Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
Unwanted Publicity Intelligence | 05.03.2013 06:29 | Health | Policing | World
These government agencies have already budgeted funds since 2011 for 'civil detention' using 'correctional facility housing units' and 'commandeered motels' to 'house and treat' Tuberculosis infected people throughout southern California, but that's not all.
Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these 'correctional housing units'.
Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these 'correctional housing units'.
Tuberculosis Outbreak U.S. Civil Detention Plan No Longer Secret
by, Unwanted Publicity Intelligence
March 4, 2013 22:22:42 Updated ( Originally Published: February 28, 2013 )
Los Angeles - February 28, 2013 - It has been like an evening out-of the Twilight Zone. No sooner having written and published a report on the Tuberculosis outbreak of a rare strain found amongst a growing number of about 5,000 homeless ( minimum estimate out-of 51,000 homeless in Los Angeles alone ) in southern California, even more shocking news followed.
Within an hour of the initial report this evening, it was discovered that according to official government documents the Tuberculosis outbreak in Los Angeles has actually been known about for over 1-year ( since February 2012 ) by the U.S. federal government Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP ) , State of California Department of Health, and County of Los Angeles Public Health Department, but that's not all.
These government agencies have already budgeted funds since 2011 for 'civil detention' using 'correctional facility housing units' and 'commandeered motels' to 'house and treat' Tuberculosis infected people throughout southern California, but that's not all.
Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these correctional housing units.
Here's the order of what was discovered, when, just this evening:
On June 6, 2012 at 10:42 a.m. ( PST ), Susan Spieldenner [ TEL: +1 (510) 620-3037, E-MAIL: ], a U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) "Public Health Advisor," according to the CDC Employee Directory, was the U.S. government employee who 'drafted in-advance' the Microsoft Word document entitled, "Plan For Housing Homeless Tuberculosis Patients" that the CDC requested due for submission by June 29, 2012 according to further information contained hidden within the Microsoft Word document internal properties that was just recently discovered on February 28, 2012 by the now-defunct website Unwanted Publicity Intelligence host, Paul Collin whose foensic investigation of the electronic document came subsequent to his initial report entitled "Tuberculosis Outbreak Los Angeles Homeless Quarantine Expected" first published online at the internet website Project Camelot Forum section "Confirmed Breaking News."
Also revealed, by Unwanted Publicity Intelligence defunct website host electronic document forensics, was the fact that according to 'highly detailed dates and times' - found hidden within that particular Microsoft Word document internal properties - the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) requested Susan Spieldenner to have that particular report ( ie., "Plan For Housing Homeless Tuberculosis Patients" ) "Due by: February 15, 2013" proving and confirming the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) was 'planning before June 6, 2012 to quarantine homeless in the Greater Los Angeles Area' according to what it gently referred to as "treatment housing unit for 1-year."
In yet another Microsoft Word document - from the State of California Department of Public Health - drafted by Theodore Lee ( also known as ) Ted Lee entitled, "Policy For Housing Confirmed Or Suspected Patients With Tuberculosis Who Are Considered Infectious" wherein Unwanted Publicity Intelligence electronic forensics found internal properties hiding that latter document having been actually "Last printed: February 22, 2012 at 12:31 p.m." but then over 1-year later finally "Edited: February 28, 2013.:
It now appears that since 'at-least February 22, 2012' the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) knew there was a Tuberculosis outbreak already in full-swing on the streets of Los Angeles, California and was 'planning to identify and quarantine homeless 1-year later'.
This latter Microsoft Word document says all that people 'officially need to know about government secret planning to quarantine people, which is what the government will now do:
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Compliance with this policy will reduce the risk of transmission to a minimum when homeless TB patients must be housed outside the hospital setting; however, smear positive patients optimally should be placed in AFB 'isolation'.
A self-contained housing unit provides all facilities required for activities of daily living (i.e., sleeping, eating, and personal hygiene), to help ensure that contact with others does not occur.
A 'housing unit that does not share air with other units has no ventilation system in common with other occupied units', nor any 'other means for air to move from one unit to another' ( e.g., under a door adjoining two units ). If an exhaust air vent ( any vent from which air is not supplied ) is present, other than in the bathroom, 'it must be assumed that air is shared with other units' ).
“Guidelines for the Assessment of Tuberculosis Patient Infectiousness and Placement into High and Lower Risk Settings,” CDPH/CTCA Joint Guidelines, 5/1/2009
Because the 'consequences of transmission of MDR-TB are severe', certain 'infection control practitioners might choose to keep persons with suspected or confirmed MDR-TB disease under airborne precautions' during the entire hospitalization or until culture conversion is documented, 'regardless of sputum smear results' ( “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health Care Settings, 2005” MMWR 54(RR17):1-141.)
