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Israeli Ambassador Protest, Monday 9 February 5.30pm

07-02-2009 18:59

* Israeli Ambassador Protest, Monday 9 February 5.30pm
* Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Invite your contacts!

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ASA, Home Office, BBC, M&S & Oxfam support Virgin Mad Men

07-02-2009 17:48

ASA will not 'intervene' to stop the RKCR / Y&R ad campaign despite stating that 'Council sympathized with the concern that the ad may invite unwanted attention to female staff’. RKCR / Y&R have contracts with the UK Home Office for their anti Prostitution, Domestic Violence, Child Protection on the Internet and Anti Rape campaigns as well for the BBC, M&S and Oxfam!

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The conscience of a generation: "We Shall Overcome"

07-02-2009 17:41

She was the conscience of a generation and remains the conscience of every generation. Joan Baez lent courage to millions outraged by what is still euphemistically called 'US involvement' in Viet Nam, indeed, she carried aloft the banner of equality, peace and the achievement of both through activism.

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Boycotting Israel: Enter the Dockers

07-02-2009 17:33

The Histadrut trade union intends to ask the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) for assistance with the planned boycott of Israeli ships by dockers in South Africa. “The union in South Africa is against anything connected to Israel, and in the past even objected to a cooperation agreement we signed with the Palestinian transport workers union,” said Transport Workers Union chairman Avi Edri.

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Reporting of the Gaza Conflict

07-02-2009 17:17

We have spent the last month meticulously reading, watching, listening to and analysing what the UK media had to say about Israel’s operation in Gaza (within the limits of our scope of monitoring). Our objective has been to see whether the coverage was balanced, impartial and factually accurate. Had any lessons been learnt since Lebanon 2006 when, in the eyes of many, the media got it so wrong?

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Why the Innocent Are Punished More Harshly Than the Guilty

07-02-2009 17:15

A man who died in prison while serving time for a rape he didn't commit was cleared Friday by a judge who called the state's first posthumous DNA exoneration "the saddest case" he'd ever seen. . . .

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Ramming the Japanese whaling ship, onboard the Steve Irwin

07-02-2009 17:10

The Sea Shepherd vessel Steve Irwin has rammed the Yushin Maru No 3 whaling harpoon ship while under attack by Long Range acoustic weapons. This video shows onboard the ship as they ram the whalers. Captain Paul Watson said "I was dazed by the sonic blasts being used on us at close range. I have to admit it was difficult to concentrate with that devise being focused on us."

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Who is an Expert on the Stimulus Package?

07-02-2009 17:09

The sheer size and complexity of the proposed stimulus package makes quality journalism about it difficult. Striving for some scientific perspective on the problem, journalists have asked many economists what they think about the package. Having earlier questioned the legal system's reliance on some economic experts, I'd like to offer some skeptical thoughts about their role in the stimulus debate.

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Mass student campaign for solidarity with Palestine wins victories at Dundee Uni

07-02-2009 16:49

The March
Three weeks ago Dundee University did not have a Stop the War society. Now this newly formed society, which takes support from a number of different organisations active at the university, has had some major success in having demands met. The movement has snow-balled and after several meetings, a march and significant and constant pressure being put upon the Union (including forcing an EGM) DU Stop the War continues to push for action against the perceived apartheid at the hands of Israel. This article explains the actions of the last week and particularly the EGM which had the largest attendance in years.

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Asylum and the myth of sharing

07-02-2009 16:41

Have you ever wondered why as children we’re taught the importance and value of sharing? I have and it seems somewhat misplaced; it’s not as if as adults we have any need for such a value.

The much-lauded childhood principle of sharing runs contrary to those principles we practise as grown-ups. As adults we are scared about what the next man has, we envy his lot. We are scared about what sharing might do to our children’s futures. Those very children who think sharing is so important. So while as children we equate goodness with generosity, as adults we try very hard to undo this philosophy. Bizarrely this seems to work.

