UK Newswire Archive
Julian Assange speaks from balcony of Ecuadoran embassy marking 6 months
21-12-2012 12:26
Julian Assange marked 6 months circled by British police in the Ecuadoran embassy by speaking from the balcony of the building last night (Dec 20th.) Those gathering in solidarity adopted a festive theme with carols, candles, sharing food and wine. Crowd included included journalist John Pilger, VeteransforPeace, members of the Ecuadoran Community, people who had flown from German and driven from Manchester. A 6 month daily solidarity vigil continues @embassy 3-5pmHelp Needed Immediately to Occupy and Defend Trees Hastings/Bexhill
21-12-2012 08:45
Contractors, supported by security and police, are going to attempt to fell trees at Adams Farm, Crowhurst (TN33 9AY). This is one of the last remaining areas with significant number of large trees on the route of the Bexhill-Hastings Link Road.African People's Solidarity Committee to hold International Conference
21-12-2012 03:05

Uhuru House, 1245 18th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33705 on January 6–8, 2013.
20/12/12 Greece: Police raided occupation of Villa Amalias Squat,Athens
20-12-2012 22:59
SQUAT / STATE REPRESSION 20 December 2012You wont get Villa Amalias. Not your dreams only
Anti-road campaigners high in trees at Bexhill and are prepared to stay
20-12-2012 13:34

Major Construction Boss Supports The EDL ( #edl #anonymous #corporatewatch #edl
20-12-2012 13:06

Iraq needs a revolution
20-12-2012 10:02
Iraq missed out on the Arab Spring, but it not late for its youth to rise up against their government and turn Iraq, now a failed state, into a prosperous, functioning democracy, Iraqi veteran politician, Adnan al-Pachachi, has said.New Years Eve Noise Demo-31/12/2012
19-12-2012 16:18

News From Library Street Social Centre and Upcoming Events
19-12-2012 16:08

Exeter Picturehouse cinemas targeted in new campaign against Barnardo's / Cedars
19-12-2012 06:23

IWA-AIT 90th anniversary conference - Jan 2013
18-12-2012 10:01
International Workers' Association90th anniversary conference
5-6 January 2013, London
Edinburgh TUC Anti-Cuts Newsletter – December 2012
18-12-2012 00:00
The latest issue of Edinburgh Trade Union Council’s monthly anti-cuts newsletter contains;
- Owen Jones speaks out against cuts at Edinburgh conference
- Equality and Human Rights Commission gives victory for disability campaigners
- Report from Edinburgh East Save Our Services
- A fair deal for Personal Assistants
Click here to read the newsletter.
East Midlands Animal Rights Day Of Action
17-12-2012 22:55
Saturday 15th saw the first East Midlands Animal Rights Regional Networking Day Of Action (in a quite a while).
Activists from around the region including half a dozen from from the newly re-launched Leicester Animal Rights and including delegations from Nottingham Animal Rights, Derby Animal Rights and Hidden England Animal Rights converged in Leicester to say "howdy", and whilst they were about it to join in on a few local campaigns..
Saturday 15th saw the first East Midlands Animal Rights Regional Networking Day Of Action (in a quite a while).
Activists from around the region including half a dozen from from the newly re-launched Leicester Animal Rights and including delegations from Nottingham Animal Rights, Derby Animal Rights and Hidden England Animal Rights converged in Leicester to say "howdy", and whilst they were about it to join in on a few local campaigns..
The day was a phenomenal success featuring:
* An anti-McDonalds demo at their busiest time.
* An anti-FoieGras demo which resulted in the restaurant removing this monstrosity from their menu (after maybe 45 mins of the protest).
* An anti British Heart Foundation demo, (a ticklier one, this, but highlighting to their customers that this charity has been blacklisted by other charities for the money they invest in obscenely cruel animal experiments).
* A general information stall which lasted throughout the day.
Public response was overwhelmingly positive especially on the anti-FoieGras action, there were no issues with the police who's presence was understated and entirely proportionate, and the mood of the activists seemed particularly buoyant for the camaraderie from neighbouring grass roots groups.
All things considered the day could not really have gone much better and observing a growing awareness among ordinary shoppers that the animal rights agenda is not, after all, anti-social (or more to the point anti-them), but rather all about moving society forward in a way that they would broadly approve of, one can only imagine that the industries which thrive on public ignorance (e.g. all industries which abuse animals), must surely be finding themselves with less and less room to manoeuvre.
Bring on 2013...
Earth First Winter Moot: 22nd-24th Feb 2013
17-12-2012 21:39
A weekend get-together for people involved in ecological direct action, from fighting opencast coal, fracking, GM, nuclear power to road building. There'll be discussions and campaign planning - with the emphasis on the tactics and strategies we use, community solidarity and sustainable activism.Curo Housing seriously damages tenants health
17-12-2012 19:30
Bath tenants 'stress over shoddy work caused stroke'Brighton: Emergency meeting - Tree cutting begins for new Bexhill-Hastings road
17-12-2012 19:24
The Battle of Bexhill begins!Statement of the squatters of the former ministry of finance in altona, hamburg
17-12-2012 18:50

At the 23rd of april in 2011, 200 people squatted the former ministry of finance in altona, a district in hamburg and declared the autonomous center of altona (az altona). The action was dedicated to the rise of selforganised spaces, against the ongoing housing misery in hamburg and the parallel existance of massive vacancy of office buildings in the city. After seven hours, the police evicted the building and later started penalty against the 40 squatters. Some weeks ago, the first penalty-letters were sent by prosecutors to demand more than 20000 euro in total!
SchNEWS - Battle of Bexhill update
17-12-2012 17:15
Update! - Four days of direct action against Bexhill link road.Anti-road protestors in Bexhill were ambushed by an early start to the tree-felling on the controversial Bexhill-Hastings link road this week, but they rallied and over foursuccessive days of direct action have put a spanner in the works.