UK Newswire Archive
Did OFSTED's Christine Gilbert order suppression of evidence against Crossrail?
14-11-2008 16:00
KHOODEELAAR! is raising the question on Christine Gilbert's role today as part of our constitutional law campaign action updates. Gilbert failed and refused and neglected to answer the many questions that the campaign against Crossrail hole had put top her between 2004 and 2006 when she was chief executive in Tower Hamlets Council.
new britain: a prison of your mind
14-11-2008 14:38
its a common enough cry from certain strata in society that prisons are "too soft" and "like holiday camps". (depends where you spend your holidays perhaps!) but now it seems that even the inmates are succumbing to this strange mentality.Leeds Protest against 'ID cards for foreigners'
14-11-2008 14:04

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Genoa 2001: Diaz school police raid verdict
14-11-2008 14:04

Thales Protest - Monday 17th November, Stockport (Cheadle)
14-11-2008 13:44
Thales is a French defence company which has been awarded the first contract to build the National Identity Register.
Miscarriage of Justice: Who was behind the October 2002 Bali bombings?
14-11-2008 13:36

'Anomalous Wave' demo today, Rome. 100,000 expected!
14-11-2008 13:17
100.000 EXPECTED TO SHOW UPThe newspaper La Repubblica gives updates about tomorrow’s mass demonstration of students and universitarians. The headline says “The wave brings 100.000 students to the piazza”.
Stasi Scotlands politisch kriminelle “Machenschaft”
14-11-2008 12:45
The High Court has this morning refused the so-called 'Lockerbie Bomber' Abdelbaset Ali Mohmad Al Megrahi's application for interim liberation, submitted due to his declining health from incurable prostate cancer. Dr Jim Swire, the father of one of the victims, had described Megrahi's release as a question of "common humanity".Climate Change Bill - Final Showdown
14-11-2008 12:21

BNP win by-election in Boston, Lincs
14-11-2008 11:45
The British National Party has elected its first district councillor in Lincolnshire after winning a by-election in Boston, Lincolnshire.North East Working Class Bookfair Sat. November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm
14-11-2008 11:34
North East Working Class BookfairDurham Clayport Library, Millennium Place, Durham City.
Saturday November 22nd 2008, 12-4pm
Market Tavern welcomes drinkers from the bookfair
Never Mind the Ethics, Here's PRIMARK - meeting and action
14-11-2008 10:48

An action is planned for Tuesday 25th Nov when primark present at PR Week's 'Taking the Drama out of a Crisis' on how they weathered the Panorama scoop storm. Activists will be there to remind them - the crisis continues, as does the fight for a life with dignity, justice and freedom.
Sanctuary for Constant Moussavou
14-11-2008 08:11

Boycotting Israeli settlement products: tactic vs. strategy
14-11-2008 08:09

An Environmental Revolution is Required!
14-11-2008 03:47

Prosecuting Bush and Blair for Genocide (21st November)
14-11-2008 01:45
Free important public meetingMass Antifascist Demonstration in Madrid Remembering Carlos Palomino
13-11-2008 21:38

More than 2000 people demonstrated in Madrid on Tuesday 11th November in solidarity, remembrance and homage to Carlos Palomino, the antifa activist murdered exactly one year ago by a far right member of the spanish army.
Don't Bin Trees Save Them!!
13-11-2008 21:20
Urgent action needed just by writing a letter please- to stop destruction of woodlandFilm from Nahr al-Bared Camp (Lebanon): "Transitions"
13-11-2008 21:20

Free talk and discussion tomorow friday..London
13-11-2008 21:08