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Deepender Singh Hooda - record electoral victory reserved birth in the cabinet

16-05-2009 13:15

Cheers.......Deepender Sigh Hooda record victory by 445736 votes from Rohtak Parliamentary constituency in Haryana, Italy based the International Organization for Animal Protection - OIPA Representative in India Naresh Kadyan, Chairman of the People for Animals (PFA) Haryana welcome this victory, he further claims the birth in the cabinet for young, energetic leader Deepender Singh Hooda.

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Swazi trade union movement calls for solidarity from international community

16-05-2009 10:37

From Swazi Media Commentary 16 May 2009

The Swaziland Federation of Trade Unions (SFTU) wants international labour organizations and civil society groups to force King Mswati III to embrace a democratic change in the kingdom..

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Af-Pak is Obama's War

16-05-2009 09:28

President Obama, who campaigned behind a thin veil of peace, dragged two heads of client states into the White House to demand “that both Afghanistan and Pakistan allow their citizens to be murdered and or displaced in the thousands” – or else. Obama read Presidents Zardari and Karzai “the riot act” to let them know who is boss in the military theater called “AfPak.”

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Sri Lanka Gov't capture last Tamil Tiger territory/Blood & Dishonour

16-05-2009 07:12

Whilst a human rights catastrophe has unfolded across the northern region of Sri-Lanka, military forces of the Sri Lankan government are on the verge of seizing the last small patch of rebel held territory on 16/05/09

Tamil solidarity event in North London this Sunday:

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Obama and the denial of genocide.

16-05-2009 03:42

Obama. Genocide. Realpolitik.

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Bath Bomb #22 Out Now

16-05-2009 01:41

This month's issue of Bath's radical newsletter, now out

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Banned Nottingham City Council Report now online!

15-05-2009 23:57

Nottingham City Council wasted £30,000 on a highly-critical report into internal problems and personality clashes. Its conclusion? "Put simply, the council is dysfunctional". No wonder they don't want you to read it! This new council-monitoring blog by a Nottingham green activist includes a link to the file-sharing site where the full report can be found, for all to see and share. THAT'S democracy!

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UK Academia Hit By Communications Blockade

15-05-2009 22:41

'Name' Service Providers block receipt of emails from all UK University addresses

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Rossport Solidarity Camp Gathering - May/June bank holiday

15-05-2009 20:00

From Friday 29th May till Monday 1st June there will be will be a Rossport Camp Gathering combining info sharing, direct action training, music and fun.

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July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

15-05-2009 16:25

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change

The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

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Tamil solidarity event this Sunday

15-05-2009 15:55

Sri Lanka rejects ceasefire (by Latuff)
An evening of film, food, music and discussion on what's happening and how we can help.

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This Week in Palestine -Week 20 2009

15-05-2009 15:24


Welcome to This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for May 9th through the 15th, 2009.

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US Anarchist Hip Hop - UK Tour June 3rd - 10th

15-05-2009 15:23

* Drowning Dog & DJ Malatesta (Entartete Kunst) - San Francisco - Anarchist Hip Hop *

* UK Tour - June 3rd - 10th 2009 *

+ loads more UK anarchist / radical hip hop talent in support round the country!

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G20 Agents Provocateurs

15-05-2009 15:20

If anyone at the G20 witnessed 'violent protestors' passing through police lines after flashing ID, can they please post it here. Consider making a formal complaint to the IPCC or contact if you wish to remain anonymous.

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Antifa Anti-BNP Posters

15-05-2009 14:57


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ANTIFA - Voting Labour Will NOT Stop Fascism

15-05-2009 14:54

Poster/Leaflet jpeg
In the run-up to the forthcoming Euro elections, both New Labour and the BNP hope to use racism to maximise their vote. The BNP will use the age-old tactic of scapegoating 'immigrants' and 'foreigners', and basically anyone who isn't white, while wooing those sickened by the greed and corruption of the mainstream political parties. In particular they will hope to appeal to disaffected former Labour voters who feel abandoned and betrayed by Britain's ruling political party. For their part, New Labour will be hoping to mobilise anti-racists into voting for them simply 'to stop the BNP', ignoring Labour's own appalling record of racism, and the fact that the BNP have only been allowed to grow in the political climate they have created. They will be aided in this cruel and threadbare chicanery, by the middle-class Left, who are clueless in their analysis of fascism and simply see the BNP as an opportunity to recruit gullible new members and swell the coffers of their party. Typical of this ilk are the ‘Searchlight’ front ‘Hope Not Hate’, who in return for heavy funding from New Labour and its political satellites, are attempting to lead another generation of anti-racists down the blind alley of electoralism.

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Demo & Picket in Nottingham

15-05-2009 13:01

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".

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Heckler & Koch Campaign :: Mark Thomas in Nottingham

15-05-2009 12:54

"I've been to a lot of demonstrations against arms companies and normally it's kind of me and about three Quakers and a dog and a couple of crusties. I really hope the campaign can grow and grow and actually get a result here".