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State of California
Department of Public Health
Tuberculosis Control Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 2nd floor
Richmond, California 94804-6403
Tuberculosis Control
Local Assistance Funds
Policies and Procedures Manual
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
Base Award
Food, Shelter, Incentives and Enablers ( FSIE )
Funds Reimbursement for 'Civil Detention'
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Joint CTCA-CDPH Health Department
Tuberculosis Correctional Liaison Duty
"Civil Detention" mentioned in the aforementioned document ( 2011 - 2012 ) means the United States federal government will be 'reimbursing' the State of California government, both of which have 'already been planning civil detention' for people ( 'homeless' or 'not homeless' ) living in the Greater Los Angeles Area whom are 'identified' with this rare strain of Tuberculosis ( TB ).
Tuberculosis amongst homeless in Los Angeles, California was downplayed - mentioning nothing about the '1-year old Tuberculosis outbreak' - when U.S. 'government-embedded news began its 'soft indoctrination' where a 'serious problem exists' with 'only lite news being released just to familiarize the subject with the public'. When nothing further is mentioned, the public assumes the problem was either 'eliminated' or 'handled without public risk'. In 'this case instance'? Nothing could be further from the public ever realizing the truth about the rare strain of Tuberculosis that is an airborne viral infection spread throughout the air by infected human beings.
While it may 'not yet' be a "Zombie Apocalypse" per se, it officially appears now to be the closest thing to such a mass public detention event coming.
What is scarier?
The Tuberculosis infectious people identification program "incentives" of financial "award" offered by the U.S. federal government to the State of California, which ee already is in debt and financially broke and looking for money to keep its fat of government employees happy so, the name of this 'bureaucratic sick game', is:
U.S. taxpayer blank checks are being turned over to the State of California to simply fill out and get paid from.
Economic Homeland Security found in people living within Local Health Jurisdictions ( LHJ ) infected with a rare strain of Tuberculosis ( TB ).
The people whom elected their form of government officials are willing to "Pay Any Price" because their paycheck finances come from U.S. taxpayers.
Now that your government ran out of money is when your government goes to work on you and your loved ones to get more money - and the government 'will' - just hide and watch it take place.
Still don't think Corporate America got involved with the homeless whom 'mysteriously contracted a Tuberculosis rare strain found only in Los Angeles'?
McDonald's fast-food restaurant coupons have even been budgeted into this government 'bureaucratic sick game'. Simply read Page 35 of the 2012 official government report ( below ):
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California Department of Public Health
Tuberculosis Control Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 2nd floor
Richmond, California 94804-6403
Tuberculosis Control Local Assistance Funds
Policies and Procedures Manual
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
Base Award
Food, Shelter, Incentives and Enablers ( FSIE ) Funds Reimbursement for 'Civil Detention'
"Food items, meals, incentives, enablers itemize and cross-foot, e.g.:
20 personal hygiene kits @ $3.50 - total: $70;
100 bus vouchers @ $1.00 - total: $100;
50 McDonald’s coupons @ $3.00 - total: $150."
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Submitted for review and commentary by,
Paul Collin, host
Unwanted Publicity Intelligence
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Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak Los Angeles Homeless Quarantine Expected
by, Unwanted publicity Intelligence (
UnwantedPublicity@Gmail.Com )
March 4, 2013 21:22:42 Updated ( Originally Published: February 28, 2013 )
Los Angeles - March 4, 2013 - This report was almost entitled, "Homeless To Be Declared Health & Safety Hazard By Homeland Security," however 'intelligence revelations only come officially' either via 'slow news progression' or some 'labelled conspiracy website'. Take your pick how fast you want your news delivered, but for now - readers will have to live with the current report title, "Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak Los Angeles Homeless Quarantine Expected."
No fear though! U.S. citizens won't have to wait long for the shocking news as 'everyone was just placed on that slow official pathway' toward the 'official outlawing of homeless people'. What?
Corporate America ( via Israel's TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS - see U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention "Health Alert" - further below ) could find 'no other way to make homelessness profitable'. Hence, now America has its very own Tuberculosis ( TB ) "Outbreak!" running rampant 'all over the streets' as well as 'in-to and out-of heavy public foot traffic areas, like:
1. Public Transportation ( Buses, Metro Rail trains, Shuttles, etc. );
2. Fast-Food Restaurants ( e.g. McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, El Pollo Loco, Del Taco, etc., etc. );
3. Parks & Recreation and Public Beach Facilities;
4. Churches & MHospitals; and,
5. Places Where Large Masses of People Congregate ( Sports Events, Theatres, etc. ) ...
All of the above, easily connects millions of people throughout of Greater City Of Los Angeles Area is a giant geographic city area consisting of 'many-many multiple other cities' far exceeding the actual population of just the City of Los Angeles in Southern California.
