UK Newswire Archive
Census answers could be passed to snoopers
15-01-2009 13:11
New Data-Sharing plans under the controversial Coroners andJustice Bill that amongst other things seeks to establish secret inquests - (no more embarrassing moments for the police when they shoot people), will scrap the last remaining privacy we have.
New-Labour's Surveillance Police State is almost complete, whilst we have been complacent in resistance.
E-on Nottingham 'Fossil Fools' protest: prosecution offers no evidence
15-01-2009 13:04

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Israeli forces shell the main UN relief compound in Gaza City.
15-01-2009 12:43
Bethlehem – Ma’an/Agencies – United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon expressed outrage to top Israeli officials on Thursday after Israeli forces shelled the main UN relief compound in Gaza City."I conveyed my strong protest and outrage to the defense minister and the foreign minister and demanded a full explanation," Ban said, adding that he had demanded an investigation into the shelling.
The army at the door…
15-01-2009 12:31
Short texts & updates from the blogger -9:45 am GMT/11:45 Gaza time:
Families from neighbouring buildings trying to run to safety to hospital from fire & gunfire. Most staff wearing masks due to fear of phosphorous gas attack.
9:04 am GMT/11:04 Gaza time:
fire out window 10 yards from babies in incubators, putting out fire with pots and pans as hose does not reach.
Guantanamo - 7 Years
15-01-2009 12:21

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Newcastle Gaza More Demos Announced
15-01-2009 12:10
Hands off Gaza – Stop the Bombing – Free Palestine: TWO PROTESTS THIS WEEK!!!!!Ta-ra then, George mi Duck
15-01-2009 11:56

Arcade opens 8:45am – 5:45 pm
Please can you act now to support our friend Hermine Mofor
15-01-2009 11:51

Blueprint for Gaza attack was long planned
15-01-2009 11:41

Al-Quds hospital under attack
15-01-2009 11:04

Goldsmith's Palestine Twinning Campaign - Concert tonight
15-01-2009 10:59

Come and support the musicians making conscious music!!!
Ehud Olmert's dreams (by Latuff)
15-01-2009 10:11

Vigil outside Miliband’s home tomorrow, Friday 16 Jan at 3-4:30pm
15-01-2009 09:04

Vigil outside Foreign Secretary David Miliband’s home in Primrose Hill
tomorrow, Friday 16 Jan at 3-4:30pm
Free Gaza Boat returning to Cyprus after threats by Israeli Navy
15-01-2009 09:01
(Mediterranean Sea, 15 January 2009) - The Israeli navy today threatened to kill unarmed civilians aboard a mercy ship on its way to deliver medical supplies and doctors to besieged Gaza.Rather than endanger the lives of its passengers, the SPIRIT is now returning to Cyprus.
URGENT--Israeli Navy threatens SPIRIT OF HUMANITY
15-01-2009 02:46
UPDATE on Free Gaza's Emergency Voyage to GazaGaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 4
15-01-2009 02:00

Gaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 2
15-01-2009 01:15

Gaza Protest Pictures (10/01/2009) pt 1
15-01-2009 00:53

It took this long to get these pictures to the Newswire simply because I shot so many (644 images), so it's taken quite some time to sift through them all and pick out the good stuff.
I'll be publishing them in several parts, as there is a lot of pictures to work through. They will also be in the order they were taken in each installment, so hopefully some kind of visual narrative will emerge as a result.
Direct Action Germany: 24th Dec - 4th Jan
15-01-2009 00:18

01-03/01/2009: Stones against a CDU-citizen`s büro and the local courthouse, Rastatt
02/01/2009: War memorial made nicer!, Munich
02/01/2009: Again another car burned down, Berlin
01/01/2009: Up to 1000 people attacked a police station and police cars, Berlin
01/01/2009: Confrontation with the police on new year's eve, Germany
31/12/2008: 7 upperclass cars torched, Berlin
28-29/12/2008: Protests against the Mövenpick Hotel, Hamburg
25/12/2008: Five posh cars damaged in Kreuzberg, Berlin
24/12/2008: Color against police station, Bochum
24/12/2008: Action against deportation, Eutin