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Picket/Demo at Liverpool V Maccabi Haifa - 9th August
05-08-2006 22:17
Merseyside TUC, Liverpool TUC, Wirral TUC and Sefton TUC and theMerseyside Coalition Against the War are supporting the Friends of
Palestine Picket / demonstration at the Liverpool versus Maccabi
Haifa football match on Wednesday 9th August at Anfield and call on
trade unionists to show Israelis that we are totally opposed to
their murderous activities in Lebanon. The football game will be
shown live on Israeli television and the key may well be to bring
banners / placards to show Israeli people exactly what the views of
trade unionists and anti war campaigners are.
Understanding Tony Blair's Desperation
05-08-2006 21:54
"At best, Blair sounds like a defeated former colonialist visiting the world from his grave. At worst, we just had the opportunity to peep into the mind of a desperate war lord."Des Warren Remembered in Liverpool
05-08-2006 21:25

7 Anti war activists arrested outside Downing St
05-08-2006 19:24
Seven anti war activists were arrested at 6pm this afternoon as they lay ‘dead’ in the road outside Downing Street in a protest to demand an unconditional ceasefire in the Middle East.Social Centre Occupation Seeks to Bring Abandoned Building Back to Community Use
05-08-2006 17:41
A community and social centre in Sparkbrook, closed and designated for auction by Birmingham city council has been taken over by a local collective, with plans to put it back to community use.Poor and Elderly Die in California Heat Wave
05-08-2006 17:34
California refuses to provide air conditioners for the elderly and frail as the US spends $11 million and hour in Iraq.Public Transit Could Transform The Quality Of Life For Workers And The Environme
05-08-2006 17:19
Having destroyed it once, public transit, like health care and education, is a service that US capitalism is incapable of providing its citizens.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Sitting down outside Downing St
05-08-2006 15:14
Presently there are about 150 people sitting outside Downing St, while a pile of children's shoes is growing on the inside of the gates.Oakland Police Infiltrators Took Control Of Anti-War Group
05-08-2006 14:07

People might remember the brutal used of non-lethal weapons against anti-war protestors in Oakland, USA, in 2003, it was posted to UK IMC at the time: Non-lethal rounds shot at protesters in Oakland California and US: cops attack peace protestors with wooden bullets / concussion grenades / gas. Well now it turns out that Oakland Police Infiltrators Took Control Of Anti-War Group in a COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) style operation, read on for a repost from Indybay.
The Qana Massacre And The Risks Of Relying On Israeli Propaganda
05-08-2006 13:26
This article discusses an example of American mainstream media's uncritical bias towards Israel. In this particular instance, CNN and Paula Zahn got burned when they aired an Israeli Defense Force-provided surveillance video purporting to show Hezbollah rockets being fired in Qana on the day a nearby house was bombed, killing scores of Lebanese civilians, including many children. Subsequently, Israel announced that it had no clear proof that rockets had been fired from this location on the day of the bombing.Wikipedia Brighton page embroiled in controversy
05-08-2006 13:22
The Wikipedia page on Brighton has become embroiled in controversy following a link to a page on Brighton.Southend-on-sea critical mass
05-08-2006 13:07
Come and help make Southends (essex) critical mass bigger and better.Colombian and the Paramilitaries or How to Rebuild a Nation
05-08-2006 13:05
The paramilitaries in Colombia sewpt with any possibility of institutionality that could have been on the Colombian Soceity. How to regain that beacuse it is vilta to the future of the country.Camp for Climate Action Meeting No.2
05-08-2006 12:49
There will be a second meeting Friday 11th August at The Occupied Social Centre in Sparkbrook at 7.30pm for people interested in coming to climate camp from the West Midlands/Birmingham area.Will there be another 9/11?
05-08-2006 12:47
Robert Fisk says: "A terrible thought occurs to me - that there will be another 9/11"I think he hasn't worked out the full impact of what is likely to happen.
New Drugs Research is Just Plain Nutts!
05-08-2006 10:59
The Independent this week splashed a study (1) across the front page purporting to show the relative dangers of different drugs. The Indy claimed:“This is the first ranking based upon scientific evidence of harm to both individuals and society. It was devised by government advisers - then ignored by ministers because of its controversial findings”
The Powell Family Speaks
05-08-2006 09:55
by Alison Leslie3rd August 2006
Six police officers charged over the death of a father-of-three in their custody
have been cleared by a jury.