During 2008, I ( host of the Unwanted Publicity now-defunct website groups ) wrote a report entitled, "Israel Anthrax Fueled Iraq War CIA UK Intelligence" about U.S. government secret TELEX transmissions I stumbled ( 1997 ) upon ( online ) while researching a University special Optical Character Resolution ( OCR ) conversion tooled database linked directly from the White House library webpage so, 11-years later I revealed the names of U.S. friendly Israel companies covertly supplying ( 1991 - 1992 ) deadly Anthrax to the then-former ( 'just before the break-out' of the "Persian Gulf War" ) Iraq government led by King Saddam Hussein. Those companies, were:
ORPHAHELL B.V. ( also known as );
ORVET B.V. (aka);
TEVA PHARMA B.V. (aka); and,
In 2008, I simultaneously revealed the names of the 'U.S. friendly export-import nations hiding those secret Anthrax deliveries' to Iraq, and I finally exposed the Iraq based informant the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) making the United Kingdom ( UK ) British intelligence case presented before the United Nations ( UN ) Security Council weigh in favor of approving the most recent War in Iraq.
How does TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS figure into the Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak?
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) recently issued one of their "Health Alert" reports that revealed some rather interesting information.
Not only is 1 of only 3 companies suddenly refused to produce anymore of the medication, i.e. Isoniazid ( also known as ) INH, designed to fight Tuberculosis ( TB ), but the production cut leaves TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS ( and 1 other company ) the only two ( 2 ) companies in the U.S. to produce the Isoniazid ( INH ) medication.
There is an additional and even bigger problem:
There's already a critical supply shortage of this special Tuberculosis fighting medication ( i.e., Isoniazid / INH ). Why?
There's been a run on the Tuberculosis fighting medication Isoniazid ( INH ). Why?
The Tuberculosis Outbreak throughout Los Angeles, California is a "rare strain of Tuberculosis" - and likely a larger outbreak than being officially reported to the public because even the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) is only 'officially providing at its website' only 'legacy era' ( circa: 2000 ) public information downloads.
Time the people began getting answers for themselves because the U.S. government bureaucracy takes far too long to reveal any worthwhile information to members of the public that would like to begin taking advanced precautions in-lieu-of what the U.S. government is 'not saying what the public can do to protect themselves'.
The following official news reports plus official United States government reading References are provided ( below ):
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SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal
Los Angeles asks for federal help with tuberculosis outbreak
February 22, 2013
Los Angeles County health officials have asked federal officials for help to contain a worsening tuberculosis outbreak among the homeless in its downtown area.
County health officials here have identified seventy-eight ( 78 ) cases of a 'particular strain of the highly contagious disease' - in the past 5-years - resulting in 11 deaths.
Of those cases ( 78 ) - sixty ( 60 ) have been identified as homeless living around Skid Row - making it the "largest outbreak we've seen" among the city's [ Los Angeles ] homeless population in a decade [ 10-years ], said Dr. Jonathan Fielding, director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health ( DPH ).
Dr. Fielding said as many as 4,500 homeless may have been exposed to the disease.
Earlier this month, he [ Jonathan Fielding ] asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [ CDC / CDC&P / CDCP ] to send health officials to Los Angeles to help identify other possible victims.
The move to turn to United States federal officials was first [ 1st ] reported [ February 21, 2013 ] by the Los Angeles Times on Thursday.
A spokesman for the County of Los Angeles Health Department said U.S. federal officials have agreed to help, but haven 'not arrived in Los Angeles yet'.
A CDC spokeswoman deferred comment to Los Angeles officials, and was unable to comment further Thursday night[ February 21, 2013 ].
About 5,000 homeless live on Skid Row - a downtown area where thousands of the city's homeless people have gathered for years — and the city offers about 3,000 shelter beds, homeless aid workers said, but hundreds ( homeless people ) still sleep on city streets at night.
Tuberculosis ( TB ) is most associated with developing countries( nations ).
Most of Los Angeles County cases of the disease ( Tuberculosis ) are 'brought-in by foreign travelers', Dr. Fielding said
But Los Angeles County officials have been grappling with growing numbers of Tuberculosis cases among the city's homeless population for years.
"Many people think that TB is something of the past. Unfortunately it's not. This is a population at particular risk. We need to protect them," Dr. Fielding said.
Health officials said the outbreak isn't cause for alarm across the entire city [ Los Angeles ], since it is confined to a specific area [ Los Angeles County ].
The outbreak among the homeless, comes as 'cases of Tuberculosis among the general population have actually declined county-wide', from 816 cases in 2007 down to 625 in 2012, but only for the general population - not the homeless.
The outbreak is disturbing because homeless people are especially vulnerable, because of the conditions in which they live.
As a 'transient population', they [ homeless people ] are 'less likely to get treatment' and 'more likely to spread the disease to others' - in shelters or on the street - health officials said.
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SOURCE: Huffington Post
Huff Post - Los Angeles
Tuberculosis Outbreak Among Homeless In Los Angeles, Calif.
