UK Newswire Archive
The story of the flotilla is not over
12-07-2011 08:41

Last year’s violent assault on the Mavi Marmara, which included summary executions, torture and theft, remains the starkest recent example of Israel’s tactic of deterrence towards solidarity activists trying to break its hold over Palestinian territory. But is it working?
Fortress Drop HLS: It's Official - No More Loan
12-07-2011 03:09
Fortress have been in talks with SHAC volunteers over their stopping of their loan agreement to HLS, this has been a rather protracted affair lasting many months, with Fortress' attorneys being slow to give us the proof we needed. (Remember, Fortress had lied in the past to the campaign, see
Palestine Today 07 11 2011
11-07-2011 17:41

Activists temporarily halt work at Huntington Lane
11-07-2011 16:48
Two protesters dead locked themselves on to heavy plant machinery halting work at the Huntington Lane opencast mineThe Left and their betrayal of the Libyan revolution
11-07-2011 14:14
How the STW and other opportunists are betraying the Aran springMurdoch Empire and Tax Avoidance in UK
11-07-2011 13:16
Adding more fuel into the rising cesspool of the UK's political classes - politicians and powermongers of the main news media conglomerates, is, of course, Murdoch's non-payment and active avoidance of millions of pounds worth of tax. Squaring the growing total crisis of legitimacy of the ruling regime with the current financial crisis and the vast and unfair programme of cuts might make political sense right now.Youtube (3 mins) OZ Catholic Workers Gatecrash Talisman Sabre Military Exercises
11-07-2011 11:36
YOUTUBE (3 mins) Australian Catholic Workers Gatecrash Talisman Sabre Military Exercises Open Day
America's dirty war on Islam
11-07-2011 11:18

America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Instead, they regurgitate spurious high-profile case accusations, always when Muslims are affected. Most often they're men, occasionally women, bogusly charged with terrorism or conspiracy to commit it, when, in fact, they're guilty only of being targets of choice and/or being in America at the wrong time.
Film & Letter Writing night for prisoner support
11-07-2011 10:55
Bristol Anarchist Black Cross Film & Letter Writing NightBristol Anarchist Black Cross
Wednesday 13 July, 7 to 9pm
The Factory social space, Cave St/Portland Sq, St Pauls, Bristol
All welcome, free entry, donations welcome. Cake & drinks available.
FILMS: Ahanti Alston. The former political prisoner & anarchist black panther spoke at Monkeywrench books in Feb 2010 (Texas, USA) and Submedia punk shit up! Latest edition. Submedia bring us their classic brand of humorous political updates from around the world.
LETTERS We will also be signing cards to those imprisoned following the battles ofStokes Croft, 6 anti-facists who were recently fitted-up & sent to prisonin London , those being held under house arrest following the G20, and comrades in Greece. We will also have an updated prisoner list of folks who are being held all around the world!
Bristol Anarchist Black Cross
Wednesday 13 July, 7 to 9pm
The Factory social space, Cave St/Portland Sq, St Pauls, Bristol BS2
All welcome, free entry, donations welcome. Cake & drinks available.
Ashanti Alston
The former political prisoner & anarchist black panther spoke at Monkeywrench books in Feb 2010 (Texas, USA). He talks about his politicization, the black panther movement, black liberation army, solidarity & anarchism (50mins)
Submedia punk shit up!
Submedia bring us their classic brand of humorous political updates from around the world. In this episode they talk about the Vancouver ice hockey riots, Chilean urban ecodefense & updates on those facing charges following the G20. (15mins)
We will also be signing cards to those imprisoned following the battles of Stokes Croft, 6 anti-facists who were recently fitted-up & sent to prison in London , those being held under house arrest following the G20, and comrades in Greece. We will also have an updated prisoner list of folks who are being held all around the world!
No one forgotten, nothing forgiven!
Housing Contract Group 4 Info
11-07-2011 10:50
This is the info we gathered during a housing consultation in Cardiff about Group 4 running UKBA housing. This is for general use so that people can start campaigning etcHarlan Exposed: Emergency National Demo - Sat
11-07-2011 10:39
"One of the trainers went into a pen and held down a dog with his knee. He was kicking the dog while he held it down to try to subdue it. Then he started punching it and then he held it up by the throat and said to it: ‘So are you going to stop?’” - Ex-Harlan Employee, Russell TriggFollow the Money: Repression, Collectivization and Progress in Medellín, Colombi
11-07-2011 10:22
The focus of development discourse on technical solutions to rural development draws attention away from the real issue holding back small farmers from improving ther livlihoods: denial of their basic human rights highlighted by the murder of land activist Ana Fabricia Cordoba last month. This represents a dated tradition of displacing our problems to the 'third world' that must be dropped by politicians, academia, the press and me and you.Vivisection breeder Highgate Farm targeted again with arson
11-07-2011 08:40

Agrexco's Going Down
11-07-2011 08:32
Target of international BDS campaign and illegal exporter of Israeli settlement goods is on the verge of collapse.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
On flotillas and the law: civil society versus Israel lobbies in US and Europe
11-07-2011 08:07

Civil society movements versus corrupt politics
When it comes to the struggle against Israel's policies of oppression there are two conflicting levels: that of government and that of civil society. The most recent example of this duality is the half dozen or so small ships held captive in the ports of Greece. The ships, loaded with humanitarian supplies for the one and half million people of the Gaza Strip, are instruments of a civil society campaign against the inhumanity of the Israeli state. The forces that hold them back are the instruments of governments corrupted by special interest influence and political bribery.
Earth First! website redesign - share your stories, get inspired..and active!
10-07-2011 19:06
The EF! website has been redesigned. Take a look