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Carnival Against Vivisection - Program/Newsletter

16-07-2008 23:08

For the Carnival Against Vivisection on Saturday 6th September in Ledbury against Sequani labs, a six-page program/newsletter has been produced. It also works as a four-page program for anyone who prefers printing A3 double sided.

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A tragic brief personal account from a refugee camp in South Africa

16-07-2008 19:58

I have just returned from a five months study internship in South Africa. During this period I was affiliated to a local NGO’s as a part of my studies as an International Social Worker. In May 2008, media around the world briefly reflected the extreme xenophobic violence waged against foreigners and immigrants in South Africa by impoverished South Africans. Innocent people became victims of assault in their homes and their properties looted. To rescue their lives, most sought refuge and protection at nearest local police stations.

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Wembley Tent City Occupation Resistance Continues, Wednesday 16th

16-07-2008 19:53

View of the roof occupation
Wembley teachers and local people continue their occupation today despite the threats of forced eviction and possible arrests. Local teachers and supporters are determined to resist the injunction served earlier today by council bailiffs. They argue that after more than two years of campaigning to keep the community sports grounds out of the private sector that wants to build a privatised academy school, they have now exhausted all avenues to keep one of the few remaining green areas accessible to the local community for sports training. The teachers and their local supporters also state that they are not going to give in without a fight, as the building of the planned Wembley Academy is part of Brent's council drive to privatise schools, turning education into a profit making business instead of a basic human right beyond the 'logic' of the market.

This afternoon we got a sms calling for urgent support as it was expected that bailiffs with specialised equipment and police would be arriving on site by 4pm. We set off to Wembley to show our support to one of the few examples of grass roots autonomous organising and resistance we've seen in London that escapes the usual (and expected) 'activist' scenes. As soon as we got there we realised that today's alleged eviction was yet another bluff in the 'threats and wait' game the bailiffs are playing. An earlier eviction had been set for yesterday afternoon, when around 50 local people turned up to show support. That one didn't materialise neither, and so now the protestors are expecting it at any time. They have therefore now taken permanent positions on the roofs of the building next to the sports grounds, with at least one protestor already locking on to the main mast. The protestor's claims that the sports grounds are a vital resource to the local community, was reinforced whilst we were there when a local football team turned up for their usual training.

The general feeling is that most probably the eviction will happen 'by surprise' in the early morning, and quite possibly tomorrow thursday morning, and so they maintain their call for urgent solidarity and for people to go up there and show their support.

See below some pics of the occupation today:

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Victim of torture faces deportation: Jean Pierre Gueutchue Must Stay

16-07-2008 19:38

Jean Pierre
Jean Pierre Gueutchue is currently detained at Campsfield House IRC after being arrested while signing at the Home Office in Cardiff and is due to be forcibly removed on July 21st at 8pm on Kenyan Airways Flight 101.

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Teachers against Wembley Academy prepare to resist eviction

16-07-2008 19:35

On the roof at Wembley Sports Ground
Some pictures taken around noon on Wednesday 16 July as teachers and others at 'Tent City' opposing the north Wembley Academy were preparing to resist the expected eviction attempt by Brent council.
Photographs (C) 2008, Peter Marshall. All rights reserved.

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Fannie, Freddie, Food and Fuel

16-07-2008 18:40

The financial crisis deepens with the nationalization of IndyMac and the likely bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie May by the US taxpayer. The financial crisis has company as inflation, and in particular huge increases in global food and energy prices, enters the fray.

The American economic model has been discredited and the American century has lasted but a few decades. These developments have and will further open up a new period in the struggle between capital and labor on the world stage and the US working class will have a major role to play as it re-connects with its militant traditions.

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Boris Johnson may yet take a morally fatal fall - if Wheatcroft is his guide!!!

16-07-2008 18:20

Boris Johnson's DAILY TELEGRAPH newspaper group and Conservative Party colleague Patience Wheatcroft's so-called forensic audit report into Ken Livingstone's London Development Agency [=’LDA’] is the subject of a lot of 'mainstream media' reporting and commentary today [Wednesday 16 July 2008]. I have been warning Johnson against getting involved in a lower moral standard than that I had associated with Livingstone. It is clear that Johnson is heading for a big fall on grounds of lack of morality and ethics...

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ALF Liberate Hen & Attack Circus

16-07-2008 18:15


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film showing of "Rendition" followed by a talk on Extraordinary Rendition

16-07-2008 17:35

The London Guantánamo Campaign and Brent Stop The War invite you to a FREE film showing of the film "Rendition" followed by a discussion with Andy Worthington from Reprieve about the topical issue of extraordinary rendition, the CIA-sponsored and international government-backed programme of the kidnap, transfer and torture of human beings

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Sean Kirtley's Appeal Launched

16-07-2008 16:11

From the Ledbury Report, 11th July

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Local Government Strike: Day One

16-07-2008 16:08

Local government workers in the Unison and Unite unions started a 48 hour strike against the 2.45% pay offer (a real terms pay cut given the current rate of inflation) on 16th July. There were picket lines across Nottinghamshire with a march from the Forest Recreation Ground to Old Market Square in the city centre for a rally.

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London Bombings - tube security fugitive dodges another bullet

16-07-2008 15:44

Kobi Alexander - privatised tube security - not such a clever idea
Yet again the ex-CEO of Comverse, parent company of Verint, the firm in charge of security on the London Underground, has avoided his extradition on the run in Namibia to face charges in New York over his dodgey dealing on Wall Street. The accompanying video has never been screened in the UK either at activist meetings or on TV and it provides the most up-to-date essential background on this story.

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UNISON Local Government Members Strike Over Pay

16-07-2008 15:31

UNISON members in Local Government started a national 48 hour strike on 16th July 2008 against their "final" 2.45% pay offer.

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Operation Stop The Monkey Business: Day 3

16-07-2008 15:28

Day 3 of the action alerts for the week of action against Nepal's exports of monkeys for vivisection!

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Sumac Garden Party this sunday!

16-07-2008 15:01

This Sunday will see a fabulous community garden party at the Sumac centre to raise money for Eastside Climate Action and the Camp for Climate Action. Volunteers needed!

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Call out for help at Shipley Bodge Site

16-07-2008 14:45

The people on site at the squatted farm at the Shipley Lodge Open Cast Coal mining site have put a call out for help!

They are in court on Friday (10 am Derby), and it is possible that they may be evicted at anytime after that.

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Antispe North March Against Covance & Escada in Germany

16-07-2008 14:19

On the 14th of June 2008, approximately 400 people joined together in order to protest on the 9th Antispeciesist Action North demo ( in Münster against the animal laboratory Covance and the fur trade of the Escada CORP.

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A Complete Miscarriage of Justice in Austria

16-07-2008 14:02

A Complete Miscarriage of Justice — OLG Upholds Pre-trial Confinement for Animal Rights Activists!

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Raymond James Protest after SHAC march

16-07-2008 13:38

We were passing through the city of London's square mile and decided to do a spontaneous demo...

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Email Against The Fur Trade

16-07-2008 13:32

Ever since learning about Nauticalia's sale of toys made from real fur, SARC have been urging people to take their tourism away from the shop which is right in the Heart of Portsmouth's Historic Dockyard.