February 22, 2013 3:02 pm EST | Updated: February 22, 2013 4:05 pm EST
( VIDEO - Reference link below )
Officials in Los Angeles, Calif. have enlisted the help of federal authorities to contain the 'outbreak' of a 'Tuberculosis ( TB ) strain unique to the area' [ Los Angeles, California, USA ].
... 'Los Angeles homeless population' have 'experienced a spike' in [ 'heightened rate of infection' ] numbers.
If the disease isn't brought to heel, 'officials worry the strain could spread to other parts of the City [ the Greater City of Los Angeles Area 'consists of many multiple cities therein' ].
The disease [ Tuberculosis / TB ] - a 'contagious bacterial infection' ( 'contagious virus' ) - 'can spread' when an 'infected person', either:
Speaks; or,
Pursuant to the County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Health.
'Uninfected people' who 'inhale airborne particles released in the air can catch the disease' ...
The "active" phase, which could be triggered when someone infected by Tuberculosis ( TB ) has a weakened immune system, presents symptoms, like:
Fatigue; and,
Weight Loss.
People who have an "active" Tuberculosis ( TB ) infection can spread the disease to other people.
... an estimated 51,000 people are homeless in the County of Los Angeles ( California ) ...
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SOURCE: New York Times ( U.S. newspaper )
National Briefing
California: Tuberculosis Outbreak Among Homeless
by, Reuter's News Wire Service
February 22, 2003
Los Angeles County officials have asked for Federal [ U.S. government ] assistance in 'analyzing and containing an outbreak of Tuberculosis ( TB )' among the city’s ( City of Los Angeles, California ] 'homeless population'.
about 4,650 [ about 5,000 ] were 'exposed to the contagious disease' [ 'exposed' to 'contagious Tuberculosis' ( TB ) ] ...
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SOURCE: U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( U.S. government )
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P )
Atlanta, Georgia
Health Alert ( CDCHAN-00340 )
January 28, 2013, 09:00 ET
Isoniazid (INH), a cornerstone drug for treating Tuberculosis disease ( T.B. ) ...
Isoniazid ( INH ) production [ in the United States ] has been 'interrupted' [ 'halted' ], plus 'stocks are dwindling' ( 'supply emptying' ).
Consequent to recently reported 'critical shortage' [ 'emergency demand growing' ] of 300 mg tablets, plus stocks of 100 mg tablets 'in some localities' are reportedly 'being depleted' ( 'supply emptying' ).
An initial 'forecast date for restoring' Isoniazid ( INH ) production' was extended [ for 60-days ] from late January 2013 up-to March 2013, but 'the forecasts are unstable' plus vary [ because 'private-sector firms' have 'no government controls' plus 'government failed to order more Isoniazid /INH' ] according to [ individual pharmaceutical firm ] company.
One ( 1 ), of three ( 3 ) pharmaceutical companies ( supplying Isoniazid / INH ), that 'cancelled all Isoniazid ( INH ) back orders' plus are 'no longer accepting new orders' ( Isoniazid / INH ) is VERSAPHARM INC. ( Marietta, Georgia, USA ); public health officials were notified.
... 'contact tracing' of 'contagious Tuberculosis ( TB )', i.e. contact ( health official's ) investigations ...
... 'abrupt onset of ( Isoniazid / INH ) shortage' means 'treatment - for some Tuberculosis ( TB ) patients - could be disrupted' [ 'halted' ] ...
Regimens [ treatment 'routines' ] 'without [ having 'absolutely no supply quantity of' ] Isoniazid ( INH )' - for treating Tuberculosis ( TB ) disease - are 'less well studied' [ 'primarily unknown to most physicians / clinicians / doctors / nurses / medical health responders / paramedics' ] than those [ 'regimens' / 'treatment routines' ] 'with [ having 'sufficient supply quantity of' ] Isoniazid ( INH )' so,
Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDC&P );
American Thoracic Society; and,
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Recommended regimen [ 'alternative treatment' professed by 'aforementioned three ( 3 ) organizations' ] of rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for 6-months - with consideration of a fluoroquinolone ( e.g. moxifloxacin or levofloxacin ) - for 'more extensive disease' - 'when infecting M. tuberculosis isolate is INH-resistant', or the 'patient intolerance of Isoniazid ( INH ).
Directly observed therapy should be used for reducing the potential for acquired rifampin resistance.
Working together, are the:
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP );
U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA );
National Tuberculosis Controllers Association ( NTCA ); plus,
The two ( 2 ) [ only remaining Isoniazid / INH production companies ] pharmaceutical companies:
TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA ( Sellersville, Pennsylvania, USA ); and,
SANDOZ INC. ( Princeton, New Jersey, USA ).
