UK Newswire Archive
Claims that U.S. Torture Played Key Role in Locating Osama bin Laden are Unsupportable
14-05-2011 00:55
Claims that U.S. Torture Played Key Role in Locating Osama bin Laden are Unsupportable
Interview with Gabor Rona, international legal director with Human Rights First, conducted by Scott Harris
It wasn’t long after President Obama’s May 1 announcement that a U.S.
First casualty of war
13-05-2011 21:46

What the cuts mean - Jacques and Marie's story
13-05-2011 21:23

Sheffield 63rd anniversay of the Nakba events
13-05-2011 20:37
This Saturday, 14th May: 12 - 1.30 p.m. Commemmoration of Nakba Day. Outside Sheffield Town Hall. Please join us as we remember the victims of the 1948 Nakba and the victims of the ongoing Nakba for the last 63 years. Commemorations are being held all over the world - it has never been more important to remember the Nakba, in Israel today legislation has been passed that makes it illegal for people to organise events that use the word Nakba.Notts Uncut: Still Protesting
13-05-2011 19:55
On the day of the royal wedding, Notts Uncut had its Facebook profile deleted along with around 50 political groups. Despite this apparently politically motivated move, the group has continued its protests against tax dodging companies, returning to Nottingham city centre on 30th April and going further afield to Lincoln on Saturday 7th May to link up with a newly formed group there.
On the newswire: Notts Uncut Newsletter - Issue 2 | Notts Uncut Field Trip: Report | UK Uncut in Lincoln | Notts Uncut Facebook Profile Deleted: Interview | Notts Uncut Facebook Profile Deleted
Previous features: Nottingham Mobilises to Save NHS | Notts Strikes, Protests and Marches Against Cuts | Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank
Notts Uncut History
Notts Uncut has come a long way since it’s humble beginings in November 2010, when inspired by the UK Uncut action in October a small handful of protesters demonstrated outside Clumber St Vodafone. Since then Notts Uncut has grown in numbers and has taken a number of actions against tax avoiding corporations and banks in Nottingham,
Notts Uncut follows the UK Uncut philosophy of peaceful, creative protest to highlight the con-dem government’s lies about the cuts. The government is telling us that there is no money to run essential services that benefit the most vulnerable people in our society. Local government funding cuts mean that in Nottingham homeless shelters and women’s refuges are closing. Services to support elderly and disabled people are being cut or introducing charges making it impossible for many people to access these services. Organisations who support people with mental health issues and drug and alcohol dependancy are having their funding cut to the extent that they are having to close. In addition to this benefits are being cut and entitlement conditions changed, the NHS is under attack and public sector jobs and pensions are being decimated. We say that these cuts are ideological and the deficit is being used as an excuse – in reality, if the government collected the £120 billion in uncollected, avoided and evaded taxes from wealthy individuals and companies this would eradicate any deficit.
In Nottingham we have held regular protests outside Vodafone, Topshop and Boots. We have also converted Natwest bank into “The Big Society Reading Room” and established a homeless shelter within Barclays Bank. People are starting to listen to us. Questions have been asked in the House of Commons and newspaper such as The Guardian and The Independant have run stories on our protests.
(From the Notts Uncut website.)
fash in islington june 25th
13-05-2011 19:26
On 25th June this year a concert will be held at a venue in north London by bands long associated with fascism and the far-right.Nttm 3! Dr.Thornton, Rizwaan Sabir & Hitcham Yezza
13-05-2011 17:55
Thursday 12th May 2011
Students and supporters meet outside the Hallward Library, University of Nottingham to protest at the suspension of Dr Rod Thornton. They called for his immediate reinstatement.
Dr Thornton, an expert in counter-insurgency and ANTI-terrorism had prepared a paper for the British International Studies Association (BISA) in which he exposed the University of Nottingham’s actions which led to the wrongful arrest of the ‘Nottingham Two’ as suspected terrorists for possessing documents available in the university’s own library. It also reveals how senior figures attempted to remove the MA student, Rizwaan Sabir, from the university after his release.
