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VIDEO: Indigenous activist 'Splitting the Sky' versus war criminal Bush

15-03-2010 12:19

former US congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
The Splitting the Sky story highlights the media cover up of the lies and crimes of 9/11. But that is only the beginning. STS's story starts with the big cover up of the reality that the New World Order of America began in 1492 with a massive genocide that continues to this day.

The founding of America on the theft of natural resources from Indigenous peoples around the world extends these days to the creation of new forms of appropriation, domination, murder and enslavement.

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Smash EDO Iraq commemoration

15-03-2010 12:01

On the 19th March 2003 the first of thousands of people were killed as the U.S and U.K's 'coalition of the willing' launched its skock-and-awe campaign against the people of Iraq.

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PETA use sexist advertising

15-03-2010 08:21

As abolitionist vegans and feminists, we oppose the use of sexist tactics in the animal advocacy movement. Ethical animal rights veganism is part of the logical conclusion of opposition to the exploitation of all sentient beings — both human animals and non-human animals. Opposing speciesism is incompatible with engaging in sexism or any other form of discrimination, such as racism, heterosexism, classism, and other forms of oppression.

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Support the Save Vestas Crane Occupiers

14-03-2010 23:44

Support the Save Vestas Crane Occupiers
Tuesday 16 at 9.30am
Southampton Magistrates Court

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Another Noahs Ark Demo

14-03-2010 20:58

Saturday the 13th saw six activists from BARC ( bristol animal rights collective ) arive to demo Bristol's crazzy creationist zoo, Noah's Ark.

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New Chiapas Monthly Newsletter

14-03-2010 20:28

Boca En Boca (Word of Mouth) is a new monthly Chiapas magazine, now on it's third edition. It aims to diseminate what happens in the organised indigenous communities such as those of the Zapatistas and Other Campaign adherents. A pdf of an English translation is available from:

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Cut Trident not jobs demo in Edinburgh Saturday March 13th 2010

14-03-2010 19:49

A report with 20 photos of the anti-Trident demonstration in Edinburgh which was organised by Scotland for Peace.

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GMO War Starts

14-03-2010 18:50

GM crops

Not just a spud, this is likely to prove a very hot political potato indeed. It is living, knobbly proof of the determination of Brussels bureaucrats to spread GM crops throughout Europe, against the will of most of its people.

In a little-noticed move last week, the European Commission defied most of the governments to which it is supposed to answer to give the green light to growing a modified potato across the continent. It was the first time a GM crop had been authorised for cultivation in 13 years. But, now the long moratorium has been broken, similar approvals for others are expected rapidly to follow.


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Issue 8 of The Land out now!

14-03-2010 16:24

'The final and inevitable achievement of a rootless global market will be to destroy itself'

The Land is written by and for people who believe that the roots of justice, freedom, social security and democracy lie not so much in access to money, or to the ballot box, as in access to land and its resources.

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Mothers Day in Parliament Square - Pictures.

14-03-2010 15:28

The Mothers March.
“I left my country in 2003. I come over here and apply for asylum. And I left my daughter behind. She was three years old. I couldn't come with her and since then I don't know where is her whereabouts. I've tried through the Red Cross but haven't been successful. So I always live in fear of not knowing where she is.”
Juliette, Asylum Seeker.

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An anarchist book fair for Sheffield

14-03-2010 13:06

Announcing Sheffield's first anarchist book fair.

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Demo Against Deportation

14-03-2010 11:30

Congolese asylum seekers held a protest against forced removals in the centre of Manchester on Saturday 13th.

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Guardian: Undercover policeman reveals how he d UK's violent activists

14-03-2010 11:13

Useful for those who want/need to know. Funny how these violent activists are not contrasted with the police, which the video links to the deaths of at least 3 people. His 'chilling account' is hardly chilling - he got involved in a few demonstrations that turned violent. Nothing that chilling. Still, the Guardian has a history of writing pro-police rubbish. Worth watching though, and it sounds like the undercover spy's voice can quite easily altered to reveal the original voice should anyone have any questions about who he is....

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Titnore meeting must be stopped!

14-03-2010 11:07

ECO-CAMPAIGNERS in Sussex have called for a council meeting on controversial housing plans to be stopped - and for supporters to turn out in force at 1.30pm on Monday March 15.

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Video: Norman Finkelstein in Prag

13-03-2010 23:14

Israeli soldiers order Tulkarem farmers to strip
Videoaufzeichnung in 11 Teilen für das deutsche Publikum, da die Veranstaltungen in Deutschland durch Diffamierungskampagnen verhindert wurden..."Massenmedien und Besetzung von Palästina, Bild und Wirklichkeit" deutsche Untertitel,

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National Animal Rights Spring Gathering

13-03-2010 23:11

A weekend of networking, workshops, discussions, actions and social activities is being hosted by Nottingham Animal Rights and Veggies at The Sumac Centre in Nottingham.

This included a city-wide (and beyond) Day of Action on Saturday, with Fur Free Nottingham, foie gras campaigns, KFC, Greyhound Action, the 'great' British Circus, a vegan free food giveaway & McDonalds demo and a mass hunt sab.

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Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics?

13-03-2010 21:48

Verily, if the origin of the word ‘holocaust’ meant ‘whole’ + ‘burning’ then surely the history of the persecution and killing of pagans and various heretical sects would qualify to this nomenclature? After all, how many supposed witches, were tortured and/or burned over the centuries? How many believers in the ‘wrong’ religions or denominations, according to those fanatics who thought themselves within ‘thee’ singularly right religion, were persecuted and murdered? We don’t know any kind of exact number but it is a frightening reality to behold nevertheless.

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Biofuel Objectors Make Significant Impact at Southall Power Station Appeal

13-03-2010 20:55

Biofuel power company Blue National Grid attempted to scupper biofuel campaigner’s chances of winning the Southall Appeal by getting all evidence associated with deforestation, climate change and human rights abuses disqualified from the Hearing. But campaigners may still win the day as air pollution associated with burning biofuels begins to prove intractable.

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CONGOLESE DEMO in Manchester

13-03-2010 18:47

Congolese Protesting against deportations, theft of mineral resources, President Kabila and Western Media silence.

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Government petition to end Halal animal slaughter in the UK.

13-03-2010 15:08

There is an online gvot petition to end Halal animal slaughter here in the UK.