UK Newswire Archive
Israeli War on the Gaza Strip: "The Birth Pangs of a New Palestine/Middle East"
15-01-2009 23:24

Israel's San Francisco Consulate Closed for War Crimes by Protestors
15-01-2009 23:04

LSE students occupy university
15-01-2009 22:42
Over forty pro Palestine students have occupied a lecture theatre at the London School of Economics to demand that the university releases a statement condemning the attack on Gaza and divests from arms companies that supply the Israeli military.Newcastle BBC Protest - The place to have been on Thursday evening!!!
15-01-2009 21:59
This evening over 50 people gathered outside the BBC in Newcastle to demonstration against the BBC's coverage of the Gaza conflict and to an end to the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.Smash we can! Sabotage the State of War!
15-01-2009 19:42

Digby Jones should name the 3rd Runway go-ahead civil servants!
15-01-2009 19:04
Thursday 15 January 2009: On the day that Gordon Brown's confidante and de facto civil servant Shriti Vadera took over the front page of the DAILY MAIL ; when Yvette Cooper stated the apology to the victims of Equitable Life; the day when Geoff Hoon [3rd Runway, Heathrow] again proved that he was indeed a buffoon on the environment too, and the day when token trade minister [ex,] Digby Jones made a comment on the appalling state of the British civil service at the top end of Government....Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
15-01-2009 17:56
The Guardian is reporting that thanks to Amnesty International, Greek and maybe some other EU officials, the weapons shipment that was due to leave Greece for Israel this week has been stopped and for now, "no EU member state will allow their ports or other facilities to be used to transit these or any other weapons to any of the parties to this conflict."wrexham supermarket sweep without dale winton
15-01-2009 17:41

February FreeSchool Weekender!
15-01-2009 17:07
20th - 22nd February 2009A weekend of workshops, discussions and skillsharing to promote free, community organised learning
Inauguration Day: Ceasefire for Gaza at Menwith Hill
15-01-2009 16:53

CAAB and York Palestinian Solidarity Committee are planning a gathering - at Menwith Hill at 1pm on TUESDAY 20 JANUARY, the day of the inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the US.
Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
SOAS occupation - update. LSE Students occupy Old Theatre
15-01-2009 16:33
Discussions with SOAS University management.Breaking news....40 LSE students occupy the stage of the Old Theatre...
Brighton vs Bias Broadcasting Corporation
15-01-2009 16:31

Brum Gaza Demo 17th Jan
15-01-2009 16:17

Palestine Today 011509
15-01-2009 15:47, for Thursday, January 15th 2009.
Let St Neots Community College know what you think of their Facial Scanning
15-01-2009 14:07
British College introduces Big Brother facial scanning system, let them know what you think!Renewables Grants monopolised by British Gas
15-01-2009 14:01
Shocked to find that the renewable energy 'green' grants for charities, public and non-profit sectors are being monopolised by British Gas and E.ON. Most schools and charities have not even heard about the scheme - and these companies have an interest in keeping it quiet...Play Parade - 'Rally for the Right to Play'
15-01-2009 13:42

Culminating in a Play Parade -Thursday 19th feb, meet 12pm, Independant Street Park parading to Radford Primary School.
These events are aimed at increasing community involvement in advocating children’s play in Nottingham through promoting the need for greater access to appropriate, freely chosen and self directed play opportunities.
20 Parallels of Zionism with Nazism
15-01-2009 13:38
20 Parallels of Zionism with Nazism