The research paper - “How a student’s use of a library book became a “major Islamist plot” - uncovers how Nottingham University's misinformation has seeped into policy circles. The arrest of the 'Nottingham Two' is now advertised as a 'major Islamist plot' by the Home Office
The paper Nottingham Uni doesn't want you to read
In May 2008, counter-terrorism officers arrested and questioned Rizwaan Sabir along with Hicham Yezza, who worked as the principal school administrator at the university's School of Modern Languages.
Mr Sabir had downloaded the manual as part of his research for a dissertation and had sought Mr Yezza's help in drafting a PhD proposal because of his position as editor of a political magazine.
Six days later both men were released without charge.
The plot thinckens of course .... and now regarding Dr Thornton's Suspension, Rizwaan Sabir said: "When we have very serious allegations of misconduct being made against this university management, we have the silencing of the individual that made those allegations.
"Rather than looking at that report and the research which has taken three meticulous years to produce, we have the management - who are sitting only yards from this location - ordering his suspension with immediate effect.
"At a university which is meant to be the beacon of tolerance, respect, dignity and rationality it is frankly unacceptable that this has happened.
"My advice to the university is give us a public inquiry and we can all go back to our lives."
In a letter published in The Guardian, the group of scholars, including philosopher and cognitive scientist Mr Chomsky - based at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - said the original arrests were "perceived as being indicative of a growing tide of Islamophobia".
They wrote: "The claims he makes are very serious and should be subjected to a full and proper inquiry: they cannot be ignored.
"We call for the immediate reinstatement of Dr Rod Thornton and call on the University of Nottingham to openly and thoroughly examine the claims made in his research. We also request that an independent inquiry be conducted into the university's actions on this matter."
Prof Noam Chomsky MIT
Prof Paul Gilroy LSE
Dr Karma Nabulsi Oxford
Prof Charles Tripp SOAS
Prof Neera Chandhoke University of Delhi
Prof Michael Burawoy University of California, Berkeley
Prof Patrick Bond University of KwaZulu-Natal
Prof David McNally York University (Toronto)
Prof Bill Bowring University of Essex
Prof John Harriss Simon Fraser University (Canada)
Prof Neil Smith City University, New York
Dr Norman Finkelstein
Prof Joyce Canaan Birmingham City University
Prof Richard Keeble University of Lincoln
Prof Scott Lucas University of Birmingham
Prof David Miller University of Strathclyde
Prof Ian Parker Manchester Metropolitan University
Prof Scott Poynting Manchester Metropolitan University
Prof Lucy Suchman University of Lancaster
Dr Bernard Sufrin Oxford (Worcester College)
Dr Laleh Khalili SOAS
Dr Rahul Rao SOAS
Dr Tufyal Choudhury University of Durham
Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins SOAS
Dr Mark Laffey SOAS
Dr Corinna Mullin SOAS
Dr Arshin Adib-Moghaddam SOAS
Dr Kate Tunstall Oxford (Worcester College)
Dr Alf Nilsen University of Bergen
Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh Oxford (Balliol College)
Dr Eddie Yuen San Francisco Art Institute
Dr Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed University of Sussex
Dr Tim Jacoby University of Manchester
Dr Laurence Cox National University of Ireland
Dr Jairus Banaji SOAS
Dr Ole Johnny Olsen University of Bergen
Dr Bhabani Sshankar Nayak Glasgow Caledonian University
Dr Rupert Read University of East Anglia
Dr Subir Sinha SOAS
Dr Neil Davidson University of Strathclyde
Dr Arun Kundnani London Metropolitan University
Dr Rashmi Varma University of Warwick
Dr Michael Edwards UCL
Dr Timothy Jones University of Glamorgan
Dr Jessie Blackbourn University of Salford
Dr Steve Hurst Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Steve Hewitt University of Birmingham
