind Control Agenda
26-04-2015 18:27
Screws cars damaged in Bristol
25-04-2015 11:16
Screws cars damaged in Bristol