Israeli Ambassador Protest, Monday 9 February 5.30pm
Internationalist! | 07.02.2009 18:59
* Israeli Ambassador Protest, Monday 9 February 5.30pm
* Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX
Invite your contacts!
* Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London W8 7NX

Invite your contacts!
Dear friends,
Kensington and Chelsea Council have invited the Israeli Ambassador for a diplomatic reception at Kensington Town Hall on Monday 9 February, despite Labour councillors tabling a motion calling for the invitation to be withdrawn. A London-wide protest has been called outside Kensington Town Hall, when the reception takes place at 5.30pm on 9 February.
The Israeli Ambassador should not be feted at diplomatic receptions but expelled from Britain for the war crimes perpetrated by the country he represents.
Join the demonstration to stop the Israeli ambassador!
In solidarity,
Stop the War Coalition.
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