Dr Nisha Kapoor Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Jodie Chapell University of Lancaster
Dr Jack Nye Open University
Dr James Brown University of Cambridge
Dr Nicola Pratt University of Warwick
Dr Carlos Frade University of Salford
Dr Sherifa D Zuhur Strategic Studies Institute, United States Army War College
Dr Alex Dennis University of Salford
Dr William Dinan University of Strathclyde
Dr Piers Robinson University of Manchester
Dr Peter Bratsis University of Salford
Dr Helen Dexter University of Manchester
Dr Peter Waterman International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague
Dr Aggie Hirst Liverpool Hope University
Dr Max Farrar Leeds Metropolitan University
Dr Elena Vezzadini École des hautes études en Sciences Sociales
Dr Giselle Vincett University of Edinburgh
Dr Betty Hagglund University of Birmingham
Dr Gary Fooks University of Bath
Dr Mahmood Delkhasteh
In a letter published by The Guardian on May 10 2011 [1], 70 leading academics and scholars from across the world, including Professors Noam Chomsky, Neera Chandhoke, Paul Gilroy and Charles Tripp, have called for the reinstatement of Dr. Rod Thornton (QGM) with immediate effect. This letter comes ahead of Thursday’s (12 May) planned protest at the University of Nottingham (at 12 noon) calling for a public enquiry.
Dr Thornton was suspended for producing whistle-blowing research [2] that exposed the University of Nottingham’s actions which led to the wrongful arrest of the ‘Nottingham Two’ as suspected terrorists for possessing 3 documents available in the university’s own library. It also reveals how senior figures attempted to remove the MA student, Rizwaan Sabir, from the university after his release.
The research paper - “How a student’s use of a library book became a “major Islamist plot” - uncovers how Nottingham University's misinformation has seeped into policy circles. The arrest of the 'Nottingham Two' is now advertised as a 'major Islamist plot' by the Home Office [3] Another government department calls the library books in question “extremist material” [4].
Dr Thornton, a former advisor to the UK & US militaries said: “I want to thank the signatories for their belief and support in this difficult time and would welcome my reinstatement and, especially, an independent inquiry.”.
A S.W.A.N (Supporting the Whistleblower At Nottingham) campaign spokesperson said: “This report raises some very serious issues and must not be ignored. The university’s whistle-blowers code protects Dr Thornton from suspension. He must be reinstated. A public enquiry must be launched.”
Dr Thornton’s article has had 10,000+ hits so far.
SWAN Campaign
Telephone: +44(0)7835871096
Website (coming soon):
[1] The letter to the Guardian can be accessed here:
[2] A 5 page Key Findings report has now also been released. It can be accessed here -
[3] The document which refers to the arrest of the “Nottingham Two” as a “major Islamist plot” was disseminated by the Home Office in April 2010 via a Freedom of Information request that asked for information on terror plots in the UK from 2006-2008. The report was authored by the Heritage Foundation in Oct 2009
[4] Undated document released under the Freedom of Information Act from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) entitled “Lines to take [to the media] on recent Nottingham arrests”. See footnote 90 and 313 of Dr. Thornton’s article.
1. Al-Qaeda Arrest Whistle-Blower Silenced by University -
2. Suspended: Terror Arrest Whistle-Blower -
links from the ongoing situation:
Nottingham University Demo for Academic Freedom & Against Deportation - Readings
Nottingham University Demo for Academic Freedom & Against Deportation - Silent March
Hundreds Join Demo for Academic Freedom and Against Deportation
Comment on University Communication on Recent Events
Support Hicham Yezza and Protect Academic Freedom
Al Qaeda Training Manual [US Dept of Justice] this is what the fuss is all about, as you see, it is a publically available document.
