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Will there be another 9/11?

Lord Cerne Abbas | 05.08.2006 12:47 | Analysis

Robert Fisk says: "A terrible thought occurs to me - that there will be another 9/11"
I think he hasn't worked out the full impact of what is likely to happen.

Robert Fisk: A terrible thought occurs to me - that there will be another 9/11
And all across the Muslim world, "we" - the West, America, Israel - are fighting not nationalists but Islamists. And watching the martyrdom of Lebanon this week - its slaughtered children in Qana packed into plastic bags until the bags ran out and their corpses had to be wrapped in carpets - a terrible and daunting thought occurs to me, day by day. That there will be another 9/11. full story

The same things occured to me when Israel started bombing Lebanon, Mr Fisk, only I'm not by profession a reporter, or a politician, or even a lawyer, for that matter; I was originally planning to be a nuclear physicist until I realised what a dead-end job that would be, just making weapons to kill people, so I kinda dropped-out. Now do you know what else; I have watched with amusement as the politicians and their puppet media have fed people scare stories about "dirty bombs", but do you know that all that you require to create an atomic bomb is to simply bring enough fissile material into close enough proximity to start a chain reaction, and in the case of plutonium that is about 10Kgs, and even your elderly grandmother could easily carry 10Kgs.

So now we have the situation where Militants merge with mainstream Arabs, providing one hell of a lot of willing martyrs, who won't give a damn about the radiation hazard involved in carrying plutonium, and what do you imagine is going to happen when two such suicide bombers each carry 5Kgs of it into the centre of a city such as London, New York, Washingtom DC, or Tel-Aviv, and meet up? How long do you reckon before they do it, because they know damn well that Bush is going to nuke Iran, as soon as he gets an excuse? And actually, if it was me, I would start with New York, because those dumbfuck Yanks are still stupid enough to believe Bush's lies.

Lord Cerne Abbas
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