UK Newswire Archive
brian haw 'walk for peace' began this morning
04-02-2008 15:03
this morning brian haw began his four-day sixty-mile walk to oxford to take part in the 'queen and country' debate at the oxford unionFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
UK government must abandon road and airport expansion
04-02-2008 14:08

Earth First! Winter Moot comes to Nottingham
04-02-2008 13:53
22nd - 24th 2008 February- Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone St, Forest FieldsJoin us for:
• Activist skill share
• A chance to share info on your own campaign
• Planning direct action on climate chaos, genetic
crop trials and megadams in Iceland
• Sharing ideas for the EF! Summer Gathering
International solidarity week with the Basque Country (February18-24)
04-02-2008 13:34

We are calling on international solidarity to mobilise (International Solidarity Week with the Basque Country, February 18-24), to denounce the denial of political and social rights, so that our country can build democratically a sovereign, proud and socialist society.
4WardEver UK launches a new service in February 2008
04-02-2008 13:14

Subscribers get their campaign listed, and can chat live and share their news to fellow campaigners and families worldwide using the chat and blog/news facilities.

Kenya and the hypocrisy of the WSF
04-02-2008 12:42
Rafael Uzcategui of El Libertario explores the inconsistencies of the WSF through the unfolding events in KenyaICC Public Forum - Birmingham - Sat 23rd Feb
04-02-2008 12:20
The next public forum of the International Communist Current will be in Birmingham on Saturday 23rd February from 2pm-5pm at the Friends of the Earth Warehouse, 54a Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH.The subject for discussion will be the deepening of the economic crisis. There will be a brief presentation based on the lead article from February issue of World Revolution 'Towards a violent acceleration of the economic crisis' followed by several hours of open discussion. All welcome.

Who Owns Ireland's Paedo-Files/ The Pope or the People?
04-02-2008 12:14
Accessing the Diocese of Dublin's secret files on paedophelia is a question with ramifications that go back to the initial colonising of the island by the Papacy. The theft of Ireland by the Papacy from the native pagans and given to the English (Henry 11) recalls the initial plantation of Ireland by the Norman/French/English Christians. While they now call themselves 'The Irish', the question as to who owns the files relating to criminal matter ('criminous clerks' and paedophiles) has raised the question as to who owns iRELAND, the Pope or the People.Meeting to organise action against racism
04-02-2008 11:17

Corruption in Finland - Finnish Chancellor of Justice to Investigate U of Helsin
04-02-2008 10:56
The Finnish Chancellor of Justice is currently investigating forpossible irregularities and discriminatory treatment after the Swedish
School of Social Science released documents relating to their decision
to reject an internationally renowned SPACEPOL expert's candidacy for a
limited track researcher position.
radical film, music and sounds in camden tonight
04-02-2008 10:54
'monday love' starts a new run at a new venue tonight, with films by oscar beard and rikkiindymedia, music from rob the rub, an iraq update presentation from hani lazim, and djs from movimientosTranscription: Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 2007
04-02-2008 04:56

On November 2 2007 David Frost made an interview with Benazir Bhutto broadcasted at Al Jazeera. The interview can be seen at: the title is Frost over the World - Benazir Bhutto - 02 Nov 07 |14:38
US political establishment lines up behind Barack Obama
04-02-2008 04:11
As the contests for the presidential nominations of the Democratic and Republican parties head into the potentially decisive primary voting on February 5, there has been a pronounced shift in favor of the campaign of Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, reflected in a surge in opinion polls, large turnouts at campaign rallies, a flood of campaign contributions, and a series of high-profile political and media endorsements.Arts Council confirms cuts
04-02-2008 04:08
In December of last year, the Arts Council of England (ACE) announced cuts to the funding of 194 organisations, effective from March of this year. Organisations were given until the middle of January to appeal against the decisions. Appeals were heard last week, and organisations have now been notified of the decisions.Royal Nazis’s to Help Celebrate Israel’s 60th Anniversary
04-02-2008 01:43
Is it surprising that the Royals would be so keen to celebrate such wanton imperialism, militarism, murder and colonialism? Its about as surprising as Harry wearing the Nazi uniformUrgent Campaign: Save Sulukule. Sign Now!
03-02-2008 23:55
The campaign to save Sulukule achieves its first important resultsThe Last Firebrand Screening In Liverpool
03-02-2008 23:42

Anti-fascist demo THIS Tuesday, 5.02, 3pm outside the Greek Tourist Organisation
03-02-2008 23:36