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A Call To Arms - Smash the G8 and the IF Campaign (unimportant) | 05.03.2013 22:55

The IF campaign has decided it can most effectively fight world hunger by making cute little paper boxes. They believe (or so they make out) that this sort of crafting will persuade George Osborne to be nice and not spend aid money on shooting africans.


What a load of crap.

See here.



The G8 leaders are meeting in June to discuss the ongoing extermination of all life on the planet, poor humans first, and how they can make sure they and their friends continue to profit. There's no point trying to appeal to the conscience of capitalism - it has none.


Ordinary people around the world are PISSED OFF. Ordinary people here in the UK are PISSED OFF. And these pissed off people are being lied to and their anger co-opted by this bunch of liberal idiots.

They are trying to recuperate anger and dissent whilst being obviously completely in the pocket of the state. The people responsible for this are as bad as the politicians, making the same hackneyed excuses for the brutality of capitalism and producing the illusion of hope where there is none. The only glimmer of hope left to us is the nebulous, multifaceted struggle which one day will relegate the capitalist era to the history books.

We need to get this message across to everyone concerned with the inequalities we see around the world - the IF campaign is a dangerous distraction from the reality of capitalism and the state. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousands will march (again) and then go back to their lives, content in the knowledge that they have "done something". We need to get the message out there that no, one demonstration will not change the world, and no, politicians will not stop exploiting us if we ask them nicely enough.


This is a call to arms. IF you're an anti-capitalist, STAND UP AND FIGHT. We've been sitting back for too long, been insecure and unsure for too long. I promise you, with courage and determination, we will win.


Everyone knows that capitalism is killing us all. Austerity is just the first shock for Europeans - there is much worse to come, and we all know it. We (population of the UK) have either been subdued or bought off, depending on our social status. We (anti-capitalists) have been apathetic for far too long. We've refrained from shouting about our politics because we're scared that no-one will listen, or because we're tired, or because we're scared of the consequences. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.


Hand out flyers, write articles, make art, talk to people in the street, build the movement, occupy everything, destroy the apparatus of capital and the state and everything that subjugates us. ORGANISE, ORGANISE, ORGANISE. We have to work together and see past each other's differences to the world that we can only create together.


Enough bullshit. I'll see you on the streets on the 1st of May, June 11th, and every day afterwards. (unimportant)


Display the following 6 comments

  1. this aint 1998 — common sense
  2. thanks comedian! — LOL
  3. See you on the streets! — lisa
  4. Excelsior! — Physics for cats.
  5. Click the link — the pies
  6. theres no mass movement behind it. — jah bless