The above two ( 2 ) companies currently plan on supplying Isoniazid ( INH ), while the aformentioned three ( 3 ) organizations 'determine current Isoniazid ( INH ) stock' [ 'medicine supply' ] plus 'jurisdictions with urgent needs' [ 'United States geographic regional locale area emergency requests' ] ...
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In RE: Teva Pharmaceuticals Orphahell B.V. ( below ):
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Cordially submitted for review and commentary by,
Paul Collin, host: Unwanted Publicity Intelligence
by, Unwanted Publicity Intelligence
March 4, 2013 22:22:42 Updated ( Originally Published: February 28, 2013 )
Los Angeles - February 28, 2013 - It has been like an evening out-of the Twilight Zone. No sooner having written and published a report on the Tuberculosis outbreak of a rare strain found amongst a growing number of about 5,000 homeless ( minimum estimate out-of 51,000 homeless in Los Angeles alone ) in southern California, even more shocking news followed.
Within an hour of the initial report this evening, it was discovered that according to official government documents the Tuberculosis outbreak in Los Angeles has actually been known about for over 1-year ( since February 2012 ) by the U.S. federal government Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP ) , State of California Department of Health, and County of Los Angeles Public Health Department, but that's not all.
These government agencies have already budgeted funds since 2011 for 'civil detention' using 'correctional facility housing units' and 'commandeered motels' to 'house and treat' Tuberculosis infected people throughout southern California, but that's not all.
Corporate America McDonald's fast-food coupons are even budgeted by the government into Tuberculosis patient diets while being housed in these correctional housing units.
Here's the order of what was discovered, when, just this evening:
On June 6, 2012 at 10:42 a.m. ( PST ), Susan Spieldenner [ TEL: +1 (510) 620-3037, E-MAIL:

Also revealed, by Unwanted Publicity Intelligence defunct website host electronic document forensics, was the fact that according to 'highly detailed dates and times' - found hidden within that particular Microsoft Word document internal properties - the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) requested Susan Spieldenner to have that particular report ( ie., "Plan For Housing Homeless Tuberculosis Patients" ) "Due by: February 15, 2013" proving and confirming the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) was 'planning before June 6, 2012 to quarantine homeless in the Greater Los Angeles Area' according to what it gently referred to as "treatment housing unit for 1-year."
In yet another Microsoft Word document - from the State of California Department of Public Health - drafted by Theodore Lee ( also known as ) Ted Lee entitled, "Policy For Housing Confirmed Or Suspected Patients With Tuberculosis Who Are Considered Infectious" wherein Unwanted Publicity Intelligence electronic forensics found internal properties hiding that latter document having been actually "Last printed: February 22, 2012 at 12:31 p.m." but then over 1-year later finally "Edited: February 28, 2013.:
It now appears that since 'at-least February 22, 2012' the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) knew there was a Tuberculosis outbreak already in full-swing on the streets of Los Angeles, California and was 'planning to identify and quarantine homeless 1-year later'.
This latter Microsoft Word document says all that people 'officially need to know about government secret planning to quarantine people, which is what the government will now do:
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Compliance with this policy will reduce the risk of transmission to a minimum when homeless TB patients must be housed outside the hospital setting; however, smear positive patients optimally should be placed in AFB 'isolation'.
A self-contained housing unit provides all facilities required for activities of daily living (i.e., sleeping, eating, and personal hygiene), to help ensure that contact with others does not occur.
A 'housing unit that does not share air with other units has no ventilation system in common with other occupied units', nor any 'other means for air to move from one unit to another' ( e.g., under a door adjoining two units ). If an exhaust air vent ( any vent from which air is not supplied ) is present, other than in the bathroom, 'it must be assumed that air is shared with other units' ).
“Guidelines for the Assessment of Tuberculosis Patient Infectiousness and Placement into High and Lower Risk Settings,” CDPH/CTCA Joint Guidelines, 5/1/2009
Because the 'consequences of transmission of MDR-TB are severe', certain 'infection control practitioners might choose to keep persons with suspected or confirmed MDR-TB disease under airborne precautions' during the entire hospitalization or until culture conversion is documented, 'regardless of sputum smear results' ( “Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Health Care Settings, 2005” MMWR 54(RR17):1-141.)
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State of California
Department of Public Health
Tuberculosis Control Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 2nd floor
Richmond, California 94804-6403
Tuberculosis Control
Local Assistance Funds
Policies and Procedures Manual
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
Base Award
Food, Shelter, Incentives and Enablers ( FSIE )
Funds Reimbursement for 'Civil Detention'

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Joint CTCA-CDPH Health Department
Tuberculosis Correctional Liaison Duty
"Civil Detention" mentioned in the aforementioned document ( 2011 - 2012 ) means the United States federal government will be 'reimbursing' the State of California government, both of which have 'already been planning civil detention' for people ( 'homeless' or 'not homeless' ) living in the Greater Los Angeles Area whom are 'identified' with this rare strain of Tuberculosis ( TB ).
