UK Newswire Archive
Funeral Procession: Mourning the Death of Our Services
17-04-2011 13:27
In October 2010, the country learnt of the infliction of a terminal illness on its public sector.We will be gathering on the 29th of April to hold a living wake commiserating the demise of our vital sevices, and celebrating all that they have achieved.
Students Start Petition re. the Guardian's Reporting of the 26th March Demo
17-04-2011 11:55
Frustrated with how, after big protests, almost all major papers put out biased reports - acting as mouthpieces for the police and politicians, rather than telling people what really happened, students have started an online petition against the Guardian, calling for an apology for their reporting of the protest on March 26th.Palestine Today 04 17 2011
17-04-2011 10:32
Got the bastards! The two Fogel family killers apprehended at neighboring Awarta village.Chaos spreading in Greece
17-04-2011 07:49

Egos, Money & Factionalism by 'Malatesta'
17-04-2011 06:25
What is going on with the far right already?One different Easter
17-04-2011 03:57
And I see my brothers who sold our people to the enemy. Those misery brothers all around with the alcohol, they say it gives them pleasure...Tata Noah chief of Indigenous communities
17-04-2011 03:44

Campaign to save Hayward House daycare strengthens
16-04-2011 23:23
The campaign to save daycare at Hayward House is gathering force, as patients, volunteers, relatives and wellwishers are making contact and organising to work together.
Freedom of information requests have been made to find out more about the present/past, and about future plans. A website will be active shortly, and a paper petition is circulating. A web-based petition is intended. A meeting is planned for May.
Hayward House daycare is unique in the area, in that, alongside personal, social and emotional care, it also provides superb medical palliative care from a highly skilled team of doctors and nurses. Many patients have described how their pain had been unbearable, and was not treated effectively in an oncology ward, yet the doctors at Hayward House were able to do enough to bring quality of life back to their last months or weeks. Patients are naturally very upset and angry at the proposed closure, and this is doing their health no good.
Please print out and distribute and sign the petition, and contact me if you'd like to be involved in the campaign.
Campaign Agains Arms Trade
16-04-2011 21:51
Volunteers in Medway an Maidstone areasAmericans protest Saudi role in Bahrain - Saudis OUT of Bahrain !!
16-04-2011 21:01
More than 4,000 demonstrators attended the rally to show solidarity with Bahraini people and to condemn Saudi Arabia's involvement in the crackdown of protesters in Bahrain, on SaturdayWindscale-Never Again? Chernobyl-Never Again? F..
16-04-2011 17:22
Opportunity for Cumbrians to Mark Chernobyl Day
and instead of saying Never Again? say Never Again!
Fuck the royal wedding - mass black block demo planned!
16-04-2011 15:30
Thousands of black block anarchists will descend on central London on April the 29th to seriously disrupt the royal wedding celebrations. Spread the word and come down to central London on April the 29th. Get there before 11am before the royal procession starts.14/4-National day of protest against benefit cuts
16-04-2011 15:23
"As part of a national day of protest against benefit cuts, Liverpool Solidarity Federation picked the offices of ATOS Origin in the city centre. We were supported in our action by members of UK Uncut Liverpool.
We were there to raise awareness of the role played by ATOS in the governmens war against the disabled"
Nestle - London Marathon sponsorship deal referred to Charity Commission
16-04-2011 09:52
Nestlé, the UK's most boycotted company, is sponsoring the London Marathon and providing the ONLY water available to runners, forcing supporters of the boycott over its marketing of baby milk to break their personal boycotts or put their health at risk. The organisers have breached Charity Commission guidance on corporate sponsorship by refusing to be transparent about the charity's sponsorship policy.Qaddafi Unplugged and Uncensored
16-04-2011 08:50
An interesting little gem I spotted online a couple of hours ago, some reader may like, or not like and could spark a debate... the web address goes straight to the original as it appears. DaveRecollections Of My Life - Mu'ummar Qaddafi
By Col. Mu'ummar Qaddafi; Translated by Professor Sam Hamod, Ph.D.
Recollections of My Life: Col. Mu’ummar Qaddafi, The Leader of the Revolution. April 8, 2011.
UG#541 - Outing Prison 1 (Mass Incarceration Is The New Jim Crow)
16-04-2011 08:24

UG#547 - Outing Prison 2 (FASD and What is Prison For Anyway?)
16-04-2011 08:18