UK Newswire Archive
Obama’s Trilateral Commission Connections,
07-02-2009 14:03
The pre-election attention is reminiscent of Brzezinski’s tutoring of Jimmy Carter prior to Carter’s landslide election in 1976. For anyone who doubts the Commission’s continuing influence on Obama, consider that he has already appointed no less than eleven members of the Commission to top-level and key positions in his Administration.New World Order - Told u so!
07-02-2009 13:59
TIME Mag does an article called, “New World Order.” It Calls for Global Central Bank to be Constructed to “Save” the Global Economy, Backed by G-20. Didn’t We All Call This Out When We Were Telling You They Were Crashing The Economy On Purpose to Bring About the NWO?February 7th, 2009 by Jonathan
heathrow is go, kingsnorth no?
07-02-2009 13:51
as aviation minister, I learned two lessons about the aviation industry. First, its demands are insatiable; secondly, successive Governments have always given way to them.- Chris Mullin MP, House of Commons, 28 November 2002
Nitin Parshotam promotes ARK at Wembley, Brent
07-02-2009 13:39
The Greater London Authority (GLA) have recently produced a damning document critising the plans for ARK to build on the Wembley Park Sports Ground at Brent. However, some at Brent Council are still determined to drive this forward, in the face of enormous public opposition. The following demonstrates Nitin Partosham's role in this and his association with Shishukunj charity, with a logo 'Baal Devo Bhava'; 'Honour Baal as God'.Al Jazeera the hostile enemy
07-02-2009 13:36
Israeli officials said they plan to make it harder for the Arabic television network al-Jazeera to operate in Israel and the West Bank. Media reports said Israel will not renew the work visas of some Israeli-based al-Jazeera employees, and that the network's reporters will have less access to news conferences and briefings.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Ben Goldacre receives legal warning
07-02-2009 13:24
You may enjoy Ben Goldacre's column in The Guardian. The Press Gazette reports: Medical journalist Ben Goldacre has been hit with a legal warning from London radio station LBC after he published an audio clip of an ‘irresponsible’ MMR phone-in on his website.Supporting terrorism on the net
07-02-2009 13:19
Last November, blogger Mohamed Adel, or General Mait (dead), was detained because of a photograph taken of him, with a Palestinian Hamas official. The damning evidence was clicked when Adel participated in a humanitarian caravan to the Gaza Strip.What does Krill Fishing and Sandalwood Harvesting Have in Common?
07-02-2009 13:17
At first glance, there is no way Krill and Sandalwood could have anything in common: one is a sea animal and the other is a land plant. If you examine the plight of both species of biodiversity, then there are some similarities.Third runway to cure cancer and end world poverty
07-02-2009 13:13
Is there anything a third runway at Heathrow wouldn't do? Not according to its promoters in the aviation industry. The recent snowfall that crippled most of our airports shut Heathrow after a plane skidded onto the icy grass. Some 18-30s club rep from the Association of British Travel Agents thought they'd whack out a press release claiming that it could all have been avoided with a third runway.Starbucks Settles ULP Charges Over Firing At Michigan Store, But Union Refuses t
07-02-2009 13:09
A National Labor Relations Board regional director in Detroit Jan. 16 approved a settlement agreement with Starbucks Corp. resolving allegations of unfair labor practices by the Starbucks Workers Union (SWU), an affiliate of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), filed with NLRB Region 7 (Starbucks Corp. d/b/a Starbucks Coffee Co., N.L.R.B. Reg. Dir., No. 7-CA-51190, settlement approved 1/16/09).stop emissions but keep flying
07-02-2009 13:06
It was an extraordinary thing. Greenpeace activists had occupied a coal-fired power station yet the jury acquitted them.Prisoners' rights under attack
07-02-2009 12:32
POA supports attacks on prisoners’ rightsPrisoners have few legal tools with which to defend themselves but have at times been able to bring successful court actions against the prison system’s worst excesses. Labour’s Justice Minister Jack Straw and the Prison Officers Association want to stop them doing this.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Press for Change Urge Support for ID Cards
07-02-2009 12:16
The following email is so out of context with the issues we face as trans people, ID Cards won't buy our gender recognition, next 'Gender Spectrum' will be implying that CCTV actually protects us from violence, the ID Card system (like the DNA database) is an utter disgrace on our privacy and civil liberty, they should know better!Earth First tree planting weekend in Pennines Fri 13th-Sun 15th March.
07-02-2009 09:28
The annual and occasionally hedonistic opportunity to plant thousands of native trees on a ecologically degraded hillside is happening in March. Organised by Earth First activists in collaboration with Calderdale community group Treesponsibility we will be based in Hebden Bridge in Calderdale. If you fancy a weekend of hard but satisfying work planting native woodland combined with good food and socialising put the weekend of the 13-15th March in your diary.Public Action Against Judicial Corruption & Institutional Failures in the UK
07-02-2009 08:36
Demonstration Against Judicial Corruption, Unlawful Imprisonments, Convention Rights Abuses and Institutional Failures in the UK; Every Saturday outside HMP Wormwood Scubs, Du Cane Road, London W12 0AE.Cops blockade Agrexco warehouse
07-02-2009 08:23

Petrol bombs at PASOK HQ in Athens! 2 month anniversary of the murder of Alexi!
07-02-2009 00:42
At 11pm UK time, (2? explosions) ,(40?) anti-authoritarians threw (50?) petrol bombs at the HQ of the main 'socialist' party in Greece, PASOK. Perhaps they deliberately sought BBQ pork because apparently 6-8 piggies got caught in the crossfire. It was short and sweet, and one minute later the police retaliated with one lone tear gas grenade (according to reports on Bigotry
07-02-2009 00:22
The advertising firm RKCR have recently devised a campaign entitled ‘still red hot’ to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Virgin Atlantic’s 1984 launch. RKCR attempt to invoke the spirit of 1984 by depicting news paper headlines of the miners strike. The value and position of everyday working women is completely reduced in the ad to providing men with sexual titillation. RKCR and Virgin will claim that this is all in jest and if you don’t get the ‘joke’ you’re a part of the P.C. gone mad brigade. What is truly disrespectful here is how painful this advertisement could be for the existing Virgin Atlantic steward workforce who have not only have had their occupation so reduced by their superiors but who will now be inevitably (sized up by passengers) and compared to these deplorable representations. And as if that isn’t enough, RKCR have received advertising contracts from the Home Offices for their anti Prostitution, Domestic Violence, Child Protection on the Internet andAnti Rape campaigns as well for Oxfam! Just what the RKCR add for workplace harassment would be like makes the mind boggle.
The Politics Of Bollocks
06-02-2009 23:54
February 06, 2009 "Information Clearinghouse" --- Growing up in an Antipodean society proud of its rich variety of expletives, I never heard the word bollocks. It was only on arrival in England that I understood its majesterial power. All classes used it. Judges grunted it; an editor of the Daily Mirror used it as noun, adjective and verb. Certainly, the resonance of a double vowel saw off its closest American contender. It had authority.No Grand Reception for the Israeli Ambassador
06-02-2009 23:46

Palestine Solidarity Campaign, along with Stop the War Coalition and British Muslim Initiative are asking all London and South East supporters to come to the town hall and show your disgust at the invitation.