Nottingham University Students Occupation in Solidarity with Gaza
Books not Bombs, A Rally for Gaza, University of Nottingham
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Greece: Demo against police brutality and riots - video
13-05-2011 13:05

19 and 20 May: Egyptian worker activists speak in Liverpool and London
13-05-2011 13:00
On 19 and 20 May, leaders of Egypt's new, independent trade union movement will be speaking in Britain.InfoUsurpa May 16th - 22nd
13-05-2011 12:55
weekly radical events and actions listings for london. all events are free or on donation unless otherwise stated.
if possible please print and distribute where you can
on the Island of Dissidents in Spring Time
13-05-2011 12:55
Dissident Island Radio has been having a pretty active spring so far - with several shows, parties (both past and upcoming) as well as organising a new and exciting project - Catalyst Radio! Read more...
Dissident Island is definitely an idyllic place, but never that quiet or lazy, especially in the spring and summer months! Here's the low-down on what the islanders have been up to recently:
Recent Shows
March 18 - the Sex Workers' Special - [download here]
We'd been researching and reading up on the topic of Sex Work and radical political conceptions of it for awhile. We came to the show from a political perspective informed by sex work as labour, looking to explore the questions of working conditions, organisation and such from a position that the vast majority of workers have a choice – agency – in regards the work they do. To take a sex-positive, feminist approach towards sex-work is in hopes of promoting the idea that sexual freedom is an essential component of freedom for all people – and on the flip side that women’s liberation is locked into the liberation of all from patriarchy. But it is important to state, for the record, that we did/do not intend to deny that exploitation happens – it does, just like exploitation of workers in many other ways and industries...but in our show, we wanted to move away from the victim paradigm which is very prevalent in reformist/abolitionist feminist discussions of sex work and is then used to further racist, xenophobic, moralistic governmental agendas that have more to do with control and less to do with protecting anyone, let alone victims. The show featured words from Ava Caradona, one of x:talk, discussing sex work and border regimes. Claire spoke candidly and honestly about her experiences of the vulnerabilities of working in different sex work settings. And Luca, a queer sex worker, political activist, and Open Sex Workers' University organiser, talking about his experiences and politics. The show also featured some whoretastic music, announcements, and banter. Finishing off the evening we had a back-to-back Danzchlag set from Shibby Shitegeist and Bunni Splanchnik.
March 26 - x26 radio
Dissident Island, and a bunch of other awesome radio producers and techs, got together to bring you x26 radio, live and direct all day on March 26, featuring audio updates and interviews from the marches/protests/riots/actions that were happening all over the city of London. In case you missed it, you can check out the archives: 10am-2pm :, 2pm-5pm :, 5pm-6pm:, 6pm-7pm:, 7pm-8pm:
April 1 - [download here]
We we all feeling a bit hungover from organising x26 radio so had a bit of a reflective show - and asked some folks from various groups who were out and about on March 26 to give a bit of analysis on the London anti cuts demos and mobilisations - asking important questions like "how many anarchists does it take to break a window?" We also had an interview with the Deptford's Social Centre Plus collective on their up and coming workshop days, and some breaking news updates. Aside from the usual banter and awesome tracks, laying down phat beats was the mighty Kwerk, mashing out experimental sounds of recycled noise.
April 15 - [download here]
Our 80th episode! We heard from folks organising the Temporary Autonomous Arts weekender of exhibitions and events. Our friends, the WAG, announced dissolving their group and the formation of ALARM, with the meeting set for May 15. Dean discussed the latest on the Ian Tomlinson inquest and the Counter Olympics Network discussed points objecting to the upcoming Olympic Games, and the devastation of east London. We also got to hear from the London Mexico Solidarity Group on happenings in Chiapas and beyond. To end, good ole' Freddy Frog, with some bangin' clownstep, played is out...