Tuberculosis amongst homeless in Los Angeles, California was downplayed - mentioning nothing about the '1-year old Tuberculosis outbreak' - when U.S. 'government-embedded news began its 'soft indoctrination' where a 'serious problem exists' with 'only lite news being released just to familiarize the subject with the public'. When nothing further is mentioned, the public assumes the problem was either 'eliminated' or 'handled without public risk'. In 'this case instance'? Nothing could be further from the public ever realizing the truth about the rare strain of Tuberculosis that is an airborne viral infection spread throughout the air by infected human beings.
While it may 'not yet' be a "Zombie Apocalypse" per se, it officially appears now to be the closest thing to such a mass public detention event coming.
What is scarier?
The Tuberculosis infectious people identification program "incentives" of financial "award" offered by the U.S. federal government to the State of California, which ee already is in debt and financially broke and looking for money to keep its fat of government employees happy so, the name of this 'bureaucratic sick game', is:
U.S. taxpayer blank checks are being turned over to the State of California to simply fill out and get paid from.
Economic Homeland Security found in people living within Local Health Jurisdictions ( LHJ ) infected with a rare strain of Tuberculosis ( TB ).
The people whom elected their form of government officials are willing to "Pay Any Price" because their paycheck finances come from U.S. taxpayers.
Now that your government ran out of money is when your government goes to work on you and your loved ones to get more money - and the government 'will' - just hide and watch it take place.
Still don't think Corporate America got involved with the homeless whom 'mysteriously contracted a Tuberculosis rare strain found only in Los Angeles'?
McDonald's fast-food restaurant coupons have even been budgeted into this government 'bureaucratic sick game'. Simply read Page 35 of the 2012 official government report ( below ):
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California Department of Public Health
Tuberculosis Control Branch
850 Marina Bay Parkway, Building P, 2nd floor
Richmond, California 94804-6403
Tuberculosis Control Local Assistance Funds
Policies and Procedures Manual
Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012
Base Award
Food, Shelter, Incentives and Enablers ( FSIE ) Funds Reimbursement for 'Civil Detention'
"Food items, meals, incentives, enablers itemize and cross-foot, e.g.:
20 personal hygiene kits @ $3.50 - total: $70;
100 bus vouchers @ $1.00 - total: $100;
50 McDonald’s coupons @ $3.00 - total: $150."

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Submitted for review and commentary by,
Paul Collin, host
Unwanted Publicity Intelligence



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Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak Los Angeles Homeless Quarantine Expected
by, Unwanted publicity Intelligence (

March 4, 2013 21:22:42 Updated ( Originally Published: February 28, 2013 )
Los Angeles - March 4, 2013 - This report was almost entitled, "Homeless To Be Declared Health & Safety Hazard By Homeland Security," however 'intelligence revelations only come officially' either via 'slow news progression' or some 'labelled conspiracy website'. Take your pick how fast you want your news delivered, but for now - readers will have to live with the current report title, "Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak Los Angeles Homeless Quarantine Expected."
No fear though! U.S. citizens won't have to wait long for the shocking news as 'everyone was just placed on that slow official pathway' toward the 'official outlawing of homeless people'. What?
Corporate America ( via Israel's TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS - see U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention "Health Alert" - further below ) could find 'no other way to make homelessness profitable'. Hence, now America has its very own Tuberculosis ( TB ) "Outbreak!" running rampant 'all over the streets' as well as 'in-to and out-of heavy public foot traffic areas, like:
1. Public Transportation ( Buses, Metro Rail trains, Shuttles, etc. );
2. Fast-Food Restaurants ( e.g. McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, El Pollo Loco, Del Taco, etc., etc. );
3. Parks & Recreation and Public Beach Facilities;
4. Churches & MHospitals; and,
5. Places Where Large Masses of People Congregate ( Sports Events, Theatres, etc. ) ...
All of the above, easily connects millions of people throughout of Greater City Of Los Angeles Area is a giant geographic city area consisting of 'many-many multiple other cities' far exceeding the actual population of just the City of Los Angeles in Southern California.
During 2008, I ( host of the Unwanted Publicity now-defunct website groups ) wrote a report entitled, "Israel Anthrax Fueled Iraq War CIA UK Intelligence" about U.S. government secret TELEX transmissions I stumbled ( 1997 ) upon ( online ) while researching a University special Optical Character Resolution ( OCR ) conversion tooled database linked directly from the White House library webpage so, 11-years later I revealed the names of U.S. friendly Israel companies covertly supplying ( 1991 - 1992 ) deadly Anthrax to the then-former ( 'just before the break-out' of the "Persian Gulf War" ) Iraq government led by King Saddam Hussein. Those companies, were:
ORPHAHELL B.V. ( also known as );
ORVET B.V. (aka);
TEVA PHARMA B.V. (aka); and,
In 2008, I simultaneously revealed the names of the 'U.S. friendly export-import nations hiding those secret Anthrax deliveries' to Iraq, and I finally exposed the Iraq based informant the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) making the United Kingdom ( UK ) British intelligence case presented before the United Nations ( UN ) Security Council weigh in favor of approving the most recent War in Iraq.
