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PETA use sexist advertising

Sheffield Animal Friends | 15.03.2010 08:21 | Animal Liberation

As abolitionist vegans and feminists, we oppose the use of sexist tactics in the animal advocacy movement. Ethical animal rights veganism is part of the logical conclusion of opposition to the exploitation of all sentient beings — both human animals and non-human animals. Opposing speciesism is incompatible with engaging in sexism or any other form of discrimination, such as racism, heterosexism, classism, and other forms of oppression.

In the article, PETA are rightly taken to task over their insensitive, sexist campaigns. Thankfully, the group has much less of a presence in the UK than they do in the USA, but they do sometimes make an impact over here. Today they managed to gain the media attention they crave with a stunt at dog show Crufts with banners declaring ‘Hitler Would Be Proud’.

“Breeding dogs is an abhorent [sic] business and the speciesism and vanity of ‘owners’ causes dogs massive health problems, as was demonstrated in the investigation Pedigree Dogs Exposed. The case against the Kennel Club, and their obsession with breeding dogs to an arbitrary and dangerous aesthetic standard, is easy to make. However, PETA refrained from a measured discussion of dog-breeding and the practice’s historical links with eugenics, or perhaps an elucidation of the links to the narrow standards of beauty in contemporary western human society, instead preferring to shock above all other goals and invoke Godwin’s Law.

Sheffield Animal Friends


Display the following 18 comments

  1. Well if they've broken any industry guidelines, — The return of anti-spe
  2. The best thing to do... — Arthur Dally
  3. please explain — a reader
  4. ...preferring to shock above all other goals... — anon
  5. eh? — Miserablist
  6. link to the article — Someone in SAF
  7. Original article — Someone in SAF
  8. good points made — agreeer
  9. correction of a typo — agreer
  10. The failure of the animal rights movement — Anne
  11. re: Anne — SAFer
  12. incoherent — elucidate
  13. vtery coherent to me — agreer
  14. Aas far as I have seen, PETA have always used sexy images of women... — Tallulah
  15. It's up to the women concerned..if you don't like it don't look — Feminist
  16. Yawn — Bill Sykes
  17. ok but — questioning
  18. reality check — anon