UNISON repression of the North East Shop Stewards Network
Resisting all bosses | 13.11.2008 15:35 | Repression | Workers' Movements
* Is Ms Hale scared of something, simply misinformed, or is there another agenda at work here?
* Is there, for example, any connection to the Yunus Bakhsh case?
* Which of the so-called 'Democracy Guidelines' has anyone breached - or might breach by working with the NESSN?
* Is there, for example, any connection to the Yunus Bakhsh case?
* Which of the so-called 'Democracy Guidelines' has anyone breached - or might breach by working with the NESSN?
Our Ref: GH/LS
When telephoning please contact:
Linda Smith – 0191 245 0852
To: UNISON Northern Branch Secretaries
12 November 2008
Dear Colleague
A number of Branches in the Region have contacted the Regional Office concerning correspondence relating to events organised by the North East Shop Stewards Network (NESSN).
This organisation is not supported by UNISON and it would be contrary to UNISON’s Democracy Guidelines for Branches to participate in activities organised by the NESSN.
Yours sincerely
Gill Hale
Regional Secretary
Regional Secretary: Gill Hale
140-150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6TH
Tel: 0845 355 0845 Fax: 0191 245 0899 Text: 0191 245 0898 Email:
northern@unison.co.uk www.unison-northern.org.uk
Unison's "Democracy Guidelines" (not rules):
When telephoning please contact:
Linda Smith – 0191 245 0852
To: UNISON Northern Branch Secretaries
12 November 2008
Dear Colleague
A number of Branches in the Region have contacted the Regional Office concerning correspondence relating to events organised by the North East Shop Stewards Network (NESSN).
This organisation is not supported by UNISON and it would be contrary to UNISON’s Democracy Guidelines for Branches to participate in activities organised by the NESSN.
Yours sincerely
Gill Hale
Regional Secretary
Regional Secretary: Gill Hale
140-150 Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 6TH
Tel: 0845 355 0845 Fax: 0191 245 0899 Text: 0191 245 0898 Email:

Unison's "Democracy Guidelines" (not rules):

Resisting all bosses
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