How does TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS figure into the Tuberculosis ( TB ) Outbreak?
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) recently issued one of their "Health Alert" reports that revealed some rather interesting information.
Not only is 1 of only 3 companies suddenly refused to produce anymore of the medication, i.e. Isoniazid ( also known as ) INH, designed to fight Tuberculosis ( TB ), but the production cut leaves TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS ( and 1 other company ) the only two ( 2 ) companies in the U.S. to produce the Isoniazid ( INH ) medication.
There is an additional and even bigger problem:
There's already a critical supply shortage of this special Tuberculosis fighting medication ( i.e., Isoniazid / INH ). Why?
There's been a run on the Tuberculosis fighting medication Isoniazid ( INH ). Why?
The Tuberculosis Outbreak throughout Los Angeles, California is a "rare strain of Tuberculosis" - and likely a larger outbreak than being officially reported to the public because even the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P ) is only 'officially providing at its website' only 'legacy era' ( circa: 2000 ) public information downloads.
Time the people began getting answers for themselves because the U.S. government bureaucracy takes far too long to reveal any worthwhile information to members of the public that would like to begin taking advanced precautions in-lieu-of what the U.S. government is 'not saying what the public can do to protect themselves'.
The following official news reports plus official United States government reading References are provided ( below ):
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SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal
Los Angeles asks for federal help with tuberculosis outbreak
February 22, 2013
Los Angeles County health officials have asked federal officials for help to contain a worsening tuberculosis outbreak among the homeless in its downtown area.
County health officials here have identified seventy-eight ( 78 ) cases of a 'particular strain of the highly contagious disease' - in the past 5-years - resulting in 11 deaths.
Of those cases ( 78 ) - sixty ( 60 ) have been identified as homeless living around Skid Row - making it the "largest outbreak we've seen" among the city's [ Los Angeles ] homeless population in a decade [ 10-years ], said Dr. Jonathan Fielding, director of the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health ( DPH ).
Dr. Fielding said as many as 4,500 homeless may have been exposed to the disease.
Earlier this month, he [ Jonathan Fielding ] asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [ CDC / CDC&P / CDCP ] to send health officials to Los Angeles to help identify other possible victims.
The move to turn to United States federal officials was first [ 1st ] reported [ February 21, 2013 ] by the Los Angeles Times on Thursday.
A spokesman for the County of Los Angeles Health Department said U.S. federal officials have agreed to help, but haven 'not arrived in Los Angeles yet'.
A CDC spokeswoman deferred comment to Los Angeles officials, and was unable to comment further Thursday night[ February 21, 2013 ].
About 5,000 homeless live on Skid Row - a downtown area where thousands of the city's homeless people have gathered for years — and the city offers about 3,000 shelter beds, homeless aid workers said, but hundreds ( homeless people ) still sleep on city streets at night.
Tuberculosis ( TB ) is most associated with developing countries( nations ).
Most of Los Angeles County cases of the disease ( Tuberculosis ) are 'brought-in by foreign travelers', Dr. Fielding said
But Los Angeles County officials have been grappling with growing numbers of Tuberculosis cases among the city's homeless population for years.
"Many people think that TB is something of the past. Unfortunately it's not. This is a population at particular risk. We need to protect them," Dr. Fielding said.
Health officials said the outbreak isn't cause for alarm across the entire city [ Los Angeles ], since it is confined to a specific area [ Los Angeles County ].
The outbreak among the homeless, comes as 'cases of Tuberculosis among the general population have actually declined county-wide', from 816 cases in 2007 down to 625 in 2012, but only for the general population - not the homeless.
The outbreak is disturbing because homeless people are especially vulnerable, because of the conditions in which they live.
As a 'transient population', they [ homeless people ] are 'less likely to get treatment' and 'more likely to spread the disease to others' - in shelters or on the street - health officials said.

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SOURCE: Huffington Post
Huff Post - Los Angeles
Tuberculosis Outbreak Among Homeless In Los Angeles, Calif.
February 22, 2013 3:02 pm EST | Updated: February 22, 2013 4:05 pm EST
( VIDEO - Reference link below )
Officials in Los Angeles, Calif. have enlisted the help of federal authorities to contain the 'outbreak' of a 'Tuberculosis ( TB ) strain unique to the area' [ Los Angeles, California, USA ].
... 'Los Angeles homeless population' have 'experienced a spike' in [ 'heightened rate of infection' ] numbers.