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Two Workers Killed During Factory Occupation in Venezuela

07-02-2009 16:32

Workers accuse the police of shooting two fellow workers yesterday who were participating in the occupation of a Mitsubishi plant in Barcelona, Anzoategui state.

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Unionists’ Murder Followed by Marches and Arrests in Anzoategui, Venezuel

07-02-2009 16:23

Following the murder of two workers at a Mitsubishi plant, marches and meetings have involved more of the regional community in the union struggle, while six police have been arrested, and a range of commissions have been established.

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We need a crusade of popular social democracy

07-02-2009 16:15

My Lords, I, too, congratulate my dear and noble friend Lord Eatwell on initiating this debate and I also congratulate him on his speech. I start, as he did, with a quote.

"From time to time in human history there occur events of a truly seismic significance, events that mark a turning point between one epoch and the next, when one orthodoxy is overthrown and another takes its place ... There is a sense that we are now living through just such a time: barely a decade into the new millennium, barely 20 years since the end of the Cold War and barely 30 years since the triumph of neo-liberalism-that particular brand of free-market fundamentalism, extreme capitalism and excessive greed which became the economic orthodoxy of our time ... The global crisis ... has called into question the prevailing neo-liberal economic orthodoxy of the past 30 years-the orthodoxy that has underpinned the national and global regulatory frameworks that have so spectacularly failed to prevent the economic mayhem which has now been visited upon us".

Those words, said in the past week, came from a Labour Prime Minister-not ours, I regret, but Kevin Rudd, the Australian Prime Minister.

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"We're sorry" - false claims re police agent provocateur

07-02-2009 16:08

Back in June 2008, indymedia reported on claims by George Galloway that a police inspector had been seen in civilian clothes at an anti-war demonstration in Parliament Square inciting people to violence against the police lines. Much doubt was expressed as to whether Galloway could be seen as a reliable witness to these events and raised the question as to whether he'd find himself being sued for libel. (

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Direct Action; Mexico, USA & Uruguay

07-02-2009 16:02

5th-7th February


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Climate Action: Too Important for the Politicians

07-02-2009 15:45

On 23rd January I went to a climate question time at Leeds Civic Hall organised by Oxfam as part of their role in the Stop Climate Chaos coalition. The panel was pretty high level;

Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Robert Goodwill, Shadow Roads Minister for Transport
Richard Brett, Liberal Democrat and Co-Leader of Leeds City Council
Martin Kirk, Oxfam’s Head of Campaigns

It’s usual in these things for there to be a load of party point scoring – including generous helpings of logical and factual errors – but the balance is somewhat redressed by points from the audience.

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Israel and Hamas Won, So Who Lost?

07-02-2009 15:44

The spectacle of tanks back from the battlefield with the blue and white Star of David flapping from their turrets, the faces of the young soldiers, their body language—all leave no doubt concerning Israel's victory. If we compare this pullback from Gaza with the one from Lebanon over two years past, there is no need for extensive commentary: Israel has retrieved the pride and reputation of its army, which had been badly damaged by that other war in the north. The world has been reminded that the Middle East contains but a single military power worthy of the name. Deterrent capability, the magical force that is supposed to protect Israel from its enemies, has returned in full strength. Israel's Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, who promised to correct his earlier failures in accordance with the findings of the Winograd Inquiry, has indeed come through.

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'Fashion' shop shuts

07-02-2009 15:38

Amanda's fashions in Leeds has closed its doors.

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Egypt police detain Egyptian-German activist re: Gaza

07-02-2009 15:14

Egypt police detain Egyptian-German activist Philip Rizk, 26, is "passionate" about Gaza.

"We don't know where he is, and there is no formal charge," Rizk's sister said.

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Congolese refugees march in Manchester

07-02-2009 15:00

Report from 7-2-2009 demonstration of Congolese refugees opposing government plans to deport them to face war and political oppression.