Tonight G8 info and Free Film Screening of 'WE'
IOG | 08.05.2007 10:19
The world politics of power, war, corporations, deception & exploitation.
With discussion & Info on this years G8
The world politics of power, war, corporations, deception & exploitation.
With discussion & Info on this years G8
Every second Tuesday of the month, Indymedia Cinema takes to Inn On The Green in West London to cover issues that are often hidden by the mainstream media.
8pm Start, Free Entry / Donations Welcome. Inn On The Green, 3-5 Thorpe Close, Under the Westway flyover, halfway between Ladbroke Grove & Portobello Road, London W10 5XL Nearest Tube is Ladbroke Grove on Hammersmith Buses: 295, 70, 52, 23, 7
Also showing Camcorder Guerillas 'Why Shut The G8' & the excellent Pilton Video - 'We Wont Be Fooled Again'
'WE visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror, corporate globalization, justice and the growing civil unrest.
It's witty, moving, alarming and quite a lesson in modern history.
We is almost in the style of a continuous music video. The music used sets the pace and serves as wonderful background for the words of Ms. Roy and images of humanity in the world we live all in today.
We is a completely free documentary, created and released anonymously on the internet. '
8pm Start, Free Entry / Donations Welcome. Inn On The Green, 3-5 Thorpe Close, Under the Westway flyover, halfway between Ladbroke Grove & Portobello Road, London W10 5XL Nearest Tube is Ladbroke Grove on Hammersmith Buses: 295, 70, 52, 23, 7
Also showing Camcorder Guerillas 'Why Shut The G8' & the excellent Pilton Video - 'We Wont Be Fooled Again'

'WE visualizes the words of Arundhati Roy, specifically her famous Come September speech, where she spoke on such things as the war on terror, corporate globalization, justice and the growing civil unrest.
It's witty, moving, alarming and quite a lesson in modern history.
We is almost in the style of a continuous music video. The music used sets the pace and serves as wonderful background for the words of Ms. Roy and images of humanity in the world we live all in today.
We is a completely free documentary, created and released anonymously on the internet. '