UK Newswire Archive
Model faxes to send to Home Office and Ethiopian Airlines re Christine Mulumba
04-07-2007 00:37
Please print out and send these faxes to Liam Byrne, Minister of State for Immigration, and Girma Wake, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines, to urge them to stop the deportation of Birmingham-based asylum seeker Christine Mulumba to DRC Congo from Heathrow via Ethiopia on Thursday 5th July...Review Article: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases
03-07-2007 23:31
The Worldwide control of humanity's economic, social and political activities is under the helm of US corporate and military power. Underlying this process are various schemes of direct and indirect military intervention. These US sponsored strategies ultmately consist in a process of global subordination.GM protester court news
03-07-2007 18:15
Two protesters were in court this morning having been arrested on Sunday during protests at the site of the UK's only GM trial - potatoes.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Expatriate UK Bangladeshis money stolen by money transfer fraudsters
03-07-2007 15:29
The East End of London is witnessing a series of tussles today between those who are demanding the restoration of the money lost by the expatriate Bangladeshis in the UK and those seeking to deny the devastating impact the theft and fraud have had on the people whose money has been stolen.Sumac work-month - get involved!
03-07-2007 15:14
The Sumac is closed for business throughout the whole of July to do some long overdue maintenance and redecoration!We are looking for anyone and everyone to get involved - whether you are highly skilled at DIY or just enthusiastic!
Imminent Crises: Threats and Opportunities
03-07-2007 15:13
Regrettably, there are all too many candidates that qualify as imminent and very serious crises. Several should be high on everyone’s agenda of concern, because they pose literal threats to human survival: the increasing likelihood of a terminal nuclear war, and environmental disaster, which may not be too far removed. However, I would like to focus on narrower issues, those that are of greatest concern in the West right now. I will be speaking primarily of the United States, which I know best, and it is the most important case because of its enormous power. But as far as I can ascertain, Europe is not very different.Crazy Paving & Flood Woes
03-07-2007 14:38
It's starting to seem normal. Storms since Friday, accompanied by frighteningly heavy showers across the UK, have caused floods, havoc and tragedy.Agrofuels - time for a reality check
03-07-2007 14:36
The rush for ‘biofuels’ is already causing serious damage. Far from being sustainable, the spread of what are more accurately called ‘agrofuels’ – liquid fuels produced from biomass grown in large-scale monocultures – is compromising biodiversity and fuelling human rights violations. The argument that these ‘biofuels’ will mitigate climate change is unproven – indeed, the destruction of rainforests, peatlands and other ecosystems to make way for agrofuel plantations will accelerate global warming.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
The media and the bombings
03-07-2007 14:28

The media coverage of the botched terrorist attacks in London and Scotland has been much as you might expect.
xs4all censors
03-07-2007 14:18

The government’s responsibility for last week’s flood disaster
03-07-2007 13:24
Last week, some of the worst floods on record hit Britain, leaving seven people dead and thousands with homes ruined by sewage and chemicals.Nafeez Ahmed speaks on the war on terror war on civil liberties
03-07-2007 12:38
Friday 13th July 7pm at Indian YMCA, 41 Fitroy Square, London W1. Near Warren st and Great Portland St underground.Hear Nafeez Ahmed, author of many books, speak about "Creating terror - a lateral view on 911, 7/7 and the war on terror.
The Rebel Historian Eric Hobsbawm
03-07-2007 12:31
If the third millenium is crafted according to the theological dogmas of market radicalism, we will fail. The price for this failure, the alternative to a transformed society, is darkness.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
William Rodriguez, Survivor of 911, speaks July 9th 7.30pm
03-07-2007 12:27
W Rodriguez Speaks July 9th 7.30pm at the Indian YMCA 41 Fitroy Square, London W1.He is the janitor of the north tower, given medals for his bravery, whose testimony along with many other survivors and firefighters, was ignored by th 911 commission. He refused to be bought off and ended up homeless.
new mori opinion poll on climate change published today
03-07-2007 12:12
new poll suggests public not convincedBeavis and Butthead in London jihad
03-07-2007 09:15
Police and securocrats know that there aren't enough real terrorists in the world, which is why they have to keep manufacturing them. This is because citizens tire of being watched by cameras, frisked and x-rayed, having their belongings searched, giving fingerprints to so-called friendly nations on entry, contemplating the myriad government databases where their details and activities are preserved, and wondering if some dour little bureaucrat is reading their email or listening to them on the phone.Activities for Activists in Cardiff this weekend (including indymedia stuff)
03-07-2007 06:43
Calling all Wales-based activists. Fancy a weekend in Cardiff?Find out about a campaign against a new military academy at St Athan.
Get involved in indymedia Wales or just come along to learn some indymedia skills.
Visit the PAD social centre for a vegan fry-up.
See the UK Subs!
A Matter of Justice or the Failure of Nations
03-07-2007 05:02
Press secretary for the Bush Whitehouse, Tony Snow, stated that Bush “has the ability to exercise his ‘own authority’ ..,” [my emphasis]. The comment was made in reference to a dispute in Congress and to presidential discretionary powers; however, what everybody is at pains to avoid is the nature of this “authority” in the US political system. Yes, the authority that is invested in the president is invested by the people through the democratic process; a president then becomes the representative voice of the people; and all things being equal – which they clearly are not – democracy continues in a healthy State! And therein lies the tale; the sickest democracy in the world today is the American ‘democracy.’