UK Newswire Archive
Space Hijackers at the Spirit Of Christmas Fair
13-11-2008 20:28

This time we took our mobile arms fair marketing team to their Spirit Of Christmas Fair
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
13-11-2008 20:08
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!PASS IT, TRANSLATE IT, ADAPT IT, AND MAKE THE NET TREMBLE!!!(and the banks)
demo tomorow no bordres no nations
13-11-2008 20:03
meeting point high holborn french tourist boardsolidarity from london to the greek prisioners
13-11-2008 19:54
last week the greek embassy ...People and Planet group formed in Falmouth
13-11-2008 18:57
A group of us are trying to form a People and Planet society in Falmouth. Although it will be affiliated with Falmouth and Exeter Students' Union, everyone regardless of whether they are a student are welcome to join.Climate Action : START HERE : 22 November 2008
13-11-2008 18:56

Climate Safety : Emergency Briefing : 27 November 2008
13-11-2008 18:12

Uncommon Common Sense
13-11-2008 18:00
This is the first part of a 4 part series detailing 8 questionable unquestionables- social paradigms that pass without question in mainstream discourse, but which are so utterly false that it only requires an inch of extra perspective to notice this. This is what I would call “uncommon common sense”.Heathrow Decision Day Flashmob
13-11-2008 17:49
Stop Airport Expansion - Hoon's Not Listening12 noon (on the dot), Heathrow Terminal 5 Departures ('Security North' section)
on the first Saturday after the Government makes its decision on Heathrow expansion
(unless all forms of expansion are ruled out – see below).
Reveal your t-shirt and then pelt Transport Secretary Geoff Hoon with red sponges.
Climate Change & Violence : Workshop 1 : Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?
13-11-2008 17:26
The Crisis Forum are starting their Workshop series on Climate Change & Violence tomorrow in Southampton : asking the question "Climate Catastrophe : Where are we heading ?"E.ON backs down in struggle for Kingsnorth
13-11-2008 16:55
National wave of student protest forces energy giant to abandonrecruitment tour
Anti-coal protests at graduate careers fairs around the UK have forced
E.ON to cancel the remainder of its recruitment tour. The energy company,
which is planning to build a new coal power station at Kingsnorth, Kent
[1], has seen at least seventeen of its careers events disrupted over the
last few weeks [2].
Germany: 100 000 pupils on strike. schools and univeristies occupied
13-11-2008 16:26

the following shows how much protesters in which city
Mean Sea Level : Free London Screening of New Film
13-11-2008 16:11

The British People's Party - Staggering from disaster to desperation
13-11-2008 15:47
“A handful”? Are the British People’s Party exaggerating their numbers yet again?!UNISON repression of the North East Shop Stewards Network
13-11-2008 15:35
* Is Ms Hale scared of something, simply misinformed, or is there another agenda at work here?* Is there, for example, any connection to the Yunus Bakhsh case?
* Which of the so-called 'Democracy Guidelines' has anyone breached - or might breach by working with the NESSN?
Sixth attempt to remove Alliance Ngondiop
13-11-2008 15:13

Plane Stupid Protestors found guilty, judge gives a token gesture sentence
13-11-2008 14:46

President-elect Barack Obama
13-11-2008 14:36
4 November 2008, the era of George W Bush was about to end and a new era was about to begin. A wave of euphoria swept the world. Why, because Obama was not Bush?