May 6th - [download here]
The show featured audio and interviews straight from the streets of Berlin Mayday, highlighting a tradition that's still as strong as ever. A member of the Advisory Service for Squatters came into the studio for an interesting discussion with Night Hawk in regards recent parliamentary debates on outlawing squatting in England & Wales, doing a lot to quell the fears of squatters that this is something imminent as well as highlighting the campaigns around the issue that are starting to organise (see S.Q.U.A.S.H.) We heard a (rather long) anarchist critique of democracy, courtesy of audio anarchy, followed by a lot of laughs and the usually craptastic edition of "Hot Topic" - this time featuring a discussion on the recent AV vote. DJ Hue Jah Fink came in to play a live set...wicked stuff.
What's next?
Make sure to check out our next show, on May 20. Check our website or IMC London for more info on that soon...
Introducing...Catalyst Radio!
UK radio collectives and producers, techs and friends are currently collaborating to bring the UK's first ever radical radio network and 24/7 political radio station! Featuring UK generated audio, and independent music, we're currently aiming to launch the project on June 11. Once it is live, it'll feature a 24/7 internet radio stream, a one-stop shop for all your radio needs! We're looking for people to get involved, in particular content providers (so if you've got a podcast that you want to get on the schedule) and techs (any CSS designers out there?) or anyone with ideas and input, contact'll be writing more about it in the weeks to come...
D*I is always up for throwing a good party, and we were chuffed, along with Green & Black Cross, to see the ratstAr in Camberwell packed out on March 6, everyone having a wicked time, dancing in one of the two rooms, featuring sound systems from coltech and siren, and an impressive DJ line-up. Many thanks to everyone who came down and helped raise much needed funds for both G&B Cross and D*I Radio, and thanks to the ratstAr for the space and being the kick-ass social centre that it is...
We've got some upcoming parties and dates for your diary, namely...
Danzshlag - May 20 - secret east london location - [event page]
Someone else is throwing us a party! That's a first! Danzshlag, are putting together an eclectic DJ line-up, audio-visuals and more, to help Dissident Island raise funds for some much needed equipment for our studio. This is an RSVP-only event, so make sure you send an email to if you want to get in on the good times and drink some dissident mojitos on the porch in the last hours of the day's sunlight...
Acoustic Insurgency - June 26 - the Grosvenor, Stockwell
Dissident Island will be hosting June's Acoustic Insurgency. We're currently working on the line-up, and will be posting information soon. Entry is £5, with all proceeds going towards the brand spanking new Catalyst Radio network
Hackney Solidarity - July 16 - the Victoria, Dalston
Dissident Island will be hosting July's Hackney Solidarity benefit night, again to raise funds for the Catalyst Radio network. We've got a couple bands planned, maybe a DJ or two to end. It's gonna be fun. So come party with us...
Besides the above, you might see us around town, at demonstrations and the critical mass rides, with a soundsystem in tow...That's it for now. Here's your local, DIY radio crew, over and out. Safe.
-dissident chickpea
This week in Palestine
13-05-2011 12:10
from the archives...Israeli commando team including Barak, Netanyahu and Yatom launched a daring operation to rescue passengers on highjacked Sabena Flight.Reclaim the Fields Online!
13-05-2011 10:02
A call out for content for the RtF website.Fighting for our lives! - Defend the NHS - 17 May - IWW Block
13-05-2011 09:26

Ahava’s Online Marketing Campaign Turns into a Social Media #FAIL
13-05-2011 08:33

US group CODEPINK Women for Peace, which manages the Stolen Beauty Ahava Boycott campaign, alerted other BDS activists about the marketing campaign and suggested using the opportunity for a culture jam to subvert Ahava’s rebranding effort.
Update from Calais Migrant Solidarity
13-05-2011 07:56
For the (not so ) latest from Calais check out the blog. The reason the blog hasn't been kept so up to date is that activists have been overstretched of late. Any time you are able to spend in Calais can make a huge difference to the lives of the migrants and there are many ways to support them. CMS have a office space in Calais where folk can stay. Come and visit and fight fortress Europe on the front line.