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ANTIFA - Voting Labour Will NOT Stop Fascism

Antifa England | 15.05.2009 14:54 | Anti-racism

In the run-up to the forthcoming Euro elections, both New Labour and the BNP hope to use racism to maximise their vote. The BNP will use the age-old tactic of scapegoating 'immigrants' and 'foreigners', and basically anyone who isn't white, while wooing those sickened by the greed and corruption of the mainstream political parties. In particular they will hope to appeal to disaffected former Labour voters who feel abandoned and betrayed by Britain's ruling political party. For their part, New Labour will be hoping to mobilise anti-racists into voting for them simply 'to stop the BNP', ignoring Labour's own appalling record of racism, and the fact that the BNP have only been allowed to grow in the political climate they have created. They will be aided in this cruel and threadbare chicanery, by the middle-class Left, who are clueless in their analysis of fascism and simply see the BNP as an opportunity to recruit gullible new members and swell the coffers of their party. Typical of this ilk are the ‘Searchlight’ front ‘Hope Not Hate’, who in return for heavy funding from New Labour and its political satellites, are attempting to lead another generation of anti-racists down the blind alley of electoralism.

Poster/Leaflet jpeg
Poster/Leaflet jpeg

For decades the middle-class Left have told us 'Vote Labour without illusions' - or some other trite slogan. Under Thatcher, they told us we had to vote Labour to ‘Get Maggie out'. What did that get us? If anything it got us a government that was even further to the Right. Since 1997 New Labour have continued to shit on the poor and institute a vicious Police State. They have completely alienated working-class people, pushed the political agenda immeasurably to the Right, and fostered the rise of the fascist British National Party. Ordinary people are understandably VERY pissed-off with politicians.

The BNP are hoping to exploit the current economic crisis by scapegoating immigrants and asylum-seekers, and to capitalise on anger against Westminster by mobilising a so-called 'protest vote' - ie a vote for the fascist BNP. Meanwhile, the drips of 'Unite Against Fascism', 'Hope Not Hate, the 'Socialist Workers Party', and all the other middle-class idiots who told us to vote New Labour in the past, are telling us not to “waste” our votes! They know that working-class communities are not going to vote Tory, do they really think that a vote for New Labour is a vote AGAINST fascism?! This is the party that has been bombing the shit out of Iraq and Afghanistan for years now, and locking up and deporting refugees en masse.

It is this sort of patronizing and condescending stupidity that has led to the rise of the BNP in the first place. It is an insult to the intelligence of ordinary people. Antifa are not calling on people to vote Labour (or 'Respect' or whatever) to stop the BNP, we are calling on people to boycott the whole election charade, and to get out onto the streets and combat the rise of the BNP in the only way that matters - by Direct Action.

We can understand the contempt people rightly have for the mainstream political parties. We can understand why white working-class communities feel abandoned and alienated. But a vote for the BNP is NOT a so-called 'protest vote', it is a vote for FASCISM. Don't believe ANY of their lies. Don't play the politicians' games. Don't vote - Organize!

Antifa England
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Display the following 12 comments

  1. Anti-fa = the real Nazis — Roll on June 4th
  2. what about supporting the Tamils, Antifa? — no black in the union-jack
  3. Punters — Danny
  4. So we can't be antifa? — Antifa Tamil
  5. Please Think! — stop_the_circus
  6. Every circus has at least one clown — Antifascist Activist
  7. Oh come on — Are you serious?
  8. Don't Vote — @narcho
  9. Stop the circus I want to get off — A less smug cunt
  10. Own Goal — Greeny
  11. anarchist — annon
  12. Beyond Joe Hill - the ballot and the bullet — Danny