UK Newswire Archive
rule britania - teenage riots
15-04-2011 21:58
desperately hip but entertaining documentary about student protests now online.Jeremy Dear, NUJ's departing General Secretary, final speech to conference
15-04-2011 21:53

Bahraini protester dies under torture
15-04-2011 20:18

Olga Novoselova released from Yarl’s Wood!
15-04-2011 18:24
We are delighted to announce that at approximately 5 pm on 12 April 2011, domestic violence survivor Olga Novoselova was released from a period of three months’ detention at Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre.Olga has now been reuinted with her family in Bootle, Merseyside where she is continuing her fight against the threat of deportation. A big thankyou to all those who supported Olga during her detention!
Synchronise Watches …
15-04-2011 18:03

Turn the Royal Mile into the "Republican Mile", 29th April
15-04-2011 17:24
This Week in Palestine week 15 2011
15-04-2011 17:16

Dissident Island Radio - Episode 80 - 9pm tonight
15-04-2011 16:09

Vivergo Workers Confront Employers, Police and GMB Union
15-04-2011 15:08

Bayer’s Deadly Birth-Control Pills: Alleged Toll Climbs to 190, Shareholders Rev
15-04-2011 14:45

About 190 women have died while taking Yaz and Yasmin, Bayer’s two leading contraceptive pill brands, according to the Swiss media, and the company faces a shareholder motion condemning its marketing of the brands at its April 29 annual meeting.
Atos Picketed, Daily Mail Mobbed and Invaded, WestminsterCouncil Told
15-04-2011 14:28
Protests took place around the country yesterday as part of the Third National Day of Action Against Benefit Cuts.Victims of BAYER Contraceptives to appear at Shareholder Meeting
15-04-2011 14:28

Jobcentre Call Centre staff to strike [1]
15-04-2011 13:22
PCS members at the Jobcentre Plus Contact Centre at Lodge House, Fishponds Road, will be on strike next Monday 18th April. Visits to the picket line from other workers, claimants, unemployed people and anyone who wishes to show their support for the action, would be welcome. The strikers are campaigning to improve their working conditions and the services they deliver to the public. The Bristol office is one of 37 Jobcentre Plus Contact Centres across the UK that will be striking on Monday.
PCS members at the Jobcentre Plus Contact Centre at Lodge House, Fishponds Road, will be on strike next Monday 18th April. Visits to the picket line from other workers, claimants, unemployed people and anyone who wishes to show their support for the action, would be welcome. The strikers are campaigning to improve their working conditions and the services they deliver to the public. The Bristol office is one of 37 Jobcentre Plus Contact Centres across the UK that will be striking on Monday.
In a ballot of the union’s 7,000 members in JCP’s 37 call centres across the country, 70% of those who took part voted for strike action. The turnout was 43%. Following this strong result, the union agreed not to call any industrial action to allow negotiations to continue. But senior managers have shown little willingness to resolve the dispute.
The action will follow a well-supported two-day strike in January by more than 2,000 workers in JCP’s seven newest contact centres who have been forcibly moved from processing benefit claims to handling enquiries by phone.
The union wants to improve the levels of customer service in call centres; end the target driven culture, particularly by changing the way unrealistic ‘average call times’ are used; and introduce proper flexible working arrangements.
Thousands of Jobcentre Plus call centre staff will strike on 18 April after bosses refused to improve working conditions and customer service.
PCS’s Department for Work and Pensions group president Jane Aitchison said: “We are being prevented from providing a good quality service to the public because of unnecessary and unrealistic call centre targets.
“We entered into negotiations in good faith because we care about the help and advice we give to some of the most vulnerable people in society. It’s very disappointing that our management didn’t do the same.”
Mark Serwotka, PCS general secretary, said: “With unemployment rising and welfare recipients being blamed for an economic crisis they did not cause, it is outrageous that standards are being driven down in Jobcentre Plus.
“Instead of punishing people who are claiming benefits through no fault of their own, the government should be investing in our public services to help get people back to work quicker and to help our economy to grow.”
Shell HQ gets attacked
15-04-2011 12:45
Just before midnight on Monday night some angry souls with paint descended upon the Shell offices at Duckmaster near Bolsover (not far from Chesterfield), They proceeded to paint the doors and windows in red and black, with a hint of green for good measure.Rememberance Vigil for Vittorio Arrigoni tonight, Italian Embassy
15-04-2011 11:26

Our beloved comrade, brother, activist and friend Vik, Vittorio 'Utopia' Arrigoni was murdered by a Salafist extreemist cell in Gaza last night. They kidnapped him, beat him, blindfolded him and hung him. Israel's blockade on the tiny Gaza strip (1.5 million people in a540km by 10 km space) and the social engineering through shock blasts of violence, containment, siege and disposession has been going on for decades. We can't even rule out that there was a more direct hand in this from the Israeli government, but even so, the influence is there, direct or indirect. Please come and mourn with us.
From the belly of the Beast Petroleum
15-04-2011 11:22
On the way in to the BP AGM, they searched my bag and dropped my camera. Then (my favourite part) was the assuredly "random patdown search" which seemed kind of ominous, in a private room which seemed to be the security office.
On our way in we were taken for a "Random pat down search" which we hoped was really random though it clearly wasn't because most of the t-shirt wearers were taken in to a private room that seemed to be the security office, but not told the names of anyone there and told we'd be ejected (with no lunch) if we didn't sign something called a search consent form.
And then we went and sat down and we tried to sit at the front, at the end, ready to get up, but sure enough, numbers of security were sitting right there and all across the front row, like staring at us with their heads craned round like some sort of state bird of Louisiana.
Commenting afterwards, a USA documentary film-maker asked "Is this the first time this has ever happened to you?" The group's female principle spoke, who had an oily "A" on her white shirt under her cardigan, said, "Well...
Um, I guess some kind of vaguely similar thing happened when I was protesting in Copenhagen around the (UN Framework on Climate Change) COP-15. I was dragged off by police but that was kind of crazy policing... I wasn't expecting it here!
Well (UK Tar Sands network) have still got the T-shirts so you can expect something similar...
Shac - protest target CWCapital
15-04-2011 10:23

Marcos is not a hero! Protest the plan to make him one!
15-04-2011 02:14

Taunton Benefit: Solidarity with M26 arrested activists!
14-04-2011 21:25

Effective Direct Action against Barclays
14-04-2011 19:39
A true story. A brief reminder for all anarchists with Barclays Bank accounts ("I would change it but it's all too difficult").