Newcastle BBC Protest - The place to have been on Thursday evening!!!
gaza solidarity | 15.01.2009 21:59 | Culture | Other Press | Palestine
This evening over 50 people gathered outside the BBC in Newcastle to demonstration against the BBC's coverage of the Gaza conflict and to an end to the Israeli onslaught in Gaza.
25 Students and Lecturers from Newcastle University met outside the Students' Union to march up to the BBC. With a foghorn, megaphone and placards a long procession marched up to the BBC chanting and shouting and getting a lot of support from the public.
When the student/lecturer march reached the BBC there was another 30 people outside the BBC. The protest then moved forward to the entrance of the building where a sit down protest then took place. Security were rushing round behind the scenes as the police came and went. There were a few speakers including speakers from the Newcastle Trade Council, Newcastle Uni Lib Dem Society and Socialist Worker Student Society.
The protest then continued until the end of the local news bulletin, throughout which as much noise was made as possible.
Rally on Saturday 17/01/09 at Monument from 12noon
Protest outside the Labour Party Dinner hosted by David Miliband and with special guest, defence secretary John Hutton. Friday 23/01/09 Meet 6pm Chicester Metro
When the student/lecturer march reached the BBC there was another 30 people outside the BBC. The protest then moved forward to the entrance of the building where a sit down protest then took place. Security were rushing round behind the scenes as the police came and went. There were a few speakers including speakers from the Newcastle Trade Council, Newcastle Uni Lib Dem Society and Socialist Worker Student Society.
The protest then continued until the end of the local news bulletin, throughout which as much noise was made as possible.
Rally on Saturday 17/01/09 at Monument from 12noon
Protest outside the Labour Party Dinner hosted by David Miliband and with special guest, defence secretary John Hutton. Friday 23/01/09 Meet 6pm Chicester Metro
gaza solidarity
16.01.2009 14:32
Medialens conclude:
Edward Herman and Grace Kwinjeh point out that Israel's brutal invasion of Lebanon in 2006 was portrayed as an act of self-defense against a threat from Hezbollah. In fact, as Kaveh L Afrasiabi wrote, this was a war "to annex a major chunk of Lebanese territory without necessarily saying so, under the pretext of security buffer and deterrence against future attacks on Israel". (Quoted, Herman and Kwinjeh, op. cit.)
This drive to "redeem the land", in Zionist parlance, requires the forcible takeover of land in the possession of others. As such, Herman and Kwinjeh note, it "constitutes a model case of a quest for a 'Greater' entity - here a Greater Israel - a drive which in the case of Milosevic's and the Serbs' alleged drive for a 'Greater Serbia' was presented as a prime element of illegal activity in the ICTY [International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia] indictment of Milosevic." (Ibid.)
As Chomsky says so well, the violent reactions of Hamas "can be condemned as criminal and politically foolish, but those who offer no alternative have no moral grounds to issue such judgments, particularly those in the US who choose to be directly implicated in these ongoing crimes - by their words, their actions, or their silence." ( /noam-chomsky-on-the-us-israel-and-gaza-1298)
The ongoing assault on Gaza, then, is about far more than restoring military pride, preventing rocket attacks and crushing Hamas. It is about Israel's strategic plan to deliver the Palestinian people to an abysmal fate in pursuit of the Zionist dream.
As is the case for all major US-UK allies, honest analysis of state policy of this level of ugliness is all but unthinkable for a mainstream corporate media that is anything but free and independent.
Edward Herman and Grace Kwinjeh point out that Israel's brutal invasion of Lebanon in 2006 was portrayed as an act of self-defense against a threat from Hezbollah. In fact, as Kaveh L Afrasiabi wrote, this was a war "to annex a major chunk of Lebanese territory without necessarily saying so, under the pretext of security buffer and deterrence against future attacks on Israel". (Quoted, Herman and Kwinjeh, op. cit.)
This drive to "redeem the land", in Zionist parlance, requires the forcible takeover of land in the possession of others. As such, Herman and Kwinjeh note, it "constitutes a model case of a quest for a 'Greater' entity - here a Greater Israel - a drive which in the case of Milosevic's and the Serbs' alleged drive for a 'Greater Serbia' was presented as a prime element of illegal activity in the ICTY [International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia] indictment of Milosevic." (Ibid.)
As Chomsky says so well, the violent reactions of Hamas "can be condemned as criminal and politically foolish, but those who offer no alternative have no moral grounds to issue such judgments, particularly those in the US who choose to be directly implicated in these ongoing crimes - by their words, their actions, or their silence." (

The ongoing assault on Gaza, then, is about far more than restoring military pride, preventing rocket attacks and crushing Hamas. It is about Israel's strategic plan to deliver the Palestinian people to an abysmal fate in pursuit of the Zionist dream.
As is the case for all major US-UK allies, honest analysis of state policy of this level of ugliness is all but unthinkable for a mainstream corporate media that is anything but free and independent.
Gaza Solidarity Action