UK Newswire Archive
Coach from Birmingham to Enough Demonstration on 9th June
08-05-2007 19:00
National Demonstration: March and Rally in Trafalgar Square -40 Years of Occupation is Enough!
9th June 2007
"I hope it's your family members that die"
08-05-2007 18:06
US Representative Dana Rohrabacker to members of the European Parliament’s committee on Human rights.Queen Dines with Mafia Member
08-05-2007 17:49
Michael Sacco, President of the Seafarers International Union, and a reputed member of the Mafia is a guest at the White House State Dinner for the President.Mayday Events at the ASBO Centre 2, Nottingham Night Events
08-05-2007 17:01

Are Gangsters Forcing Child Slaves to Work Illegally in London?
08-05-2007 16:44

The accusations that international criminals involved with people smuggling and child slavery may have been behind the attacks, were made on the Indymedia UK website by readers commenting on a story about the arrest of a young lady on 27 April 2007.
Indymedia Oaxaca Info-night comes to Birmingham
08-05-2007 16:39

An IndyOaxaca compañero who is indigenous to the mixe territory of Oaxaca and an avid community radio, video and print and independent media activist with Indymedia Oaxaca is coming to talk and show films in Birmingham on Wednesday 16th May @ Rooty Frooty at Digbeth's Custard Factory from 7pm - 9pm.
Read more about the Oaxaca Uprising pages on Indymedia UKBollocks 2 Blair petition for Downing Street
08-05-2007 15:55
What a load of bollocks! - so say the Britishor as the Canadians would say...
What a crock of shite!
Lincoln bin revolt
08-05-2007 15:27
Lincoln was a rock solid Labour stronghold. The Tories captured Lincoln when they promised a return to weekly refuse collection.Deconstructing the Australian Broadcasting Commission
08-05-2007 15:20
The once public Australian broadcaster (ABC) is proving to be a brazen propaganda medium for the government. The latest overt propaganda issuing from ‘our’ ABC is clearly designed to soften public resistance to biometric and other intrusive forms of identification. Senator Stott Despoja is currently debating the uses and abuses of an identification smartcard in the Senate. With that debate in progress and unresolved we now witness BIOMETRIC ID ‘softening’ techniques by the ‘public’ broadcaster, ‘our’ ABC:Bush and Lizzie's 1776 New World Order in joke
08-05-2007 14:24
Not a single news outlet in the English language appears to have picked up on the esoteric message which flashed between George W. Bush and our very own Queen Elizabeth yesterday. And her nibbs was none too pleased at the skull and bonesman's public display of Illuminism.Nobody at the Welsh Assembly
08-05-2007 14:02

More photo's and film to follow.
Testing week for visionontv 7-13th May
08-05-2007 12:53

2nd night of riots in FRANCE
08-05-2007 12:34

G8 summit / Utrecht(NL): last bicycle caravanist finally released after over 48
08-05-2007 12:31
After a surprising and completely unwarrented arrest of around 100 bicycle activists and members of the "Gr8chaoskaravaan" western european anti G8 bike caravan on Saturday, the last arrestee was finally released last night. Arrestees report of police violence and ill arrest conditions. Legal consequences for both activists and police.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Bollocks 2 Blair: Mayday 'Whiteboard Crime'/violent assault - Formal Complaint
08-05-2007 12:17
Bollocks 2 Blair - genocide is a war crimeBollocks to the MET - mugging, assaulting and kidnapping me in front of my child.
What goes around comes around and there is gonna be hell to pay for the actions of some members of the MET!
What in God's name must the good officers of the Met think when they witness their colleagues abusing women and the law in broad daylight?
Sir Ian Blair - Bollocks to you for bringing the good officers of the Met into disrepute for your criminality! Bollocks to you!
Stop deporting gays: Dover Det' Cente- May 19
08-05-2007 11:26
A demo called linked to IDAHO- International Day Against Homophobia- May 17to highlight the plight of gay people within UK detention centres facing with deportation.
Video G8-bike-caravan Utrecht
08-05-2007 10:29
Peoples Action Net made a nice video about the anti-G8 Bicicle demonstration, of which more than 100 people got arrested saturday May 5th in Utrecht, Netherlands.Tonight G8 info and Free Film Screening of 'WE'
08-05-2007 10:19
URUNDHATI ROY in 'WE'The world politics of power, war, corporations, deception & exploitation.
With discussion & Info on this years G8