If the disease isn't brought to heel, 'officials worry the strain could spread to other parts of the City [ the Greater City of Los Angeles Area 'consists of many multiple cities therein' ].
The disease [ Tuberculosis / TB ] - a 'contagious bacterial infection' ( 'contagious virus' ) - 'can spread' when an 'infected person', either:
Speaks; or,
Pursuant to the County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Health.
'Uninfected people' who 'inhale airborne particles released in the air can catch the disease' ...
The "active" phase, which could be triggered when someone infected by Tuberculosis ( TB ) has a weakened immune system, presents symptoms, like:
Fatigue; and,
Weight Loss.
People who have an "active" Tuberculosis ( TB ) infection can spread the disease to other people.
... an estimated 51,000 people are homeless in the County of Los Angeles ( California ) ...

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SOURCE: New York Times ( U.S. newspaper )
National Briefing
California: Tuberculosis Outbreak Among Homeless
by, Reuter's News Wire Service
February 22, 2003
Los Angeles County officials have asked for Federal [ U.S. government ] assistance in 'analyzing and containing an outbreak of Tuberculosis ( TB )' among the city’s ( City of Los Angeles, California ] 'homeless population'.
about 4,650 [ about 5,000 ] were 'exposed to the contagious disease' [ 'exposed' to 'contagious Tuberculosis' ( TB ) ] ...

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SOURCE: U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( U.S. government )
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP / CDC&P )
Atlanta, Georgia
Health Alert ( CDCHAN-00340 )
January 28, 2013, 09:00 ET
Isoniazid (INH), a cornerstone drug for treating Tuberculosis disease ( T.B. ) ...
Isoniazid ( INH ) production [ in the United States ] has been 'interrupted' [ 'halted' ], plus 'stocks are dwindling' ( 'supply emptying' ).
Consequent to recently reported 'critical shortage' [ 'emergency demand growing' ] of 300 mg tablets, plus stocks of 100 mg tablets 'in some localities' are reportedly 'being depleted' ( 'supply emptying' ).
An initial 'forecast date for restoring' Isoniazid ( INH ) production' was extended [ for 60-days ] from late January 2013 up-to March 2013, but 'the forecasts are unstable' plus vary [ because 'private-sector firms' have 'no government controls' plus 'government failed to order more Isoniazid /INH' ] according to [ individual pharmaceutical firm ] company.
One ( 1 ), of three ( 3 ) pharmaceutical companies ( supplying Isoniazid / INH ), that 'cancelled all Isoniazid ( INH ) back orders' plus are 'no longer accepting new orders' ( Isoniazid / INH ) is VERSAPHARM INC. ( Marietta, Georgia, USA ); public health officials were notified.
... 'contact tracing' of 'contagious Tuberculosis ( TB )', i.e. contact ( health official's ) investigations ...
... 'abrupt onset of ( Isoniazid / INH ) shortage' means 'treatment - for some Tuberculosis ( TB ) patients - could be disrupted' [ 'halted' ] ...
Regimens [ treatment 'routines' ] 'without [ having 'absolutely no supply quantity of' ] Isoniazid ( INH )' - for treating Tuberculosis ( TB ) disease - are 'less well studied' [ 'primarily unknown to most physicians / clinicians / doctors / nurses / medical health responders / paramedics' ] than those [ 'regimens' / 'treatment routines' ] 'with [ having 'sufficient supply quantity of' ] Isoniazid ( INH )' so,
Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDC&P );
American Thoracic Society; and,
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Recommended regimen [ 'alternative treatment' professed by 'aforementioned three ( 3 ) organizations' ] of rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol for 6-months - with consideration of a fluoroquinolone ( e.g. moxifloxacin or levofloxacin ) - for 'more extensive disease' - 'when infecting M. tuberculosis isolate is INH-resistant', or the 'patient intolerance of Isoniazid ( INH ).
Directly observed therapy should be used for reducing the potential for acquired rifampin resistance.
Working together, are the:
U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC / CDCP );
U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA );
National Tuberculosis Controllers Association ( NTCA ); plus,
The two ( 2 ) [ only remaining Isoniazid / INH production companies ] pharmaceutical companies:
TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA ( Sellersville, Pennsylvania, USA ); and,
SANDOZ INC. ( Princeton, New Jersey, USA ).
The above two ( 2 ) companies currently plan on supplying Isoniazid ( INH ), while the aformentioned three ( 3 ) organizations 'determine current Isoniazid ( INH ) stock' [ 'medicine supply' ] plus 'jurisdictions with urgent needs' [ 'United States geographic regional locale area emergency requests' ] ...

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In RE: Teva Pharmaceuticals Orphahell B.V. ( below ):

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Cordially submitted for review and commentary by,
Paul Collin, host: Unwanted Publicity Intelligence

Unwanted Publicity Intelligence
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