UK Newswire Archive
[Video] Anarchist intervention at the speech of the Mayor of Athens at the LSE
06-03-2013 02:12

The eco-warriors are all legal observers engaging in police liaison
06-03-2013 01:49
A Call To Arms - Smash the G8 and the IF Campaign
05-03-2013 22:55
The IF campaign has decided it can most effectively fight world hunger by making cute little paper boxes. They believe (or so they make out) that this sort of crafting will persuade George Osborne to be nice and not spend aid money on shooting africans.
What a load of crap.
The G8 leaders are meeting in June to discuss the ongoing extermination of all life on the planet, poor humans first, and how they can make sure they and their friends continue to profit. There's no point trying to appeal to the conscience of capitalism - it has none.
Ordinary people around the world are PISSED OFF. Ordinary people here in the UK are PISSED OFF. And these pissed off people are being lied to and their anger co-opted by this bunch of liberal idiots.
They are trying to recuperate anger and dissent whilst being obviously completely in the pocket of the state. The people responsible for this are as bad as the politicians, making the same hackneyed excuses for the brutality of capitalism and producing the illusion of hope where there is none. The only glimmer of hope left to us is the nebulous, multifaceted struggle which one day will relegate the capitalist era to the history books.
We need to get this message across to everyone concerned with the inequalities we see around the world - the IF campaign is a dangerous distraction from the reality of capitalism and the state. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands will march (again) and then go back to their lives, content in the knowledge that they have "done something". We need to get the message out there that no, one demonstration will not change the world, and no, politicians will not stop exploiting us if we ask them nicely enough.
This is a call to arms. IF you're an anti-capitalist, STAND UP AND FIGHT. We've been sitting back for too long, been insecure and unsure for too long. I promise you, with courage and determination, we will win.
Everyone knows that capitalism is killing us all. Austerity is just the first shock for Europeans - there is much worse to come, and we all know it. We (population of the UK) have either been subdued or bought off, depending on our social status. We (anti-capitalists) have been apathetic for far too long. We've refrained from shouting about our politics because we're scared that no-one will listen, or because we're tired, or because we're scared of the consequences. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Hand out flyers, write articles, make art, talk to people in the street, build the movement, occupy everything, destroy the apparatus of capital and the state and everything that subjugates us. ORGANISE, ORGANISE, ORGANISE. We have to work together and see past each other's differences to the world that we can only create together.
Enough bullshit. I'll see you on the streets on the 1st of May, June 11th, and every day afterwards.
The Justice in Capitalism.
05-03-2013 22:55
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }P.western { }Greek Solidarity Night & Belarus ABC Infotalk this week
05-03-2013 18:18

India: “Bayer’s Tonic“ still on the Market
05-03-2013 17:14

The company BAYER continues to sell its disputed strengthener “Bayer’s Tonic” in India. The tonic contains a mixture of liver fraction, yeast extract, flavoured syrup and 10% alcohol.This has been proven by test purchases conducted by the Coalition against Bayer Dangers.
TIME CHANGE - Benjamin Franks event moved to earlier time
05-03-2013 16:55
To any wishing to come to the Ben Franks talk,Sorry for the short notice. This is to let you know that the talk hosted by the Edinburgh University Anarchist Society on Wednesday by Benjamin Franks (University of Glasgow) on 'Anarchisms and Marxisms: the beginnings and ends of the schism?' is now due to start at 5pm, in Lecture Theatre 4, Appelton Tower.
OSARCC is recruitment helpline and email support volunteers
05-03-2013 15:07

International Day of Action Against Police Brutality, Corruption & Murder
05-03-2013 11:58

Police Headquarters Lloyd House
Birmingham Anti-Cuts Conference – Saturday 16th March
05-03-2013 11:44

4pm – 6pm
Saturday 16th March
Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
05-03-2013 06:29

Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these 'correctional housing units'.
Albany Lettings – pay what you owe!
05-03-2013 00:55
Please help us support a tenant claiming their illegally charged fees back!
Kerstin recently obtained a decree from the court against Albany Lettings saying they have to pay back illegally charged fees, but they are refusing to pay up, so we are organising a protest at their office to help Kerstin get the money she is owed!
Edinburgh East Save Our Services Meeting
05-03-2013 00:55
6.30pm Tuesday 5th March 2013
Northfield / Willowbrae Community Centre, 10 Northfield Road, EH8 7PP.
Open meeting for people in the East of Edinburgh to organise against public sector cuts and privatisation. All welcome.
'Workfare Ain't Fair' Protest and leafleting
04-03-2013 20:55
12.00 4th March 2013
Folks initially gathered outside the entrance to the offices of A4e at Maid Marian House, Maid Marian Way, Nottingham.
Banners displayed and leaflets handed out expaliain the issues. There was much interest from the clients / customers / canon fodder. It was heartening to see so many leaflets being taken and read earnestly.
Then across the road to the Ingeus offices, 55 Maid Marian Way. This time, a nicer spot in the sun.
Event Statement:
On Monday March the 4th meet outside A4e's Nottingham offices at First Floor Maid Marion House Maid Marion Way. We need to let them know that they their reckless treatment of the working class will not be tolerated, and that we will not take attacks on our lives without fighting back. A4e are one of the UK’s biggest Workfare companies they are being paid billions of pounds to bully people into unpaid labour for supermarkets, charities and high street shops.
Compulsory workfare was at the heart of the Government’s £5 billion Work Programme. So far the Government are refusing to provide figures detailing whether anyone has actually got a job on the Work Programme.
A4e's workfare contract means they get paid £45million. In the first 10 months of their contract, almost 115,000 people were referred to the A4e under the Work Programme. Of those just 4,000 have managed to obtain jobs that lasted 13 weeks or more - the length of time the government determines as a successful outcome.
A4e, which paid its former chairman Emma Harrison an £8.6m dividend in 2010, referred the second largest number of cases for punishment. The firm, which has been at the centre of a series of fraud allegations, in the first year of it's Work programme contact demanded that 10,120 individuals be sanctioned. The Jobcentres agreed to withhold benefits in 3,000 of those cases.
Workfare means that those who need welfare are forced into unpaid work for multimillion pound companies. Instead of a living wage, they recieve only Job Seeker's Allowance (JSA) far below the minimum wage. The companies themselves don't pay anything.
Workfare means that those in paid positions may see their jobs replaced by this unpaid labour. Why would a company pay for people to do your jobs when they can get free labour from the job centre?
It's clear that workfare and other work programmes like it are another attack by the rich on the poor. We need to unite in order to fight back against the rich bosses and goverment officals who think we'll take this lying down.
Contact email:
Demonstration against A4e and Ingeus
Riseup! Radio at A4e
Workfare : Forced Labour Protest
Workfare walk of shame in Nottingham
Workfare walk of shame
Ingeous Bollocks O:-)
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Demonstration against A4e and Ingeus
04-03-2013 20:55
Precarious workers, students, the unemployed, squatters, and the angry and annoyed turned up outside the Nottingham offices of Ingeus and A4e for a demonstration called by Nottingham against Workfare and Stop G8 Notts. A “Workfare ain't Fair” was handed out and hundreds of leaflets entitled “Workfare is Class warefare” were handed out to shoppers, as well as those employed and harassed by A4e and Ingeus. This demonstration was part of a local and national campaign aiming to highlight the grievous attack by the capitalist class on everyone else that is workfare.
So far in Nottingham different groups and individuals have leafleted job centers, held pickets outside shops that use workfare, and private companies who administrate the welfare industry such as Atos, Ingeus and A4e have had their building sabotaged by unknown individuals with hammers, stickers and glue. Similar activities have happened around the country with shops being occupied by bodies and certain offices being targeted with phone blockades.
It's clear that the willingness to resist is there, questions remain over whether the class solidarity, the organization or the long term strategy is? We know we can't rely solely on Unions many of whom have implicitly supported the recent reforms and explicitly suggest that the response is to re-elect a Labour party who were as guilty in attacking the poor and working classes as this current Lib-Con government is. Street demonstrations like todays could remain a valid way of spreading the word and engaging with more pissed off people, they will only be relevant if they are used to build a broad coalition where the balance between autonomy and horizontal collectivism is found.
As part of the Workfare week of action Nottingham Against Workfare will be holding a Blockdade on Workfare parasites Burtons Men's Clothing on the Saturday 23rd March at 14:00.
Stop G8 Notts will be next meeting at the Sumac Centre on Tuesday 12th March at 19:30, and a “They won't pay and neither will we” demonstration at the Tax offices on the 5th April.
If you're a claimant or unemployed come along to The Unemployed workers Club at the Sumac Centre every thursday at 11am.